Page 12 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 2025 Jack Satter House Tenants’ Association installs incoming officers By Tara Vocino T he Jack Satter House/Hebrew SeniorLife Tenants’ Association Inc. installed new offi cers last Thursday night following a cocktail hour. State Representative Jeffrey Turco is shown addressing the audience. Ward 2 Councillor Ira Novoselsky thanked tenants for welcoming him during the last 47 years. Jack Meaney led the Pledge of Allegiance. During last Thursday’s installation of offi cers, Mayor Patrick Keefe congratulated the Tenants’ Association on the successful sale of their calendars. Arlene Klayman led “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Jack Satter House Executive Director Caren Silverlieb congratulated incoming Tenants’ Association President Roxanne Aeillo. Jack Satter House Executive Director Caren Silverlieb congratulated incoming Tenants’ Association Vice President Joanne Monteforte. Ward 5 Councillor Angela GuarinoSawaya thanked tenants for believing in her. Georgette Hayes and Jane Mitchell (at left) during the cocktail hour Arlene DiGregorio and Marie Loconzolo (at left) Mary MacDonald (left) and Anna Avellino Shown from left to right: State Rep. Jeff rey Turco, Tenants’ Association Vice President Joanne Monteforte, Mayor Patrick Keefe, Ward 5 Councillor Angela Guarino-Sawaya, Tenants’ Assoc. President Roxanne Aeillo and Ward 2 Councillor Ira Novoselsky. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Shown from left to right: Recording Secretary Melinda Braun, Treasurer Kathy Bennett, Financial Secretary Janice Gilman, President Roxanne Aiello and Vice President Joanne Monteforte make up the Jack Satter House Tenants’ Association leadership. Executive Director Caren Silverleib congratulated them.
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