Page 16 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2025 NEW SAFETY | FROM Page 1 Revere High Principal Chris 4-PEAT! | FROM Page 8 • 100 Backstroke: 1st Ho, 1:20.03; 2nd Xia, 1:21.60; 3rd tore, 1:42:14. • 500 Freestyle: 1st Deronja, 5:32.81; 2nd jie Wang, 7:05.46; 3rd Zhu, 7:10.78. Following are most of the — Ian Ian — Yingyan — Tara Villa— Alden — Yin— Ivan • 400 Freestyle Relay: 1st — Ian Ian Ho, Weiqi Du, Gordon Zeng, Hailey Tran, 4:32.84; 2nd Harrington, Ivan Zhu, Alden Deronja, 4:33.76; 4th — Yinjie Wang, Danielle — Vicky Chen, Esther Mei Noche, Sofi a Evoras, Tara Villatore, 6:16.10. Revere High Patriots’ results from the Garfi eld School: • 200 Medley Relay: 2nd ola Avila, Jon Begolli, Wilson Feng, Jean Builes-Uribe, 2:26.87; 5th Adine Louin, Ron Begolli, Aiden Lopez, 3:25.93; 6th • 200 Freestyle: 4th Lopez, 3:44.37. • 50 Freestyle: 2nd — Nic— Leah Zuniga, Walid Chalg, Mouss Housny, Yassine Haari, Nasser Lafonai, 3:34.16. — Aiden • 200 Individual Medley: 4th Nicolas Avila, 4:03.05. Feng, 27.22 seconds; 4th Jon Begolli, 29:02 seconds. — Wilson — • 200 Butterfl y: 3rd Feng, 1:34.89. golli, 1:38.07. • 500 Freestyle: 4th Zuniga, 8:22.70. — Leah — • 200 Freestyle Relay: 4th — Adine Luin, Ron Begolli, Nicolas Avila, Jon Begolli, 2:23.25; 5th — • 100 Breaststroke: 3rd — Jon Begolli, 1:39.65; 5th — Ron Begolli, 2:19.75. — Aiden Lopez, Walid Chalg, Yassine Haari, Nasser Lafonai, 2:51.03. — Wilson • 100 Freestyle: 2nd Builes, 1:15.15; 5th Louin, 1:30.14; 6th — Jean — Adine — Ron BeBowen presented a chart with numbers detailing incidents of discipline. Bowen focused on suspensions, expulsions or disciplinary responses schools report to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. “We’re only halfway through the year and we are well below the past two years,” he said. “We’re well on track to be not where we were because of the response we had in the beginning of the year.” Exclusionary discipline is Malden steers Senior Night to an 89-76 win over visiting Lynn Classical By Steve Freker M aybe it was the “wakeup call” they needed. All we know is that after the Malden High Coed Swim Team lost their season opener to Medford, they have had all eyes wide open. Using another solid, team-wide eff ort, the Tornado Pool Crew won its sixth straight meet, 89-61, at the Malden High Barry Fitzpatrick Pool on January 23, topping Lynn Classical on Senior Night. Coupled with a later deadeven tie with Revere and Malden’s own regular seasonconcluding victory over Revere recently, the Tornados (7-1) won their 7th -straight meet and clinched their 4th Greater Boston League (GBL) Championship in a row. (See separate story.) Once again, senior Hailey Tran led the way for Malden, winning two individual events (200 freestyle, 100 freestyle) and swimming a fast leg on the meet-opening Malden win in the 200 Medley Relay. Tran, who will compete next weekend in the MIAA Division 1 North Sectional Meet with two of her teammates, swam a leg of the winning 200 Medley Relay along with Ian Ian Ho, Sophie Tran and senior cocaptain Gordon Zeng with a time of 2:06.78. The Malden quartet of Yinjie Wang, Kevin Lin, James Zhou and Ivan Zhu was third at 2:27.00. Following are the rest of the Malden results • 200 Freestyle: 1st Tran, 2:12.75; 3rd Pan, 2:36.16; 4th — Hailey — Brian — Danielle Harrington, 2:53.12. • 200 Individual Medley: 1st — Sophie Tran, 2:32.88; 3rd — James Zhou, 2:55.77; 4th — Yingyan Xia, 3:02.65. • 50 Freestyle: 1st Ho, 28.34 seconds; 3rd — Ian Ian — Gordon Zeng, 29.69 seconds; 4th seconds. • 100 Butterfl y: 1st — Weiqi Du, 38.25 — Alden Deronja, 1:56.03; 3rd jie Wang. • 100 Freestyle: 1st Tran, 1:01.69; 3rd Zhu 1:07.69; 4th Du, 1:09.67. — Yin— Hailey — Ivan • 500 Freestyle: 2nd yan Xia, 7:15.53; 3rd — Weiqi — Ying— Danielle Harrington, 7:17.86; 6th — Brian Pan, 7:26.88. • 200 Freestyle Relay: 2nd — Alden Deronja, Weiqi Du, Ivan Zhu, Gordon Zeng, 1:51.53; 3rd — James Zhou, Kevin Lin, Dante Federico, Brian Pan, 2:07.97. • 100 Backstroke: 1st den Deronja, 1:08.22; 3rd Ian Ian Ho, 1:15.83; 4th Yinjie Wang, 1:20.31. • 100 Breaststroke: 2nd phie Tran, 1:15.22; 5th Kevin Lin, 1:33.13; 6th Ivan Zhu, 1:33.46. — Al— — — So— — • 400 Freestyle Relay: 2nd — Hailey Tran, Gordon Zeng, Ian Ian Ho, Sophie Tran, 4:25.38; 3rd — Alden Deronja, Weiqi Du, Brian Pan, Yinjie Wang, 4:29.98; 6th — Sophia Huynh, Sarahy Escobar Ayala, Sofi a Evoras, Yingyan Xia, 5:49.91. Like us on Facebook advocate newspaper Facebook.com/Advocate.news.ma down and alternative discipline, such as mediation, is up and that, according to school offi cials, has changed the climate of the school. A comprehensive survey of students and staff that asks about individual perceptions of safety and security is also in the works. After the problems last September, an additional School Resource Offi cer (SRO) was assigned to the high school, and the Police Department’s Behavioral Health Unit was deployed. “It’s much better now than it was,” said Callahan, who added that two more officers are being trained to fi ll in and assist the SROs when needed. Going forward in 2025, two of the four SROs at the high school will return to their regWIN WASTE | FROM Page 1 WIN Waste Innovations last April began trucking ash to a company disposal site in Shrewsbury in an effort to prolong the life of the ash landfill. Company officials said 5,850 tons of ash were shipped from Saugus last month. WIN Waste continues to point to the tentative Host Community Agreement (HCA) approved by a majority of the fi ve sitting selectmen as evidence that town officials are amenable to a deal that would allow expansion of the ash landfill in return for compensation and other conditions. Saugus selectmen Jeff Cicolini and Corinne Riley at the time of the nonbinding vote said they supported the HCA as a precautionary measure in ular assignments at Revere middle schools, while two will be at the high school on a daily basis. School Superintendent Dr. Dianne Kelly said that all the school resource offi cers have vehicles and can travel all around the city. They can be there at a moment’s notice if needed, said Kelly, who praised the abilities of Revere’s SROs. “We have SROs who can meet kids where they are,” she said. Committee Treasurer Anthony Caggiano highlighted the school district’s new safety and security consultant, Guidepost. “It’s a global company with a special division just for schools,” said Caggiano. Kelly said Guidepost will audit the safety and security systems of all schools in the district. “They will look at the physical, operational and technical aspects of our school safety and security. They will tell us what security systems are working.” Kelly said Guidepost will work with the Police and Fire Departments to review safety and security plans for all school buildings, including the new high school. “It’s good to have an outside entity come in and give an honest assessment,” said Callahan. “It lets us tighten up some areas that may need adjustment.” case the state weakens environmental regulations related to the landfi ll. In fact, the HCA has no legal basis, under state law and under the Town of Saugus Charter. Furthermore, any HCA would have to be negotiated by the town manager and wouldn’t take eff ect unless the state allows the company to expand its ash landfi ll. If the state loosens the regulations at the ash landfi ll, the Board of Health would have authority to conduct site modification hearings to ultimately decide whether and how expansion of the ash landfi ll would proceed. Saugus would receive $20 million over the next 20 years while WIN Waste could continue use of the ash landfi ll, according to the hypothetical HCA supported by a majority of the selectmen.

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