A household word in Revere for 30 years! Vol. 31, No.4 -FREEwww.advocatenews.net City Council approves Wonderland site for new Revere High School Former councillor warns taking Wonderland could hurt city’s tax rolls By Adam Swift N ext stop, Wonderland for the new Revere High School, says the Revere City Council. Monday night the City Council followed the School Committee and School Building Committee in approving the 30-plus-acre former Wonderland dog park property as the site of a new Revere High School. The council voted 9-0 to select Wonderland as the preferred site, with Councillors-at-Large Dan Rizzo and George Rotondo absent Monday night. The vote sets in motion several next steps, including a fi ling of the site selection with the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) by March 3, a second appraisal of the site value and negotiations by the city A rendering of the proposed new Northeast Metro Tech high school facility. (Courtesy Photo) Free Every Friday 781-286-8500 Friday, January 28, 2022 New Northeast Metro Tech school construction project gets overwhelming support at polls Over 83% of voters in 12 communities back funding $317M new facility; wins in Malden, Saugus & Revere ANTHONY ZAMBUTO Former City Councillor to either purchase all the Wonderland property or the 25 acres needed for the school building project. The city will also need to hire a construction manager SCHOOL | SEE Page 16 Coppola to be honored with plaque at Louis Pasteur Park By Adam Swift L ongtime Beachmont resident Susan Coppola, who died at the age of 61 earlier this month, will be honored with a memorial plaque at the park she and her family helped take care of for years. “Two weeks ago, we lost a longtime Beachmont girl,” said Ward 1 Councillor Joanne McKenna. “Her family settled in Beachmont and she was raised in Beachmont. She happened to live next to the Louis Pasteur School, and when the Louis Pasteur School was torn down and the Louis Pasteur Park was created, her father would go every night and lock the gates of Louis Pasteur Park at night.” After Coppola’s father passed away and the park was redesigned, Coppola and her children helped maintain the park and continued to lock it up every night at dusk until her recent move to Colorado. “This is so appropriate to give her – maybe down the road a bench in her name – but right now we should put a plaque honoring her service to the city and her family’s service to the SUSAN COPPOLA MEMORIAL | SEE Page 15 The Revere Patriots’ Domenic Boudreau took center court while being introduced to the crowd last Wednesday at the RHS Fieldhouse. See page 10 for photo highlights. (Advocate photo by Mike Riley) A By Steve Freker new, state-of-the-ar t Northeast Metro Tech will become a reality in about three years, when construction on the new school is complete in Wakefi eld. Voters in the 12 sending districts, including The Advocate readership communities of Malden, Revere and Saugus, supported funding the proposed $317.4 million project in a resounding “yes” in a special election held Tuesday. Unofficial results released Tuesday night showed residents in the 12 communities authorized, by a vote of 7,486 for the project and 1,568 votes against, to go to bonding to pay the costs for the design, construction and furnishing of a new Northeast Metro Tech and athletic fi elds. Of the 12 sending districts, 11 overwhelmingly voted in favor of the project. Chelsea was the sole dissenter, as the majority of voters tallied ballots against the project. Northeast Metro Tech is located in Wakefi eld. Its sending communities include The Advocate cities of Malden, Saugus and Revere, as well as Chelsea, Melrose, North Reading, Reading, Stoneham, Wakefi eld, Winchester, Winthrop and Woburn. The balloting did feature very low turnouts, with just 2.7% of Malden residents casting votes, pretty much par for the course with an overall turnout PROJECT | SEE Page 15 Basketball Pats Boys in GBL action with Everett

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