Page 6 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, December 10, 2021 Malden Today Tomorrow and Yesterday – 34th Annual Hall of Fame Banquet By Peter F. Levine W hat fun we had at the Malden High School Golden Tornado Club 34th Annual Hall of Fame Banquet and Induction Ceremony! The Moose Hall was rockin’ on Saturday, November 20 with, according to reliable sources, the biggest crowd in over 10 years crowding into the venerable banquet room. Thanks to the 1973 Malden High School hockey team (and the whole DeVincentis clan), not an extra seat in the house – the hockey team out in full force due to the extraordinary eff ort of Bobby McCarthy rounding up his old teammates. Coach (Bill) McCormack was on hand for the big event. He had his loving nephews Paul and Sean Gilligan by his side all night making sure “Uncle Bill” was well taken care of. The night was a great success, in every measurable way. It helps sitting with some of the best and brightest minds in Malden: Malden Recreation Director, brother Joe; former girls’ hoops coach and MHS Principal Dana Brown, who kept us enterLaw Offices of Terrence W. Kennedy 512 Broadway, Everett • Criminal Defense • Personal Injury • Medical Malpractice Tel: (617) 387-9809 Cell: (617) 308-8178 twkennedylaw@gmail.com 8 Norwood St. Everett (617) 387-9810 HOURS: Open Daily at 4:00 PM Don’t Forget to Book your Holiday Party Early! Order your Holiday Party Platters Now! Join us begining at 4 PM for our NEW YEAR’S EVE CELEBRATION featuring Everett’s own... NEW MIKE MATARAZZO ~ www.eight10barandgrille.com ~ Members of the 1973 Malden High School Hall of Fame Hockey Team (Courtesy Photo) tained all night with his running commentary; MHS Class of 1973 baseball standout Matt “Anthony’s Older Brother” Chiccuarelli; MHS Class of 1973 basketball standout Tommy Stein; Harvey “Nat the Cat” Nadler, who has more Malden sports knowledge in his little fi ngers than most of us have in our whole body. Saw Harvey and coach Exilhomme comparing notes earlier in the night (expect a Thanksgiving Day victory after that little talk). Joe’s daughter Dorothy gave us the inside scoop on a lot of the stats behind the stats with her vast knowledge of Malden High sports. Football Head Coach Witche Exilhomme and assistant coach Wiston Jeune as well as Wiston’s charming wife rounded out this fabulous table. A few takeaways from the event before I publish a quote from the keyboard of the inimitable Dana Brown: • We had two of the finest quarterbacks in the history of Malden in attendance, Johnny Salmon from the class of ’66 and John Stanasek from the class of ’76. Both should have their own wing in the Hall. • Sad news relayed by Panama [Peter Carroll]; a Golden Tornado “titan” died this past August. Dickie Vaughan bled blue and gold and loved Malden and Malden athletics. He joins Hall of Famers Guy LoConte (1954), Billy Blais (1964) and Steve Carpenter (1975) passing away in 2021. • Panama also announced that longtime Golden Tornado supporters Bobby Sager and Dave Slaine made sizable contributions to the Golden Tornado Club. Bobby, $10,000 and David, $2,500. Thank you, gentlemen. Mensches, both of you! Great to see the whole DeVincentis family in attendance. Bobby’s daughter Kaitlyn was taking her rightful place in the Hall of Fame this night. My old friend Joe (DeVincentis) looked to be enjoying himself the most. Took a moment for me recognize old friend Donny Roach (Hall of Fame 1976). I was very happy to hear both his parents are alive and well. Two very nice people raising four beautiful children. Donny, by the way, may be the best all-around athlete during my years at the high school. He could do it all and we were very proud that he lived on Malden Street in Edgeworth during his high school years (right next door to Mr. Adorn). Steve Surette was accompanied by his little sister Paula; both looked great. He was the leader of that talented ’73 hockey team on the way to a GBL Most Valuable Player Award. His brother Dave was also on this team. Dave was no slouch either. By the way, Steve, thank you for the kind words about my column. Again, it means a lot coming from you. Dave (Slaine) flew up from Florida for the event (and boy were his arms tired – that’s a joke, son). His good pal Mike Byrne was being inducted; he had to be there. His donation of $2,500 to the Golden Tornado Club in Mike’s name was just one of the many mitzvahs Dave has done for his beloved Malden over the years – most of his good deeds, under the radar. They don’t make them like Dave Slaine any longer. Oh yeah, and for those that don’t know him, Dave was a terror on the hoop court. With those long legs and deadly jumper, he always took it easy on me back in the old Y days. He always respected his elders. Thank you, Dave, for your generosity and love of Malden. Yes, Bob Rotondi, you were missed. Where would Malden High and Malden athletics be without Malden’s Loyal Order of Moose, Henry’s Catering and specifi cally the Dorazio family – without their generous support over the many years?! Yeah, we’d be hurting. Thank you from the bottom of Malden’s heart for the benevolence the Dorazios have shown over the decades. Jeanne (Grasso) Marquardo is listed as the secretary of the Golden Tornado Club, but darn it, that isn’t even close to what she actually means to this organization. Thank you, Jeanne! Say hi to Joey and Marty for me. Mike Byrne started his classy speech by thanking his “best friend” (his wife) and his (best friend) growing up, Russell Smith. Russell passed away a few years back, but Mike and Russell’s sister Maryanne make sure that we never forget the wonderful person Russ was. Maryanne (Smitty) is a Hall of Famer herself from the class of 1978. Fun fact: Mike’s 1972 football squad were so close nine of his teammates were ushers in his wedding! All roads lead back to Dave Slaine. Mike mentioned Dave also in his acceptance speech. Dave hasn’t called Malden home for many years, but the impact and the friendships he made growing up here are for life. That’s how Malden rolls! That’s how Dave Slaine rolled! The ’73 hockey team looked genuinely happy to be there. A few are already in the Hall as individuals (Steve Surette, Steve Sideri, Joe Bogan, Bill McCormack), but for many others on the team this was their fi rst time attending a Hall of Fame banquet. It was great to catch up with old MALDEN: TODAY| SEE PAGE 15

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