Page 10 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 2025 REVIEW | FROM Page 1 Crime-plagued Lee’s Trailer Park is gone; improvements begin at Winthrop Avenue site APRIL Mayor Keefe’s State of the City Address highlights progress, city’s momentum for the future Mayor Patrick Keefe delivered an uplifting State of the City Address that couldn’t help but make every resident, city employee and elected offi cial feel Revere is A fi refi ghter is shown dragging a fi re hose at the scene of a fully engulfed mobile home last year. A proposed redevelopment project at 418 Revere Beach Pkwy. will bring modern housing and transformative neighborhood improvements to an area long blighted by the dilapidated Lee’s Trailer Park. Local development fi rm Helge-Gansett plans to create a mixed-use, 250-unit residential building — providing the fi rst privately funded aff ordable housing opportunity ever in the history of Revere and contributing signifi cant fi nancial support for the creation of a community arts center in Beachmont. FEBRUARY State Rep. Giannino Chairs House of Representatives’ Informal Session MAY School Committee focuses on cell phones and attendance The School Committee tackled two issues this week that raised the question of whether Revere was returning to the old days of education. Committee member Anthony Caggiano opened a State Rep. Jessica Giannino is shown on the rostrum as she chairs an Informal Session of the House of Representatives at the State House on Feb. 15. State Rep. Donald Wong of Saugus is shown standing behind her during the session. MARCH Revere voters cast their ballots on Primary Day Voters cast their ballots at the polls on Tuesday at Revere High School for the Presidential Primary and state committees. Republican State Committee member Paul Ronukaitus, who is shown campaigning with Councillor-at-Large Anthony Zambuto, said he cast his ballot for Trump because he’s a Second Amendment supporter and he controlled the border during his term. discussion on cell phones. “Cell phones have to leave the classroom, period, end of conversation,” said Caggiano, adding that it’s impossible not to see how disruptive they are. The committee approved a cell phone policy on the right track. “Our city is on the path to greatness and I call to everyone to play a role,” said Keefe repeatedly throughout his speech. Mayor Patrick Keefe smiled at the audience during his State of the City Address at the Susan B. Anthony Middle School auditorium. (Advocate file photo) Liberty Park reopened and rededicated to Lt. John Jones Liberty Pocket Park, which is located at the intersection of Hywood Street and Breedens Lane, celebrated its grand reopening on Monday afternoon. The pocket park is within walking distance of residents, is designed by neighbors, is handicapped accessible and is for all abilities. Mayor Patrick Keefe hosted the grand opening and dedication of Lt. John Jones Memorial Park in North Revere. Lt. John Jones family members and offi cials, shown from left to right: Councillor-at-Large Robert Haas; State Representative Jessica Giannino; nephew Jayden Jones; daughter Joyanne Jones; grandsons Myles and Marcus Jones; granddaughter Sahara Jones; son J.J. Jones; daughter-in-law Michelle Jones; Open Space and Environmental Planner Elle Baker; Ward 6 Councillor Christopher Giannino; Councillorat-Large Michelle Kelley; Ward 5 Councillor Angela Guarino-Sawaya; Hanscom Air Force Base Deputy Division Chief, Force Protection Division, Lt. Colonel James Townsend; and Ward 2 Councillor/City Council Vice President Ira Novoselsky. JULY Park bench plaque honors late Beachmont resident Peggy Connolly ANTHONY CAGGIANO School Committee Member last year that does not allow cell phone use in class. JUNE Caps off to the Class of 2024 Revere High School and CityLab Innovation High School graduates Peggy Connolly was a lifelong resident, a painter and a staple in the Beachmont community. For years, Peggy would walk over to Leach Park, which was directly across the street from her house, sweep and pick up the litter. On Sunday afternoon, a bench with a plaque honoring Peggy’s life was celebrated by her family and friends — joined by Ward 1 Councillor Joanne McKenna and former Ward 1 Councillor Rita Singer. (Photos courtesy of Clr. McKenna) Suffolk Downs development “not stalled,” says HYM Developer O’Brien Sunday Globe story sets off uneasiness over new high school funding Mayor Patrick Keefe embraced his son, Patrick, as he crossed the stage during the RHS graduation exercises in June 2024. A story published in Sunday’s edition of The Boston Globe that put Suffolk Downs in the spotlight set off a citywide buzz in Revere. City Council President Anthony Cogliandro figures
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