Page 10 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, December 9, 2022 CONFERENCE | FROM PAGE 1 and judging from the attendance and the atmosphere, it was a big success. "It was a great night for Malden High School and its families," said MHS sixth-year Principal Chris Mastrangelo. "We had a tremendous turnout of parents, caregivers and other family members and the atmosphere was very positive." The evening was held from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. with educators’ groups together by subject taught in the two cafeteGerry D’Ambrosio Attorney-at-Law Is Your Estate in Order? Do you have an update Will, Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney? If Not, Please Call for a Free Consultation. 14 Proctor Avenue, Revere (781) 284-5657 Dan 1972 R.Y.O. TUBES ON SALE CIGAR SMOKER’S DELIGHT! 15 Handmade Cigars - Long Leaf Filler - Four Year Old Tobacco Wrapped including a Cohiba $43.95 HOLIDAY SPECIALS NOW IS THE TIME - THIS IS THE PLACE! TOBACCO ---------ASHTONS ARTURO FUENTE PADRON PERDOMO & OTHER MAJOR BRANDS PRICED RIGHT! HOLIDAY HUMIDOR SPECIAL 25 CIGAR CAP - ASHTRAY CIGAR CUTTER - LEATHER POCKET CIGAR HOLDER - Hygrometer - Humidifier Reg. Priced: $149.95 / HOLIDAY PRICE $99.95 A.B.C. CIGAR 170 REVERE ST., REVERE (781) 289-4959 STORE HOURS: Monday - Saturday: 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM Sunday & Holidays: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Social Studies teacher and Head Football Coach Witche Exilhomme meets with a caregiver and student. The Class of 2024 held a successful Bake Sale in conjunction with Parent/Caregiver-Teacher Night. educators," Mastrangelo said. "We held virtual parent-teacher conferences the past two years, which were successful, but there is nothing like the personal touch of meeting those who educate your child, face-to-face." It was estimated that several hundred parents and caregivers were in attendance that night. In another homegrown touch, the members of MHS Junior Class of 2024 held a well-reOur 50th Anniversary Chris 2022 MHS educator Josh Sellers and a caregiver meet. ceived Bake Sale and coffee station at the event. "We have been able to restore many of the practices and events that were affected by the pandemic and we feel this was one of the more important ones," Mastrangelo said. "It is still the best way for parents and caregivers to get first-hand information from educators and MHS Principal C hris Mastrangelo and Special Education Coordinator Liz Smith during the ParentTeacher Night.(All photos by Steve Freker) for educators to get to know the caregivers." More parent-teacher conferences are planned at Malden High School and at the other Malden schools later this school year. Dates and times are available on Malden Public Schools website: www.maldenps.org. rias. All Malden High School administrators, including Mastrangelo and the four House Principals, as well as all of the guidance and adjustment counselors were on hand to meet with the parents and caregivers, answer questions about their students' academic progress and discuss their grades. Report cards for the First Quarter grading period were recently distributed at Malden High School and districtwide. "It was a very productive evening for all who participated, both parents, caregivers and our MHS educator Nadege Sully in between meetings at ParentTeacher Night. MHS educator Arielle McCoy, center and Ashley Freeman, right, meet with parents and caregivers.

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