THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 2025 Page 13 Ferguson. “Today’s sentencing demonstrates that those who exploit fi rearms laws for personal gain will be held accountable. ATF will continue to work tirelessly to disrupt these dangerous networks and uphold the integrity of lawful gun ownership.’” Daigle was a licensed fi rearms dealer doing business as Steelworks Defense Solutions in Littleton. In late 2022, Rodriguez — a previously convicted felon prohibited from possessing fi rearms — asked Grant if he would purchase a number of firearms for him. Rodriguez proposed to make the purchases through Daigle, whom Rodriguez knew to be an FLL and with whom Rodriguez had an existing relationMCAS | FROM Page 1 “MCAS results are used as a qualifi er for the John and Abigail Adams Scholarships which award free tuition to any state college, university or community college to students who score profi cient on the math or English exam and exemplary on the other,” explained Kelly. “This is an important resource for families looking for a way to pay for college.” MCAS also qualifies students for the Seal of Biliteracy, which Kelly said opens doors to scholarships and job ship. Grant knew that Rodriguez — a known Wood Avenue gang associate — was prohibited from possessing fi rearms, but agreed to purchase the fi rearms nonetheless. At some point prior to Oct. 27, 2022, Rodriguez and Daigle agreed upon the fi rearms that would be purchased and Rodriguez paid Daigle for the fi rearms. To complete the purchase and obtain the fi rearms, Rodriguez later accompanied firearms-licensee Grant to Steelworks Defense Solutions. There, Daigle presented Grant with three fi rearms intended for Rodriguez, which Rodriguez had previously selected and paid for: a Glock 23,.40 caliber pistol; a Glock 29, 10mm opportunities. Kelly also explained that while passing MCAS is no longer required to graduate, students will still need to complete required course work and demonstrate competency in three areas in order to graduate. “There’s not a huge change in what our kids in Revere have to do to graduate,” said Kelly. Students must successfully complete Integrated Math1 and Integrated Math 2, English 9 and English 10 and one of the following lab sciences: Biology, Chemistry or Physics. Students pistol; and a Glock 19X, 9mm pistol. Daigle then provided Grant with paperwork required to be maintained by an FFL, documenting the sale of the three fi rearms. This included a required Firearms Transaction Record to be completed by the buyer, in which Grant falsely claimed that he was the actual buyer of the firearms. Daigle signed the form, knowingly endorsing the false claim. Less than two weeks later, on Nov. 6, 2022, one of the fi rearms that Daigle had sold to Rodriguez was used in shooting outside of Rodriguez’s apartment. During a search of Rodriguez’s apartment, a Glock 23 pistol and the Glock 29 pistol were discovered, who have IEP’s within the excel program can earn the competency determination by successfully completing Concepts of Math 1 and Concepts of Math 2, Concepts in English 9 and Concepts in English 10 and either Concepts in Biology or Concepts in Physics. English learner students may substitute ESL1, ESL2, ESL 3, ESL4, ESL advanced 9, ESL Advanced 10, ESL Advanced 11 or ESL Advanced 12 for the English 9 and English 10 requirements, but like other students they must complete the integrated math and lab scibut only the manufacturer’s box for a Glock 19X pistol — which was later identifi ed as the fi rearm used in the Hyde Park shooting. That same fi rearm was subsequently recovered from a juvenile in New Bedford. During a search of Daigle’s residence in January 2023, multiple fi rearms were found in numerous safes, on furniture, in bedrooms, in drawers and in open areas throughout the home. An incendiary device was also located. During the search, Daigle attempted to coverup the illegal straw purchase by providing false information to law enforcement. He also stated that if anyone came to take his guns away, he would fi ght the govence requirements. According to state statistics, the MCAS graduation requirement meant roughly 700 students finished high school each year but were denied diplomas due to failing test scores. “The decision to eliminate the MCAS graduation requirement has implications for students who finished high school but didn’t receive a diploma,” said Kelly. The district will be reaching out to those students, after they receive some guidance from the state on how to move forward. ernment until he died. The fi rearms were immediately seized. Additionally, at the time of his arrest, Daigle was carrying four tactical/military style knives on his person. Grant and Rodriguez each pleaded guilty to their roles in the conspiracy. On Oct. 18, 2024, Grant was sentenced to three years of probation. Rodriguez is scheduled to be sentenced in February 2025. U.S. Attorney Levy, ATF SAC Ferguson and Boston Police Commissioner Michael Cox made the announcement. Valuable assistance in the investigation was provided by the Revere Police Department. Assistant U.S. Attorney Luke A. Goldworm of the Major Crimes Unit prosecuted the case. ENGLISH | FROM Page 3 Bencks also described the district’s world language program. As it has in the past, the district off ers classes in Spanish, French and Italian. The district now off ers Arabic 1 and will be adding Arabic 2. Also, Japanese is a popular class at City Lab. LaBollita and Bencks displayed a chart that showed 44 percent of Revere English language learners are making progress compared to the state statistic, which has 37 percent of English language learners progressing. However, Bencks said the number is deceiving because it is based on one assessment test. A second chart displayed showed close to 48 percent of Revere’s English learners achieving academic growth. Because the district is so far out ahead with multilingual education, Revere is helping craft curriculum and professional development for teachers. LaBollita did make the request for two additional elementary language coaches to facilitate classroom/teacher level support as well as possible additional ESL teachers depending on continued enrollment.

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