Page 18 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, December 9, 2022 avy eniiooravvy S iorn or avvyavy vvy io iori by Jim Miller Little Known PropertyTax Relief Programs Help Seniors Save Dear Savvy Senior, I recently learned about a property-tax relief program for seniors in the county where I live. Apparently, there are hundreds of these programs across the country that many retirees, like me, are eligible for but don’t know about. What can you tell me about this? Overtaxed Eddie Dear Eddie, Great question! Residential property-tax refund and credit programs exist in nearly every state, but unfortunately few people know about them. These programs can help retirees and many other Americans by reducing their property taxes. Here’s what you should know. Rising Property Taxes Property taxes are a major source of income for local governments, but while they help fund key public services, they can be a fi nancial drain for many homeowners, especially retirees, many of whom live on fi xed incomes. According to Attom Data Solutions, a property-data provider, the average American household payed $3,785 in property taxes in 2021, but this amount varies widely depending on your state’s tax rate and your home’s estimated value. For example, New Jersey residents paid $9,476 per year on average in 2021, while West Virginia residents paid $901. To help ease this tax burden, most states off er a number of property-tax relief programs. But states aren’t always proactive in letting people know. It’s up to you, the homeowner, to fi nd out what’s available in your county or city that you may be eligible for, and to apply. Relief Programs Property tax relief programs, sometimes called exemptions, release eligible homeowners from paying some or all of their property tax obligation. How long the exemption lasts can vary depending on where you live, and the reason you’re applying for the exemption. The tax-relief process varies by county, city or state. In general, you’ll have to meet certain eligibility requirements, submit an application and provide documents that support your request. Most programs will either reduce, waive or freeze property taxes for seniors, veterans, surviving spouses, disabled and low-income residents. But there are some counties that also off er basic homestead exemptions to homeowners regardless of age or income, and others that may provide exemptions to homeowners that have recently made energy-effi cient improvements to their home. Where to Look The best way to learn about local property-tax relief programs and their eligibility requirements is to visit your county, city or state website that collects your property tax. Most of these sites also provide applications and instructions, and will allow you to apply either online, by mail or at your local tax offi ce. Another good resource for locating programs in your area is the Lincoln Institute, which has a property-tax database that lets you to browse programs across the country. To access it go to ResidentialPropertyTaxReliefPrograms.org. AARP may also be able to help through their Property TaxAide service – see PTAconsumers.aarpfoundation.org. This free program, which is available in 13 states (Arizona, Colorado, Florida–Miami Dade County, Illinois-Cook County, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York and North Carolina) and the District of Columbia helps eligible homeowners and renters apply for relief. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. Hearts, Hugs & Hope: An Alzheimer’s Support Group at Forestdale Park Senior Living D ecember 17, 2022, 5:00 pm, at Forestdale Park Assisted Living and Memory Care Community, 341 Forest Street, Malden. Our support group is now meeting in person at Forestdale Park! Dealing with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia isn't easy, so it is helpful to share your concerns and personal experiences with others who completely understand what you're going through. You will also learn about proven strategies to help you better care for your family member. This month we will watch a presentation by Diana Waugh on “How to Talk to Someone with Dementia” followed by discussion. Learn about the correlation between communication and behavior, and how to prevent or de-escalate challenging behaviors. RSVP to 781-333-8903 or reception@forestdalepark.com. Caregivers invited! Forestdale Park Senior Living is a project of the nonprofi t Volunteers of America Massachusetts, which has supported local seniors with specialized services for over 75 years. City presents ‘Celebrating Winter Wonders’ at Malden City Hall on Dec. 18 T he City of Malden and Malden Reads will be presenting “Celebrating Winter Wonders” at City Hall on Sunday, December 18, from 10:00 a.m.– noon. Many activities will be presented to families with children of preschool age through 9 years old. The Mayor and Community Representatives will read stories in Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, Haitian Cre- LEGAL NOTICE - NOTICE OF ACTIVITY AND USE LIMITATION 129 COMMERCIAL STREET MALDEN, MASSACHUSETTS MASSDEP RELEASE TRACKING NUMBER 3-0362 A release of oil and/or hazardous materials has occurred at this location, which is a disposal site as Defined by M.G.L. c 21E, § 2 and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, 310 CMR 40.0000. On December 1, 2022, Massachusetts Electric Company d/b/a National Grid recorded with the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds and with the Land Registration Office of the Middlesex South Registry District a NOTICE OF ACTIVITY AND USE LIMITATION on the disposal site, pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1070 THROUGH 40.1080. The NOTICE OF ACTIVITY AND USE LIMITATION will limit the following site activities and uses on the above property: ♦ Use of the Property as a residence, school (with the exception of adult education), recreational area, daycare or child care center, or nursery, or other uses of the Site that could result in a child’s ingestion of existing soils during high frequency or high intensity activities as defined by the MCP. ♦ The use of the Property for growing fruits or vegetables intended for human consumption other than in raised containers or beds isolated from the underlying soil. ♦ Any planned (non-emergency) activities and/or uses which involve excavation or disturbance of, or direct contact with the soil and groundwater, other than subsurface explorations for environmental assessment or geotechnical purposes, routine landscaping, or non-intrusive maintenance of pavement or hardscapes, unless such activities and/or uses are conducted in accordance with the MCP, a Health and Safety Plan, and a Soil Management Plan (SMP). ♦ Changes in future use or redevelopment of the property that involve the placement of future structures intended for continuous human occupancy without the evaluation of potential vapor intrusion scenarios by a Licensed Site Professional (LSP) and/ or the implementation of a vapor intrusion barrier and/or mitigation system under the oversight of an LSP. ♦ Relocation of soil currently located at depths of greater than 2 feet below existing ground surface or building slab elevations to shallower depths. Any person interested in obtaining additional information about the NOTICE OF ACTIVITY AND USE LIMITATION may contact Aaron Townsley, National Grid, 40 Sylvan Road, Waltham, Massachusetts, (781) 906-3985. The NOTICE OF ACTIVITY AND USE LIMITATION and the disposal site file can be viewed at the MassDEP website using Release Tracking Number (RTN) 3-0362 at https://eeaonline.eea.state.ma.us/portal#!/search/wastesite or at the MassDEP Northeast Regional Office, 150 Presidential Way, Woburn, MA, 01801, telephone number 978-694-3200. December 09, 2022 ole, French and English. Games and arts & crafts will be available, and Santa Claus will be giving each child a book. In addition, a Kwanzaa presentation will be available.

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