THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 2022 Page 5 RHS JROTC Color Guard Make the Pros at TD Garden Gerry D’Ambrosio Attorney-at-Law Is Your Estate in Order? Do you have an update Will, Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney? If Not, Please Call for a Free Consultation. 14 Proctor Avenue, Revere (781) 284-5657 On Friday, January 21, RHS JROTC Color Guard presented colors at the TD Garden for the NBA game between the Boston Celtics and the Portland Trailblazers. Shown presenting colors were, Cadets Lee Li, Rua G., DeMelo, Imamovic and Snyder. Congratulations Patriot Battalion. ~ GUEST COMMENTARY ~ TIME TO RESTORE OUR INALIENABLE RIGHTS “Those who would give up their liberty for their security deserve neither.” —Benjamin Franklin “We are never more than a generation away from losing our liberty.” —President Ronald Reagan By Sal Giarratani C an I tell you how much I have hated the last two years with this never-ending if-the government-can-helpit-PANDEMIC? I am tired of the endless panic porn that the elites have been pushing on us. Nothing stands seemingly in its way of pounding us into fear of ourselves, fear of others and fear of fear. We have a virus that has altered our way of life. We have seen government leaders take on more and more power and liberty away from us. I don’t like this new normal of theirs. Our leaders just keep telling us to follow their orders because they have our best interests at heart. I look around and I see public education going down the tubes. Last year they kept many kids out of the classroom. For many students, they are only following behind in their learning; as for their social emotional needs, the same thing if not worse. Our economy took a major hit with lockdowns and shutdowns and the like. How many folks lost jobs and how many aren’t working today? Government keeps sending us free money to do nothing and nothing feels good, the more nothing you do. Thanks to all this we get Russian-like food shortages, soaring gasoline pump prices and Bidenfl ation. However, all these crazy liberal Democrats and uber-progressives, all they talk about is spending more and more of our money on whacko spending plans or pushing climate change and the need for fi tting our infrastructure. This past Sunday, January 23, I was over in Boston’s North End at the Prado – better known to tourists as the Paul Revere Mall – for a freedom rally hosted by Boston First Responders which was founded and led by Boston Police Officer Shana Cottone, who is fighting the vax mandate ordered by Boston Mayor Michelle Wu. Cottone and as many as 200 other citizens united against such government mandates stood their ground and together. As Ben Franklin warned back during the American Revolution, those who were willing to surrender their liberty for protection actually deserve neither. It was true when he said it and it remains true today. Most people throughout our history have been uncomfortable in raising their voices and just put up with injustice. It takes heroes willing to risk things like the freedom fi ghters back during the civil rights era when defying the law could really hurt or kill you. Back in my college years, I turned into a campus activist and writer. I marched in protest against U.S. Vietnam War policies. In 1974, after college, I continued marching in the streets over forced busing in Boston VIRUS | SEE Page 18 POST 6712 150 BENNINGTON STREET REVERE, MA 02151 TEL: 617-418-5476 OR 617-418-5011 PLEASE COME JOIN US FOR LIVE MUSIC PREFORMED BY THE “KICKING BACK” BAND FRIDAY, JANUARY 28th AT 7pm GET YOUR DANCING SHOES ON!!!!!!

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