Page 4 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 2025 ~ GUEST COMMENTARY ~ Ahead of the PFAS Alternatives Act 2023: Protecting the Health of Massachusetts Firefighters By Jonathan Sharp 8 Norwood St. Everett (617) 387-9810 Open Tues. - Sat. at 4:00 PM Closed Sun. & Mon. Announcing our Classic Specials Dine In Only: * FREE Salad with purchase of Entree, Tuesdays & Wednesdays * Cheese Pizza - Only $10 Catch ALL The Live Sports Action On Our Large Screen TV’s Scan & Follow Us on Facebook! S hortly after their development in the 1940s, perfl uwww.810bargrille.com oroalkyl and poly-fl uoroalkyl (PFAS) were extensively used for military purposes, as well as to manufacture consumer goods. As PFAS are heat and water-resistant, these substances also became widely used by the fi refi ghting force. However, although PFAS are highly effi cient, these chemicals are also incredibly toxic, with various studies over the years demonstrating a causal link between PFAS exposure and several human diseases, including cancer and endocrine issues. While several populations are at risk of developing these conditions due to repeated PFAS exposure, firefighters are among the groups with the highest risks. In this case, PFAS are not used only in firefighting turnout gear, but also to put out Class B chemical fires suppressed with PFAS-based aqueous fi lm-forming foam (AFFF). At present, global efforts are being carried out to replace PFAS and remove these chemicals from the environment. The PFAS Alternatives Act 2023 is part of this eff ort, aiming to provide funding for research and development of alternative solutions and train fi refi ghters in using PFAS-free equipment. However, as this Act still remains a proposal, Massachusetts is among the first two states, next to Connecticut, to issue a complete ban on these substances in fi refi ghting turnout gear and fi refi ghting foams by 2027. PFAS Health Risks to Firefighters PFAS do not naturally leave the human body and accumulate over time with repeated exposure, leading to signifi - cant health risks. As a result, no level of exposure can be considered completely safe. Subsequently, with repeated exposure and accumulation, as is the case for fi refi ghters, PFAS can cause various diseases, including thyroid, prostate and testicular cancer, endocrine disruptions, and cardiovascular issues. In fi refi ghting populations, the incidence of these conditions is reported to exceed that of the general population. This phenomenon can be explained by the high level of PFAS observed in the blood of fi refi ghters, which may be a direct result of daily wearing PFAS-based turnout gear. In this sense, a recent study conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology reports that the PFAS content in firefighting gear exceeds 2,000 micrograms of PFAS per kilogram. These levels far surpass the EPA’s safety limit of 4 parts per trillion for drinking water. Given that fi refi ghters wear this equipment daily, their exposure to PFAS is substantially higher than that of the general public or other emergency response personnel, signifi cantly increasing their health risks. PFAS Alternatives Act The PFAS Alternatives Act was introduced in 2023 and aims to minimize fi refi ghters’ exposure to PFAS and stimulate research for safer alternatives. Under the terms of the legislation, from 2024 to 2028, the federal government will allocate $25 million to fund the research, development, and testing of turnout gear free of PFAS. Additionally, $2 million annually will be used for training programs to ensure the eff ective and safe adoption of any newly developed equipment. PFAS | SEE Page 6 Subscribe to the Advocate Online! Your Local News in 6 Languages! www. advocatenews. net

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