THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, December 15, 2023 Page 19 MUSINGS | FROM PAGE 6 greeted by Editor Brickman. One day, over the intercom, Mr. Brickman requested me to come to his offi ce. I proceeded down the hallways. He always knew at a young age that my obsession was politics. I sat outside the offi ce, and his secretary eventually brought me in. Mr. Brickman was standing in the offi ce with another gentleman. Mr. Brickman asked me if I knew who this was, I looked at him and said, of course I do; you are running for President of the US. You’re the peanut farmer from Georgia, Jimmy Carter! They both broke out laughing. I shook his hand. I’m pretty sure somebody took a picture. I’ve asked Shawn (Brickman) multiple times to look for it, no luck yet. Also, there were other politicians that always came through his offi ce, another being Elliot Richardson. He asked me if I knew this gentleman the same way he asked me about Mr. Carter. I said yes, I know who you are. You are the Attorney General for Richard Nixon during the ‘Saturday Night Massacre!’ Again, they both laughed. I attribute my love of Malden history and American history to three Malden educators; Mr. Frank Adorn, Mr. Anthony Bavaro, and Mr. Tom O’Donnell. Three amazing social studies and history teachers.” • Malden Musings Pick of the Week: the steak tip dinner with rice pilaf at Fresco’s Roast Beef & Seafood! Fuhgeddaboudit!! As Peter Falk’s iconic TV character Columbo would say, “Just one more thing, sir” – who remembers happier days – Christmas shopping in Malden Square...Jordan Marsh, the Slack Shack, Baker’s, Malden Jewelry, Roli Music and Malden Music Center, Sound on Sound, Pandora’s Box, Casual Scene, Sparks, Woolworths, Lady Grace, Gilchrist, Lerner’s, Tom McCann, Moe’s Smoke Shop, Converse Smoke Shop, Headlines, Malden Army & Navy, Jerry’s Army & Navy, Kotzen’s, Boston Leader, Sparks, Chisholm’s, Hanlon’s Shoes, Liggett’s? If you do, consider yourself fortunate. Those were special days in our lives. Not soon to be forgotten. The Malden of today is an exciting and welcoming place to be living in with potential for even better days, but the generation that remembers buying blueberry muffi ns at Jordan Marsh, shoes at Louie Klane’s, school clothes at Sparks or rolling papers at Headlines? You’re old! Really old. I kid! In addition, we had the best places in the Square to “take the edge off ” and get our merry on like the Do Re Lounge, The West End Bar & Grille, Bunkie Klane’s, Jack Haney’s, the Centre Bar & Grille (later Richard’s Pub), the Horseshoe Bar & Grille and the Auld New Lounge. Memories that will remain with us forever. Postscript: I have this great Dana Brown–penned multipart article about growing up in the Ferryway Green Park area that I have been saving for the new year. It’s a fun and informative look back at a time and place in Dana’s life that I am sure you will enjoy. Stay tuned. For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.net Your Hometown News Delivered! EVERETT ADVOCATE MALDEN ADVOCATE REVERE ADVOCATE SAUGUS ADVOCATE One year subscription to The Advocate of your choice: $150 per paper in-town per year or $200 per paper out-of-town per year. Name_________________________________________ Address_______________________________________ City_______________ State_______ Zip ____________ CC# _______________________________ Exp. _____ Sec. code____ Advocate (City):___________________ Clip & Mail Coupon with Credit Card, Check or Money Order to: Advocate Newspapers Inc. PO Box 490407, Everett, MA 02149

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