Page 14 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, December 10, 2021 City of Malden hosts Patchell Park Redesign Meeting – Dec. 15 T he City of Malden invites members of the public to a virtual community meeting on the future of Patchell Park, which is located off Glen Rock Avenue near Oak Grove, on Wednesday, Dec. 15 at 6 p.m. on Zoom. Thanks to a Community Preservation Act grant and funding from City Councillors Amanda Linehan, Debbie DeMaria and Craig Spadafora, Patchell Park is undergoing a Master Plan process designed to envision future improvements to the park. The fi rst community meeting in October drew many public comments, and that input has been compiled by landscape architecture consultants at Shadley Associates. Initial design renderings incorporating that community feedback will be shown at the meeting, and residents will have an opportunity to react and give further input. This project is being led by the Friends of Oak Grove, Inc. (FOOGI) with staff support from Malden’s Offi ce of Strategic Planning and Community Development. To join the meeting, visit CityofMalden.org, where the Zoom link will be posted, and contact Councillor Linehan with any questions at alinehan@cityofmalden.org. A New trash trap installed in the Malden River new trash trap was put into place on the Malden River on November 18. Situated across the northern end of the river, this trash trap will catch and hold trash before it has a chance to fl oat farther down the Malden River and into the Mystic River. “Most trash in the ocean comes from rivers, and this trash in the rivers comes from land,” said Mystic Ambassador Sushant Bajracharya of the Mystic River Watershed Association (MyRWA). “Through this trash trap we are having an impact locally, and globally.” With an ability to store a high Register for the ZOOMmeeting HERE! Please join us for a discussion of the project and provide YOUR INPUT! the Sponsored by City ofMalden Councillor At Large, Craig Spadafora Councillor At Large, Debbie DeMaria Friends ofOak Grove, Inc. (FOOGI) Malden Community Preservation Act Fund Ward 3 City Councillor, Amanda Linehan City Seeks Resident Member for Cannabis Licensing and Enforcement Commission T he Malden City Council is reaching out to Malden residents to fi ll its resident member seat on the Cannabis Licensing and Enforcement Commission (CLEC). The fi ve-member Commission operates under the City of Malden Revised Ordinances of 1991, Section 6.49 and serves as the local licensing authority for Marijuana Establishments within the City of Malden. The CLEC shall enforce the provisions of Marijuana Establishment Licenses, including but not limited those items contained in 935 CMR 500, contained within the Special Permit and the host community agreement and any rules and regulations promulgated by the CLEC. Members of the CLEC shall not be employed by, be hired by, own or otherwise benefi t directly or indirectly from the growing, distribution or sale of Marijuana. Additional information may be found at www.cityofmalden. org/cannabis. Prospective members must be a resident of the City of Malden and have been so for the preceding two years. CLEC members serve a term of three years. The CLEC meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 5 PM in the auditorium of the Malden Senior Center, 7 Washington Street. No individual who has been convicted of a felony and/or who has been convicted of distribution of controlled substances to a minor in any jurisdiction shall be eligible for appointment. Interested parties should send a letter of interest and a resume to Lisa Cagno, Clerk of Committees at lcagno@cityofmalden.org. The deadline for accepting applications is Sunday, December 26, 2021. Inaugural Ceremonies slated for Jan. 3 M alden’s 2022 Inaugural Ceremonies will take place on Monday, January 3, at 6 p.m. at Malden High School (77 Salem St.). Members of the public are invited to witness members of the City Council and School Committee as they are sworn into office. There will also be an opportunity to recognize outgoing members who have served the community. The event is open to the public; however, it will be recorded for later viewing for those who are not comfortable attending. All attendees are required to wear facemasks in accordance with COVID-19 protocols. Saturday, Jan. 1, Solemnity of Mary Holy Day of Obligation 4 pm 10 am Sunday, Jan. 2, Epiphany 4 pm 8 am 9:30 am 11 am Friday, Dec. 31 St. Mary’s Saturday, Jan. 1 Our Lady of Grace Saturday, Jan. 1 St. Mary’s Sunday,Jan. 2 Our Lady of Grace Sunday,Jan. 2 St. Mary’s Sunday,Jan. 2 Our Lady of Grace Saturday, Dec. 25, Christmas Day 8 am 9:30 am Our Lady of Grace St. Mary’s 11 am Our Lady of Grace Please note that there will be no 4 pm Mass on that Saturday Wednesday, December 15th 2nd opportunity to at 6pm volume of trash, this trash trap is an upgrade from the trash boom that was previously in the Malden River. This improvement is part of MyRWA’s ongoing work to reduce stormwater pollution and improve water quality in the watershed. This project was funded in part by the North American Wetlands Conservation Act. Installing the trash trap in the river was no small feat. MyRWA wants to give heartfelt thanks to these generous partners and community members who donated their time and equipment to make this project possible: • Friends of the Malden River • John Preotle Jr., John Spinella, Gilmar Segura & Mike McCarthy of River’s Edge • Basil and Angelo Rigano, Victor, Jose & Jesus of Rigano’s Towing Service • Joe Sallese Jr., Carmen Mastropietro & Jamie Duplease of Joe’s Welding and Armor Door & Lock Mayor Gary Christenson was present for the installation, and he has shared his support for the Trash Free Malden and Trash Free Mystic initiatives. “Protecting water quality and improving our rivers is a team sport,” said MyRWA Executive Director Patrick Herron. “This was an incredible team committed to stopping trash in its tracks on the Malden River. I invite the community to be part of these eff orts, and also to get out and enjoy this great resource in their backyard.” To learn more about MyRWA’s eff orts to reduce trash in the Mystic River Watershed, see https://mysticriver.org/trashfree-mystic. How to help How can community members help? Please pick up trash whenever you see it on the street or in our parks. Most trash in our rivers and lakes comes from the street and is washed into the river through storm drains when it rains. Keeping trash off the streets is the best way to keep our rivers clean. Blessed Mother of the Morning Star Parish Christmas and New Year’s Schedule Friday, Dec. 24, Christmas Eve 4 pm 5:30 pm 7 pm Kreyol Family Mass St. Mary’s (bring a fl ashlight!) St. Mary’s Our Lady of Grace From our kids to yours, let’s keep Patchell Park vibrant for years to come!

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