YOUR LOCAL NEWS & SPORTS ONLINE. SCAN HERE! Vol. 35, No.3 oca Free Every Friday City Council President Silvestri and Vice President Cogliandro take oaths of office By Barbara Taormina T he City Council voted unanimously to elect Councillor-at-Large Marc Silvestri as council president and Ward 1 Councillor Joanne McKenna as council vice president for 2025. Silvestri thanked fellow councillors for their support. “We’re never going to agree on everything, but we can all agree that moving the city forward is the most important thing and we have to do that together,” said Silvestri after taking the oath of offi ce. Silvestri also gave a shout out to outgoing Council President Anthony Cogliandro. “He gave me the guts and unCOUNCIL | SEE Page 8 COUNCIL LEADERSHIP: Leading the Revere City Council in 2025, President Marc Silvestri and Vice President Joanne McKenna at the City Council Chambers on Monday evening. (Advocate photo by Tara Vocino) Lady Pats Basketball win on the road, 29-22 Michelle Kelley Councillor-At-Large By Barbara Taormina he fi rst mention of the recent arrest of a Dominican national for possession of an automatic rifl e and 10 pounds of fentanyl and cocaine at the Quality Inn emergency assisT Anthony Zambuto Councillor-at-Large tance shelter came during the public comment segment of this week’s City Council meeting. Revere Street resident Wayne Rose asked if the state needed permission to place VETTING | SEE Page 6 City Councillors mull metal detectors, security concerns at RHS By Barbara Taormina S FAST PASS: Revere’s Lea Doucette passes the ball past a Malden opponent during Greater Boston League action in Malden on Tuesday. See page 15 for photo highlights. (Advocate photo by Emily Harney) afety at Revere High School was on the City Council agenda this week. Ward 3 Councillor Anthony Cogliandro fi led a motion cosponsored by Councillors Angela Guarino-Sawaya, Robert Haas, Michelle Kelley, Joanne McKenna, Marc Silvestri and Anthony Zambuto that the mayor, the superintendent of schools and the chief of police investigate the feasibility of hiring a security company and/ or adding more school resource offi cers to Revere High School to quell problems with student fighting. The councillors also wanted a response to their request within 30 to 60 days. But Cogliandro asked that the motion be placed on fi le. “They’ve added campus supervisors who are also security and a school resource offi cer. And the police department’s behavioral health unit is also there. It looks like what’s being done is working,” said Cogliandro. Councillor-at-Large Robert Haas said it has been quiet at the high school, and he agreed with placing the motion on fi le, which was done. A second motion fi led by Cogliandro with the same group of cosponsors requested the mayor and school superintendent to explore the cost to inSECURITY | SEE Page 6 781-286-8500 Friday, January 17, 2025 City Councillors vent frustration over state’s mishandling of vetting process at local shelter
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