Page 20 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 18, 2022 OBITUARIES | FROM PAGE 18 the High Pointe Hospice House in Haverhill, MA on Sunday evening, November 13, 2022. She was 71 years old. Born in Somerville, Massachu1. On Nov. 18, 1963, the first of what type of telephone debuted? 2. Reportedly, what are the two states that have offi cial state donuts? 3. On Nov. 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln gave a speech at what battlefi eld? 4. Why did Thomas Jeff erson refuse to proclaim Thanksgiving a national holiday? 5. On Nov. 20, 1942, what highway through the Yukon, British Columbia and Alaska offi cially opened? 6. The Wampanoag reportedly brought fi ve of what animal to the fi rst Thanksgiving in Plymouth? 7. According to Guinness World Records, as of September 2005, the largest gathering of people with the same fi rst and last name (164) happened on the set of a NYC TV show; what is the show’s star’s name that they all also had? 8. What city has the oldest Thanksgiving Day parade: Chicago, NYC or Philadelphia? 9. November 21 is National Stuffi ng Day; was stuffi ng served at the fi rst Thanksgiving in Plymouth? 10. The fi rst World War II poster to include some variation of “Loose Lips Sink Ships” was made by the Seagram Distillers Corp. for posting where? 11. How are fruit, horse and midge similar? 12. According to Guinness World Records, in March 2022, Funerex Africa put on a parade of what that broke a record for length? 13. On Nov. 22, 1995, what fi rst feature-length fi lm made solely by using computer-generated imagery was released? 14. According to Edward Winslow, writing in a December 1621 letter, at Thanksgiving the pilgrims “entertained and feasted” Massasoit and how many Indian men: 10, 36 or 90? 15. What are known as the “Big Five” (or GAFAM) U.S. tech companies? (GAFAM has their names’ fi rst initials.) 16. On Nov. 23, 1814, Elbridge Gerry died, who was a former Mass. governor and U.S. VP; what is he the namesake of? 17. Peregrine White was the fi rst known English child of the pilgrims in America; where was he born? 18. Which is the world’s largest mammal: blue whale, elephant or polar bear? 19. In the 1880s in what state did chili stands with “chili queens” become popular? 20. On Nov. 24, 1877, what book about a horse by Anna Sewell, who had diffi culty standing and walking, was published? ANSWERS SKATING CENTER www.Roller-World.com 781-231-1111 HELP WANTED Earn $16. 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Virginia is survived by her loving daughters; Rosalie M. and her husband Guy Mirabella of Reading, MA, Veronica C. and her husband Brendan Richards of York, ME, Victoria C. Szmyt of Lowell, MA and Jacqueline F. Szmyt of Randolph, MA. Siblings; sister-in-law, Brenda Catucci of York, ME, wife of the late Pasquale Catucci, John and his wife Patricia Catucci of Malden, MA and Louis and his wife Darcy Catucci of Peabody, MA. Grandchildren; Christian, Matteo, Angela, Gianna and Louis. Great-grandchildren; Natalia and Alessandra. Family Kin; Marilyn Glover of Malden, MA and many nieces and nephews. Friday, November 18, 2022, Virginia’s wake and Mass will be held at St. Robert Bellarmine Church, 198 Haggetts Pond Road, Andover, MA. The wake will be held from 9 to 11 AM, followed by her Funeral Mass at 11 AM. Interment will be in the Holy Cross Cemetery in Malden. Donations in Virginia’s memory may be made to the High Pointe Hospice House, 360 North Avenue, Haverhill, MA 01930. For additional information, please visit, www.burkemagliozzi.com. 1. Push-button 2. Louisiana and Massachusetts (beignet and Boston cream, respectively) 3. Gettysburg 4. Because he believed in the First Amendment and the separation of church and state 5. The Alaska Highway 6. Deer 7. Martha Stewart (Reportedly, recently in Tokyo, 178 people with the same name met up, breaking the record.) 8. Philadelphia (the 1920 Gimbel Brothers Department Store Parade) 9. No evidence has been found. 10. In bars 11. They are types of fl ies. 12. Hearses (122) 13. “Toy Story” 14. 90 15. Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft 16. Gerrymandering 17. On the Mayfl ower in Provincetown, Mass. 18. Blue whale 19. Texas (The World’s Fair in Chicago in 1893 featured chili at its San Antonio Chili Stand.) 20. “Black Beauty”

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