Page 16 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 2024 By Bob Katzen If you have any questions about this week’s report, e-mail us at bob@beaconhillrollcall.com or call us at (617) 720-1562 GET A FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO MASSTERLIST – Join more than 22,000 people, from movers and shakers to political junkies and interested citizens, who start their weekday morning with MASSterList—the popular newsletter that chronicles news and informed analysis about what’s going on up on Beacon Hill, in Massachusetts politics, policy, media and influence. The stories are drawn from major news organizations as well as specialized publications. MASSterlist will be e-mailed to you FREE every Monday through Friday morning and will give you a leg up on what’s happening in the blood sport of Bay State politics. For more information and to get your free subscription, go to: https://lp.constantcontactpages. com/su/aPTLucK THE HOUSE AND SENATE: Beacon Hill Roll Call records local senators’ votes from the week of January 15-19. There were no roll calls in the House last week. BAN DECLAWING OF CATS (S 2552) Senate 39-0, approved and sent to the House a bill that would prohibit surgeries that declaw cats, tendonectomies and similar procedures except in cases of medical necessity in which a veterinarian determines that the surgery would address a condition that jeopardizes the cat’s health. Declawing a cat means amputating the first bone on each toe and tendonectomies involve cutting a tendon in each toe that controls the extension of claws. The penalty for violating this ban is $1,000 for the fi rst off ense, $1,500 for a second off ense and $2,500 for a third or subsequent off ense. In addition, veterinarians who perform a declawing Revere Housing Authority Section 8 Senior Leased Housing Coordinator Position: Primary function is competent administration of HUD’s Regulations governing the Section 8 program for applicants, voucher holders and Landlords. The          to tenants and landlords, reporting to HUD, and performance compliance. Reports to: Julissa White Director of Leased Housing Management Salary: $52,000 - $56,000 (depending on experience) Primary Responsibilities: • Critically review information provided by applicants and tenants for legitimacy, completeness and compliance with HUD program requirements and RHA Administrative Plan. • Verify, all household family members, sources and amounts of income and assets. • Work with HUD-provided reporting systems (EIV), other public agencies, private institutions and employers as appropriate. • Contact program participants as appropriate to ensure timely completion of program               • Understand key documents and publications issued by HUD and incorporate into day-to-day program administration. • Complete, issue, obtain signatures and send executed HAP contracts to landlords. • Establish monthly landlord (HAP) payments in the RHA software systems. • Serve as liaison with current and new landlords. • Assist, provide information and help resolve landlord and tenant issues relating to program participation. • Other duties as assigned.  Applicant must be organized and capable of working independently and responsibly without close supervision. This position requires the ability to research, problem solve and propose recommended solutions. Excellent oral and written communication skills, including the ability to compose professional correspondence representing the department and the agency.            Must be a high school graduate or GED recipient. Contact Information: Please submit cover letter and resume to Dean Harris, Executive Director, Revere Housing Authority, 70 Cooledge Street, Revere, MA 02151.         January 26, 2024 without it being medically necessary may be subject to disciplinary action by their licensure board. Many cat owners often declaw their pets to prevent scratches or damage to household items like rugs or furniture. However, veterinarians and the Humane Society of the U.S. have said that cats who have had their claws removed are more likely to experience paw pain, back pain, infection and the inability to use their legs properly. “Declawing is an abhorrent practice that most veterinarians view as inhumane, but it is also a procedure that is widely misunderstood and requested by owners,” said sponsor Sen. Mark Montigny (D-New Bedford). “By passing this legislation, veterinarians will no longer have to weigh the choice knowing that if they don’t provide the procedure the owner is likely to just look for someone who will.” “This is another step in my commitment to protect animals in the commonwealth,” continued Montigny. “As a state we have done far too little to punish heartless abusers and to push back against a weak court system that has too often failed to hold them accountable. There are too many people who have committed horrendous abuses to animals that have been unpunished and are walking free to continue to do harm.” “We thank the Senate for advancing this bill and again demonstrating their commitment to animal protection,” said Kara Holmquist, Director of Advocacy for the MSPCA-Angell. “Our animal hospital, Angell Animal Medical Center, has not performed declawing surgery for decades because it is not in the interest of the animal, often involves painful complications and can create lifelong behavior problems. We are grateful that this unnecessary amputation will be prohibited in the state.” (A “Yes” vote is for the bill.) Sen. Lydia Edwards Yes REPEAL ARCHAIC LAWS (S 2979) Senate 39-0, approved and sent to the House a measure that would repeal several archaic laws, still on the books in Massachusetts, which many people no longer see as criminal and/or may be unconstitutional. The bill would repeal archaic laws that intrude on an individual’s privacy regarding sexual activity by removing the statute that criminalizes sodomy, removing language that criminalizes “unnatural” acts and removing language pertaining to “common nightwalkers.” It would also establish a permanent law revision commission and leaves in place statutes prohibiting prostitution and statutes prohibiting sex with animals. “This bill sends a message that Massachusetts is a place that cares about the freedom of individuals,” said Senate sponsor Sen. Will Brownsberger (D-Belmont). “I look forward to working with my House colleagues to get this on the governor’s desk.” “Repealing homophobic and transphobic language in state law helps to build a safer and more inclusive commonwealth,” said Sen. Julian Cyr (D-Truro). “In Massachusetts, we take pride in being a welcoming state, and our laws must refl ect our values. The archaic and discriminatory language found in … the General Laws dates back to 1887 and historically was deployed to criminalize LGBTQ+ people. By removing harmful, homophobic and transphobic language from our statutes, we ensure the letter of the law promotes equity and justice for all.” “I fi led this legislation with Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa to modernize the commonwealth’s statutes to better codify the social progress that has been made and have our laws refl ect our values,” said Rep. Jay Livingstone (D-Boston) who along with Sabadosa fi led an earlier version of the bill in the House. “The law revision commission is particularly important to ensure that Massachusetts statutes do not have discriminatory laws that infringe on … civil liberties. Given the current political climate around the country, we can no longer assume that some archaic laws are not enforceable.” (A “Yes” vote is for the bill.) Sen. Lydia Edwards Yes ALSO UP ON BEACON HILL REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS (S 2550) - The Senate approved and sent to the House legislation that would require that all real estate appraisals in the Bay State be conducted by certifi ed or licensed appraisers who are subject to regulatory oversight. Supporters said that under current law, anyone—without having to meet any standards of education or experience— can perform valuations for proceedings including estate settlements, divorces, business dissolutions and litigation. An unlicensed and uncertifi ed person may prepare unsupportable valuations that expose consumers to considerable risk, and they are not subject to any regulatory oversight or accountability. “People are surprised to learn that under current Massachusetts law, anyone can conduct a real estate appraisal, even if they don’t have the appropriate education and experience,” said sponsor Sen. Cindy Creem (D-Newton). “By mandating that real estate appraisals be conducted by certifi ed and licensed professionals, we are protecting Massachusetts consumers from sham or inaccurate appraisals that can have serious fi nancial consequences.” PET CEMETERIES (H 4206) – The Agriculture Committee held a hearing on legislation that would require the owner of any property used or to be used for a pet cemetery to fi le in the Registry of Deeds a dedication restricting the property to be used only for the operation of a pet cemetery. Supporters said the bill would preserve existing pet cemeteries by preventing the construction and development on the property that is or holds out to be a pet cemetery. “Our pets hold a special place in our hearts, and the places where they are laid to rest deserve the same level of reverence and protection as any other memorial site,” said sponsor Rep. Rodney Elliott (D-Lowell). “This legislation ensures that pet cemeteries are upheld with the dignity and respect they deserve.” ADOPT A SHELTER DOG MONTH (H 2984) – The House gave initial approval to a bill designating October as Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, to increase public awareness and encourBEACON | SEE Page 19

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