THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 2023 Page 13 GRANTS | FROM Page 2 ulation and under-represented communities of color,” said Steering Committee Chairperson Marcia Manong. “Our project will help reduce the City’s climate vulnerability by building green stormwater infrastructure to reduce surface fl ood risk, increasing the tree canopy by planting over 200 new trees and bushes to mitigate urban heat island effects, restoring the natural riverfront landscape, and building an elevated greenway path to serve as a fl ood barrier in the event of sea-level rise. We wish to thank all for the eff ort put forward to ensure that this community-driven project was included in the Community Project earmarks.” “Addressing the legacy of environmental racism is an important part of our response to climate change,” said Malden Mayor Gary Christenson, “and that is what we are doing with the Malden River Works project. It represents a new planning approach for Malden that focuses on elevating the voices of marginalized community members to build a climate-resilient park on the Malden River. The funding secured by our federal delegation will play an important role in the eventual success of Malden River Works.” Revere: Riverside Climate Resiliency Project ($1,977,220) The funding will alleviate current conditions and prepare the community for the impact of worsening risks of climate change and sea-level rise. It expands mitigation and adaptation eff orts in the RiverFront area in Revere. “As a community located outside the shelter of Boston Harbor we get the brunt of increasingly intense winter storms,” said Revere Mayor Brian Arrigo. “This funding will help us manage coastal fl ooding in our Riverfront neighborhood.” “The frequent fl ooding of the Riverside neighborhood due to sea level rise has reached a critical juncture,” said Revere activist Loretta LaCentra. “Our worstcase scenario has become a common event as we dread reports of upcoming fl ooding and King Tides. We need immediate attention and remediation to address the multiple fl ooding events we experience annually. We cannot wait any longer.” Everett: Gateway Park Urban Forest/Wetland Restoration ($750,000) This funding will help support the restoration of a degraded 14acre waterfront parcel of land and create a rare public open space for low-income Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) residents in the environmental justice community of Everett. This project will remove invasive plants and othRiverfront on Millis Avenue in Revere (Photo courtesy of Loretta LaCentra) 1. On Jan. 13, 1962, what song covered by Chubby Checker hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100 for the second time? 2. What does GIF stand for? 3. What U.S. president used the nickname “The Rail Splitter” in campaigning? 4. What insect creates royal jelly? Malden River Works Project Artist Rendering er debris, reconstruct a forested coastal wetland area as a habitat and for stormwater management, reforest with native trees and other perennials, install environmental education signage in a broad range of languages and construct a pedestrian boardwalk throughout the site. “For as long as I can remember, the wetlands portion of Gateway Park has been neglected and overgrown,” said Everett Mayor Carlo DeMaria. “This grant will help us restore wildlife habitat and bring residents in an environmental justice community closer to nature along the Malden River and Boston Harbor waterfront.” “Everett is in desperate need of healthy open space… We can’t wait to see Gateway Park finished,” said Josee Genty from Everett Community Growers. MyRWA: Cooling Urban Heat Islands through Enhancing Urban Forests in Greater Boston’s Mystic River Watershed ($400,000) This funding will help mitigate the dangers of climate-driven extreme heat in vulnerable environmental justice communities, including Everett, Chelsea and East Boston. The program will support the implementation of local urban forestry plans (including the planting of 750 trees), while training youths, reentry citizens and others to perform the horticulture activities needed to establish and maintain urban trees. “This funding allows us to partner with communities to cool off some of the hottest neighborhoods in our watershed that currently have very few parks, trees, or other cooling amenities,” said MyRWA Deputy Director for Projects David Queeley. “These same neighborhoods are where many low-income BIPOC residents live due to past redlining practices and crushingly high housing prices elsewhere. Helping vulnerable residents stay safe lowers hospitalization rates and medical costs. If we can help cool off the hottest streets, or even whole neighborhoods, why wouldn’t we?” Mystic River Watershed at a Glance The 76-square-mile Mystic River Watershed stretches from Reading through the northern shoreline of Boston Harbor to Revere. It is one of New England’s most urbanized watersheds. The seven-mile Mystic River and its tributaries represented an early economic engine for colonial Boston; 10 shipyards, tide-driven mills, brickyards and tanneries along both banks of the river brought both wealth and pollution. In the 1960s, the Amelia Earhart Dam transformed much of the river into a freshwater impoundment, while construction of Interstate 93 fi lled in wetlands and dramatically changed the river’s course. Since then, many former industrial sites have been cleaned up and redeveloped into new commercial areas and residential communities. The Mystic is facing growing climate-related challenges: coastal and stormwater fl ooding, extreme storms, heat, drought and unpredictable seasonal weather. The watershed is relatively low-lying and extensively developed, making it prone to both freshwater and coastal fl ooding. Its 21 municipalities are home to 600,000 residents, including many who are disproportionately vulnerable to extreme weather: environmental justice communities, new Americans, residents of color, elders, low-income residents and employees, people living with disabilities and English-language learners. 5. On Jan. 14, 1967, the Human Be-In took place in what California park? 6. What milk chocolate candy was named because the manufacturing process could not create the right shape candy? 7. What Massachusetts native became a bank president at 25, a millionaire at 30 and a motion picture tycoon? 8. Where is the 2023 Hula Bowl played? 9. On Jan. 15, 1919, the Great Molasses Flood took place in what city? 10. Do sharks have bones? 11. On Jan. 16, 2016, an astronaut tweeted a picture of the first flower grown in space; Answers what kind of grow light did it use? 12. What is arachnophobia? 13. What are the names of the three Rice Crispies cartoon mascots? 14. On Jan. 17, 1950, the Great Brink’s Robbery (called “the crime of the century”) occurred in what Boston neighborhood? 15. What fictional character wears an Invisibility Cloak? 16. What does the “T” in NATO stand for? 17. On Jan. 18, 1903, at Marconi Station in Wellfl eet, Mass., the first transatlantic radio broadcast took place – between King Edward VII and what U.S. president? 18. What is a group of lions called? 19. What soccer player won three World Cup winners medals? 20. January 19 is National Popcorn Day; what song about baseball includes mention of a popcorn snack food? AAA Service • Lockouts Trespass Towing • Roadside Service Junk Car Removal 617-387-6877 26 Garvey St., Everett MDPU 28003 ICCMC 251976 1. “The Twist” (the only single to hit number one twice) 2. Graphics Interchange Format 3. Abraham Lincoln 4. Worker honeybees 5. Golden Gate Park in San Francisco 6. Hershey’s Milk Duds 7. Joseph P. Kennedy 8. Orlando, Florida 9. Boston 10. No; they have light, cartilaginous skeletons. 11. LED 12. Fear of spiders 13. Snap, Crackle and Pop 14. The North End 15. Harry Potter 16. Treaty 17. Theodore Roosevelt 18. Pride 19. Pelé 20. “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” (Cracker Jack)

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