THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 19, 2021 Page 7 I would miss Sunday dinner, but Pa had many sayings that helped make the distance a little more bearable. He would often remind me that ‘distance only makes the heart grow fonder’ – although it didn’t always make missing everyone easier. After spending so much time together, he would often refer to us as ‘heartzaga’ (not sure of the spelling), which means ‘two hearts beat as one.’ These last few years, Pa spoke very lovingly about my mother. He would often compare her to Noni, which was the highest compliment he could ever give. Pa spoke often of his father, a man he loved and respected. When Pa was a young man, he remembers his father reading obituaries, and whenever he would see a Jewish person had passed he would say ‘Zulick, we lost a friend today.’ “Well, Zulick, we lost a friend today.” It is said in Malden today, tomorrow and yesterday... • The City of Malden’s very own Energizer Bunny, Strategy and Business Development Offi cer Kevin Duff y, is at it again, Maldonians. He’s all in for December 4 when he throws yet another of those fabulous parties in Malden Square. This time it’s called the City of Malden Winter Festival and will follow the same script as his popular summer festivals this past summer. On Saturday, December 4, from 12 to 4 p.m., Kevin has lined up artists and artisan gifts, circus performers (can we still call them “circus performers?” – just kidding), and there will be a tree lighting with fun for kids of all ages. I reached out to the Duff for a comment once I heard the good news. Never at a loss for words – you go, Kevin: “The Winter Festival will be a treat. With holiday shopping and amazing performances, this outdoor event will help the community celebrate the holidays together while also supporting our downtown businesses.” Save a hot chocolate for me, Kevin. • Bravo to longtime Maldonian Kevin Larson for the donation of 800 pairs of socks to the Warming Center in his late brother Eddie’s name. Kevin wears his heart on his sleeve when it comes to his love for his brother Eddie and the city of Malden. Thank you, Kevin. • Anybody else read Richard Umbro’s article titled “A Soldier of Misfortune” in last week’s Malden Advocate? Beautifully written, heartfelt piece on the most “unluckiest kid” during World War II, Eddie Slovic. If you missed the print edition, read it online. • I commemorate the passing in 1959 (Oct. 14) of the greatest actor of his generation (and of all time) – Errol Flynn. In his memory I give you my favorite Errol quip: “The public has always expected me to be a playboy, and a decent chap never lets his public down.” Ward 5 School Committee dude Adam Weldai ran unopposed, but I still want to take a moment to congratulate this wonderful young man. I had a conversation with him years ago at Pisa Pizza after he successfully ran for the fi rst time. I mentioned to him that he would have my complete and enthusiastic support if ever he decided to run for higher offi ce. That off er still stands. I will admit that it was very encouraging to see all the new blood running for office this year. Seems to have added some much-needed energy and interest in this year’s proceedings. This was not your grandfather’s November 2 in Malden. “This is the end, beautiful friend, this is the end, my only friend, the end” – thank you, by the way, to everybody who has been so kind – sending along condolences on the passing of the living legend himself, my father, Jerry Levine. Joe, Frank, Barbara, David and I will never forget the kind words and the wonderful memories of our father that you shared with us. So many wonderful memories, so many great times. Dennis (Damiano) might have summed it up best, though. The Damianos and Levines go back to the beginning of time and still do. Dennis and my father had a special bond. “We’ll never see another man like your father; he was a man’s man Peter.” Thank you, Dennis. Thank you to all. 8 Norwood St. Everett (617) 387-9810 HOURS: Open Daily at 4:00 PM Don’t Forget to Book your Holiday Party Early! Order your Holiday Party Platters Now! BAKED HADDOCK Friday Special GRILLED RIB EYE Saturday Special Includes 2 Sides Includes 2 Sides ~ www.eight10barandgrille.com ~ Now you can enroll in a health plan with Medicare’s highest quality rating: CCA Senior Care Options. Awarded 5 Stars by Medicare for CCA Senior Care Options in 2022 Commonwealth Care Alliance® is dedicated to helping people with chronic illnesses and disabilities live safely and independently in their own homes and communities. Over 70% of the members in our CCA Senior Care Options plan are nursing home certifiable, but continue living well at home with our care and support. That’s what we call uncommon care.® & Medicaid Services awarded CCA Senior Care Options five stars – their top quality rating – for 2022.* To learn more about CCA Senior Care Options, visit ccama.org/sco or call: 866-ASK-1CCA (TTY 711) 866-275-1222 And that’s one reason why the Centers for Medicare Oct 1-Mar 31: 8 am-8 pm, 7 days a week Apr 1-Sep 30: 8 am-8 pm Mon-Fri, 8 am-6 pm Sat-Sun *Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system. H2225_22_062_M © 2021 Commonwealth Care Alliance

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