Maldden alld a Vol. 30, No. 44 den AADD -FREECelebrating 30 Years as Malden's Local Newspaper! CTE OCAT AT www.advocatenews.net MALDEN ELECTION: Spadafora tops City Council ticket Simonelli returning to City Council, joining newcomers Hayes, McDonald; Crowe, Linehan, O’Malley, Murphy and Sica hold off challengers; Winslow wins in Ward 6 Published Every Friday 617-387-2200 E Friday, November 5, 2021 Malden Chamber’s 17th Downtown Trick-Or-Treat WELCOME BACK: Newly elected Ward 7 Councillor Chris Simonelli is shown with his friend Kelly Gibbs following his Election Day victory on Tuesday evening. (Advocate photo by Tara Vocino) SEE STORY ON PAGE 8 Shown, from left, taking part in the Malden Chamber of Commerce’s 17th annual trick-or-treat in Malden Square were Malden Addiction Recovery Resource Specialist Paul Hammersley, Malden Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Joan Ford Mongeau, Mayor Gary Christenson – as “Vax Man” – and Gina, a stilt walker and owner of Aerialicious Entertainment. See page 13 for photo highlights. (Courtesy/Malden Chamber) ‘Joy’ of biking: Malden High students are bonding through new curriculum addition MHS ‘Flex Block’ curriculum addition already helping students build new relationships, foster goodwill By Steve Freker he three freshmen had never met before they arrived at their new school in September. Like all ninth-graders, they had a lot to take in, going from top of the heap middle school kids to fi rst-year students in a freshman class of over 450. Who knew that high school newcomers Deric Tse, Gabriel Garcia and Slade Harding would have even more in common? When Malden High School T Principal Chris Mastrangelo and his MHS administrative team and faculty teamed up to introduce a state-of-the-art curriculum enhancement called “Flex Block” for the 2021-22 academic year, they must have had students like Deric, Gabriel and Slade in mind. The Flex Block is split into two separate, 40-minute sessions of varied academic pursuits, one titled “Enrichment,” the other “Joy.” The Flex Block runs in three-week cycles, is built into the class schedules on alternating days and is assigned to each of Malden High’s 1,800-plus students entirely by choice. Enrichment is closer to the traditional “nuts and bolts” of academia, with session off erings surrounded by coursework and academic support. “Joy” is, well, just as it sounds: Students selecting something they either already love to do... or would like to try. So what brings Deric, GaBIKING | SEE PAGE 6 Shown, from left, are Malden High School students Kevin Pham, Slade Harding, Jason Chen and Gabriel Garcia getting ready for another ride as part of the Flex Block Biking Club. (Courtesy Photo/Malden High School)

Page 2 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 SABATINO INSURANCE AGENCY Call for a Quote 617-387-7466 Or email Rocco@sabatino-ins.com We cover: * Auto * Home * Boat * Renter * Condo * Life * Multi-Policy Discounts * Commercial 10% Discounts * Registry Service Also Available O House ARPA bill invests $3.82B to improve equity, inclusion and resilient development throughout Commonwealth n November 2, 2021, the House of Representatives http://www.sabatino-ins.com SABATINO 564 Broadway Everett, MA 02149 617-387-7466 Hours of Operation are: Mondays - Fridays 9am to 5pm Saturdays by appointment only voted 159-0 to pass An Act relative to immediate COVID-19 recovery needs (H.4219), which is a $3.82 billion spending package that draws from last year’s surplus state tax revenues and over half of the Commonwealth’s COVID-19 relief funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Investments made in the bill address dire needs and funding gaps exacerbated by the pandemic and aim to pave the way for a smoother, more equitable recovery by supporting crucial housing, economic development, workforce development, health infrastructure, human services and education projects. On November 3, the Massachusetts Senate referred the bill to its Committee on Ways and Means, which on November 3 recommended passage with an amendment. of an accessible city archive in Malden • $100,000 for improving the Malden Library’s online services and equipment • $250,000 for Bread of Life to expand food security and homeless assistance services • $75,000 for a feasibility study on the establishment of a new fire station in eastern Malden • $50,000 for the repairs to Steven Ultrino State Representative The final version of the House bill included: • $78 million supporting food insecurity infrastructure grants • $350 million toward environmental and climate change mitigation, including grants for resiliency infrastructure, water and sewer projects, and more • $500 million dedicated to the Unemployment Trust Fund to offset employer assessments • $600 million for housing initiatives, including housing production, public housing rehabilitation and supportive housing • $765 million for health and human services • $265 million for education, including $100 million in grants to improve Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems in public schools While the House’s spending proposal addresses evident needs across all communities in the Commonwealth, legislators also ensured the bill incorporated significant targeted investments into local programs and projects. This bill prioritized the needs of communities that have been disproportionally impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and focused on safeguarding the well-being of the most vulnerable populations in the Commonwealth. The Malden delegation in the House – State Representatives Steven Ultrino, Paul Donato and Kate Lipper-Garabedian – have secured $700,000 in funding for Malden as part of the spending package. Several local initiatives and organizations are funded in the bill: • $100,000 for urban and community forestry greening in Malden • $125,000 for the creation the Town Line Brook floodgates between Revere and Malden (in partnership with State Representative Jessica Giannino) “Every dollar allocated in this legislation has the potential to transform our community and directly impact the lives of Maldonians. I am pleased to see these funds allocated to address urgent needs like food and housing security, and improved healthcare infrastructure across the Commonwealth, but also right here in Malden,” said Ultrino. “I'm grateful to Speaker Mariano and my colleagues, as well as the advocates and community leaders who helped shape this process, for their hard work to tailor spending of these funds to the needs of the Commonwealth’s most vulnerable communities.” “It was my pleasure working with my colleagues to secure vital ARPA funding for the city of Malden. This bill will help to establish an accessible city archive, expand food security for Homeless Assistance services, advance the process of establishing a new fire station in East Malden, and much more,” said Donato. “As we come out of a pandemic that has hurt so many across the commonwealth, this funding will be important in making Malden an ever-increasingly prosperous city for its amazing citizens.” “House Bill 4219 is attuned to both broad and discrete challenges and opportunities in the Commonwealth. It invests once-in-a-lifetime funds into programs and resources that serve our constituents, particularly those most impacted by COVID-19. I further thank my House colleagues for supporting the inclusion of multiple important investments for Malden City departments and Bread of Life,” said Lipper-Garabedian, who delivered her inaugural speech on the House floor in support of the bill.

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 Page 3 Rep. Paul Donato celebrates 80 years Public forum on lead contamination – Nov. 20 T he NAACP Mystic Valley Area Branch and Clean Water Fund are sponsoring a public forum on Saturday, November 20 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Malden City Hall. This informative program is free and open to the public and is an opportunity to learn more about what can be done to remove lead from our drinking water supply. There is no safe level of lead in drinking water or in the human body. Please attend to learn more about lead in drinking water, why it is a racial justice issue and what you can do in your community to solve it! Lead contamination has an effect across a variety of contexts: lead paint, lead in water, and more. A new and exciting measure is the development of lead-free plumbing standards, which are in the process of being implemented. Although progress has been made, lead in the water is still a crucial issue. All are invited to attend in person or may register on Zoom at bit.ly/noleadinwater for a link to online/hybrid access. For more information, email vincedixo99@yahoo.com. Mayor Gary Christenson presented a citation to State Representative Paul Donato in recognition of his 80th birthday. (Photo Courtesy of the City of Malden) M ayor Gary Christenson invited State Representative Paul Donato to City Hall and surprised him with a citation in recognition of his 80th birthday. As the Representative is tireless and is often in Malden, the Mayor and his staff were surprised to learn of this milestone birthday. Representative Donato, who is from Medford, represents the 35th Middlesex District in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. He previously served as a member of the Medford School Committee from 1972 to 1975 and the City Council from 1976 to 1985 and again from 1996 to 2000. While serving on the City Council, Donato also served as Deputy Mayor from 1978 to 1979, Mayor from 1980 to 1985 and City Council President from 1999 to 2000. “Over the years I have tremendously enjoyed working with Representative Donato,” said Christenson. “I just need to learn his secret to staying so young.” Malden’s Veterans Day Parade returns Nov. 11 Following a Memorial Service at 9 a.m., Malden’s Veterans Day Parade will return this year with a kickoff at 10 a.m. on Thursday, November 11 at the Malden American Legion Post 69 at 75 Meridian St. This year’s parade route will differ from those in previous years. Parade participants will form up on Meridian Street heading onto Wigglesworth Street. The parade will proceed from Wigglesworth Street onto Main Street and will continue north turning left onto Pleasant Street. The parade will end at City Hall Plaza with a performance in honor of this year’s Grand Marshal, Cornelius “Connie” Murphy, who has served as Post Chaplain at Malden’s Post 69 American Legion. For further information about the parade or to participate, please call the Malden Department of Veterans’ Services at 781-397-7139 or email kjarvis@ cityofmalden.org. All groups are advised to call the Department of Veterans’ Services to confirm that they will be participating in the parade and to provide the name of a point of contact and telephone number for the group. Craig Spadafora Councillor-At-Large Thank You! Today, I am honored and excited that the residents of Malden gave their approval on the direction our city is taking. I could not be more proud of the many accomplishments we’ve achieved - together - over the years, and now that work continues on! (Pol. Adv.)

Page 4 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 Malden Today, Tomorrow and Yesterday – Mikeneil Paul H By Peter F. Levine Gerry D’Ambrosio Attorney-at-Law Is Your Estate in Order? Do you have an update Will, Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney? If Not, Please Call for a Free Consultation. 14 Proctor Avenue, Revere (781) 284-5657 e’s a bright young man with star potential. We became acquainted just recently, but I feel I can confidently call him, friend. He is Senior Community Center Coordinator for the City of Malden, and his name is Mikeneil Paul. Twenty questions to Mr. Paul, for your reading pleasure: 1. My full name is…Mikeneil Jho-Alix Paul. 2. I am currently…the Senior Center Program Coordinator. 3. I am saving up…to invest. 4. My homes are in…New Bedford and HAITI. 5. I love people who…are respectful. 6. Something I say a lot is… “do you understand what I mean” because I don’t know if what I want/intend to say is what you receive. 7. I consider myself…to be very outgoing and direct. 8. I need to have…space and need to feel comfortable. 9. My favorite movie of all time is…Ride Along. 10. My all-time role model is… www.eight10barandgrille.com We Have Reopened for Dine-In and Outside Seating every day beginning at 4 PM my father. 11. I respect people who… put their money where their mouth is. 12. The best thing anyone has ever said to me is…“the only person you need to be competing with is yourself.” 13. I am happy when…people around me are happy. 14. I find it funny/hilarious when…people care too much about what other people think about them. 15. I am named after…my parents. 16. I have no kids. 17. The farthest I’ve ever been WE'RE OPEN! 8 Norwood Street, Everett (617) 387-9810 STAY SAFE! from home is…Canada. 18. My special talents are… singing and playing the guitar. 19. I have no pets. Mikeneil Paul 20. I played sports as a youngster at…my high school soccer field. It is said in Malden today, tomorrow and yesterday... Gary Campsmith is now running one-on-ones with Rod “Puggy” Forbes and Peter Plachowicz at the Amerige Park in the sky. There will not be another character quite like Gary Campsmith in this lifetime or any other. Looking up the word charisma in the dictionary – yes, that is Gary’s picture included with the definition. FYI: The top three Malden High School graduating classes of the 1970′s were the Class of ’75 (Russ Garland’s class) with 710 pupils, the Class of ’73 (Bob McCarthy’s class) with 669 and the Class of ’78 (Johnny Meho’s class) with 663. A great memory related by birthday gal Marie Bionelli about when she worked at the Howard Johnson in Medford (Wellington Circle) in her teens: One late night she remembers being surprised when Jackie Gleason came in and sat down at her table. The “Great One” was in town visiting Frankie “Crazy Guggenheim” Fontaine, who lived in nearby Winchester. So sad to hear the news of “The Flame and Fury of Fleet Street” Tony DeMarco’s passing. Such a wonderful and humble gentleman. Tony won the welterweight championship of the world at the old Boston Garden back in 1955. The North End remembers that night till this very day. Oh, what a night! Tony had many friends in New England with deep roots in the North End of Boston, the old West End of Boston, right here in Malden and all the way out west to Phoenix (Arizona) where he owned a bar called “The Living Room Lounge.” Next time you’re in the North End, stop at the intersection of Hanover and Cross Streets where a statue of Tony stands and tip your hat to a great boxer and a greater man. A great big official Malden today, tomorrow and yesterday welcome to Malden City Hall to Bybiose Larochelle, Malden’s first Diversity Officer. I was proud as a peacock when I saw Malden High School Class of 1977 Mike Boyle’s name splashed across the entrance of his new training center at 15 Manning St. in Middleton. Mike’s come a long, successful way in his life. He’s known worldwide as one of the foremost experts in the field of strength and conditioning, serving as the head strength & conditioning coach at Boston University for 15 years. He also served as the strength & conditioning coach for the Cam Neely–led Boston Bruins MALDEN: TODAY| SEE PAGE 21 Law Offices of Terrence W. Kennedy 512 Broadway, Everett • Criminal Defense • Personal Injury • Medical Malpractice Tel: (617) 387-9809 Cell: (617) 308-8178 twkennedylaw@gmail.com

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 Page 5 Armed Malden man found asleep on Orange Line Suspect also allegedly in possession of Class A narcotics By Christopher Roberson K amil Mogielnicki, 37, of Malden, was taken into police custody after he was allegedly found sleeping on an Orange Line train with a loaded gun in his waistband. At 7:15 p.m. on October 27, MBTA Transit Police offi cers reportedly found Mogielnicki “sound asleep” on the train, which had just arrived at Forest Hills Station in Jamaica Plain. Reportedly, upon arrival, police saw that Mogielnicki was in possession of a 9mm Ruger; officers woke him and quickly discovered that the gun was fully loaded and that Mogielnicki did not have a license to carry a fi rearm. After Mogielnicki was taken into custody, offi cers allegedly discovered that he also was carrying Class A narcotics that were packaged in a manner “consistent for resale.” Mogielnicki was subsequently charged with the unlicensed possession of a fi rearm, unlawful possession of ammunition and possession of a Class A drug with intent to distribute. He was arraigned in West Roxbury Municipal Court on October 28 and for not having a license to carry a fi rearm. He could also face up to 10 years in prison and a fi ne of up to $10,000 for possession with intent to distribute a Class A drug. No additional information was made available as the incident remains under investigation. According to police, this is not Mogielnicki’s first encounter with law enforcement. In January 2020, he allegedly used a Kamil Mogielnicki was held on $7,500 bail. Mogielnicki is scheduled to be back in court on November 23. If convicted, Mogielnicki could face up to two years in prison “knife and blunt object” in an attempt to break into the Dunkin’ Donuts at Ruggles Station in Roxbury. That case is still pending. If convicted, Mogielnicki could be sentenced to up to 20 years in prison for that incident. AUTOTECH DRIVE IT - PUSH IT - TOW IT! Cold Hard Cash for Your Vehicle! RIVE IT - PUSH IT - TOW IT $$ CASH FOR YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR SUV! $$ Get your vehicle Winter Ready! We offer a Winter Inspection Service that includes: • Oil Filter Change • Anti-Freeze Check • Complete Safety Check Only $39.95 2012 KIA SPORTAGE All Wheel Drive, Most Power Options, Runs Great, Only 95K Miles, Warranty! TRADES WELCOME! $11,900 The 9mm Ruger that Kamil Mogielnicki was allegedly carrying (Photos Courtesy of the MBTA Transit Police) Financing Available! 1236 EasternAve • Malden EddiesAutotech.com (Most vehicles) 2010 NISSAN MAXIMA Loaded, Leather Interior, Just Serviced, Warranty, Runs Beautiful, Only 160K Miles! TRADES WELCOME! (781) 321-8841 • (617) 571-9869 Easy For Your Vehicle! THANK YOU! To my family, hard-working and loyal supporters and most of all, the residents of Ward 7 for their overwhelming support on Election Day! $7,995 We Pay Cash

Page 6 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 BIKING | FROM PAGE 1 briel and Slade “Joy” on their “Gold Days”? Well, it involves two wheels and some pedals: biking. The three new-to-MHS ninth-graders signed up for MHS educator Mitch Abbatessa’s bicycling “Joy” session – outdoors, of course – the very fi rst time it was off ered. Every other day, the ever-growing bicycling Joy Session students gather and go out and explore the Northern Strand Community Trail/bike path, which runs adjacent to the Malden High building. They are now repeat customers, and have continued to “Flex” their interests. Furthermore, on a recent sunny Tuesday morning, Slade and Deric relayed an anecdote from the past weekend. “We met up over the weekend and went on a ride all around Malden and the paths near Encore in Everett,” Slade revealed, noting that other members of Abbatessa’s Bicycling Joy Session class hooked up for the ride with him and Deric as well. “Yeah, we have all become friends pretty quickly,” Deric confi rmed. “We all like to ride around and it’s fun to see each other on the weekends now, since we started biking together in school.” For Principal Mastrangelo, who recently learned of the students’ narrative, this was simply jackpot material. “That is a fantastic early result of the Flex Block program and really personifi es the types of goals we have been hoping to achieve,” Mastrangelo said. “I can’t wait to share that with our Flex team as we continue to monitor and review the program.” “Fortunately, we have been getting lots of positive feedback from everyone associated with 100 years of cigar experience Our store is still open to serve you! WE SELL CIGARS & ACCESSORIES PLUS: * Travel Humidors * Desk Top Humidors * Many Types of Lighters * Ash Trays * Juuls * Vapes * Glass Pipes * Rewards Program * CBD Infused Products * Gift Certificates Available Buy Cigars by the Box & Save! Competitive Prices On All Brands, Good Selection Come On Down - Save Money & Time! R.Y.O. TOBACCO ----------TUBES ~ SMOKER’S DELIGHT ~ 15 Churchill Size Cigars Long Filler, 4 Year Old Tobacco Individually Wrapped ONLY $43.95 A.B.C. CIGAR 170 REVERE ST., REVERE (781) 289-4959 STORE HOURS: Mon. - Wed.: 8 AM - 7 PM / Thurs., Fri. - Sat.: 8 AM - 8 PM Sunday & Holidays: 8 AM-6 PM Monogram D4 Double siding Cedar impression half rounds Flex Block, most importantly our students,” Mastrangelo added. “Helping students build relationships with both their peers as well as with their mentors has been at the top of our list from the start.” The bicycling program got a welcome boost recently through a generous donation from a natural source, the Bike to the Sea group founded by longtime Malden resident and Councillor-at-Large Stephen Winslow. During one of his recent visits to MHS, Councillor Winslow presented Principal Mastrangelo with a generous donation of four refurbished bicycles suitable for young adult riders as well as six new bicycling helmets. Winslow said he got some assistance from local students from the Malden Teen Enrichment Center (MTEC) in fi xing up some bicycles that had been in storage at the Malden Police Station and the helmets were donated by Bike to the Sea. Counci llor-at-Large S tephen Winslow (left) recently visited Malden High School and presented MHS Principal Chris Mastrangelo with a donation of four refurbished bicycles and six new helmets. The new equipment will be used in the new Flex Block Biking Club, which is part of a very successful addition to the MHS curriculum. (Courtesy Photo/Malden High School) Shown, from left, are Malden High School ninth graders Gabriel Garcia, Slade Harding and Deric Tse. They became fast friends and now go on biking rides together on the weekend after first meeting as members of the new “Joy” session Biking Club at MHS. (Courtesy Photo/Malden High School) Councillor Winslow said he was excited to hear of the new Malden High program and its emphasis on bicycling. “I have been a bicycling enthusiast since I was these students’ age and I’m very pleased to see our local high school students involved in programs such as these,” he said. Bike to the Sea was instrumental in moving forward the push to build the Malden portion of the Northern Strand Community Trail, which stretches from the Everett-Malden line on Medford Street, across the city to the Malden-Revere-Saugus town line, and is used by the MHS students. “We are so grateful to Councillor Winslow and his generous donation which will enable students who may not have their own bike to now take part in this class,” Mastrangelo said. “We truly value community partnerships such as these with our school and district.” Harvey Vinyl 63 Replacement Windows Custom Aluminum Trim work Windows & Doors Top quality Vinyl Siding! •Vinyl Siding •Carpentry Work •Decks •Roofing •Free Estimates •Replacement Windows •Fully Licensed •Fully Insured

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 Page 7 Malden Holiday Season will kick off with Winter Festival on December 4 Tree Lighting will be at 3:30 p.m. that day; no Holiday Parade for second straight year By Steve Freker O ne of the most popular local annual events of the past two decades will remain on the shelf this year, but a new tradition will begin in its place to help Malden kick off the holiday season. The Malden Parade of Holiday Traditions held annually on the Saturday after Thanksgiving Day in November from 20042019, and as the Christmas Parade for a number of years before that, was cancelled last year for the first time since 2004 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is not returning for the 2021 holiday season. Mayor Gary Christenson announced this week that the City of Malden will host an outdoor Winter Festival on Saturday, December 4 from 12-4 p.m. in the heart of Malden Square. The Winter Festival will be modeled after the highly successful Summer Festivals, which were held twice monthly in June, July and August and drew droves of visitors to the After nearly two decades of a fine run, the Malden Parade of Holiday Traditions will not return this year after having been cancelled for the first time since 2004 in 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Courtesy/City of Malden) multifaceted events. This time around, the one-day Winter Festival will once again be chockful of local and regional artists and artisans who will have a wide array gift ideas for purchase at booths lining up and down Pleasant Street. Pleasant Street in Malden Square will feature over 50 artists displaying their wares, and you’ll find perfect handmade crafts, gifts, cards and jewelry as well as delicious baked goods. “We hope you will also visit some of our great restaurants to sip on winter cocktails and hot chocolate and have a bite to eat as we continue to work to invigorate our downtown businesses,” said Kevin Duffy, Strategy and Business Development Officer for the City of Malden. According to Malden city staff, “As you shop you will enjoy festive carolers, music, costumed characters, and some special performances. There will be free parking [at] the Central Business District (CBD) Garage, 170 Centre Street (across from Walgreens on Route 60).” “At 3:30 p.m. we invite everyone to gather on City Hall Plaza for a special performance before we officially light the Holiday Tree, which will be followed by a festive and colorful ending to the day!” said Mayor Christenson. This will be first time since 2017 that the Tree Lighting has been held at City Hall Plaza; the last several years it has been on the lawn at the Malden Public Library while the new City Hall was under construction. For more information, please email kmanninghall@cityofmalden.org. Now you can enroll in a health plan with Medicare’s highest quality rating: CCA Senior Care Options. Awarded 5 Stars by Medicare for CCA Senior Care Options in 2022 Commonwealth Care Alliance® is dedicated to helping people with chronic illnesses and disabilities live safely and independently in their own homes and communities. Over 70% of the members in our CCA Senior Care Options plan are nursing home certifiable, but continue living well at home with our care and support. That’s what we call uncommon care.® & Medicaid Services awarded CCA Senior Care Options five stars – their top quality rating – for 2022.* To learn more about CCA Senior Care Options, visit ccama.org/sco or call: 866-ASK-1CCA (TTY 711) 866-275-1222 And that’s one reason why the Centers for Medicare Oct 1-Mar 31: 8 am-8 pm, 7 days a week Apr 1-Sep 30: 8 am-8 pm Mon-Fri, 8 am-6 pm Sat-Sun *Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system. H2225_22_062_M © 2021 Commonwealth Care Alliance

Page 8 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 MALDEN ELECTION: Macklin (Ward 4), Bernard (Ward 7) and Zeiberg (Ward 8) will be joining School Committee By Steve Freker T he welcome mat was ready and waiting for this election and it turned out to be apropos, considering the results. Three new City Councillors along with three new School Committee members will be coming to City Hall in January, following one of the most highly anticipated Malden municipal elections in years. Despite no mayoral election this year, the combination of a six-candidate battle for Councillor-at-Large, five contested Ward Council races, two open Ward Council seats and three open School Committee seats led to a busy election season, culminating in Tuesday’s Election Day. Still, despite the perceived higher interest in this election, which included a blizzard of social media discourse, just 20% of Malden’s registered voters went to the polls, the lowest turnout for a citywide election in many years, possibly ever. Perhaps the most watched race on the ballot was the Councillor-at-Large race, with three Lawrence A. Simeone Jr. Attorney-at-Law ~ Since 1989 ~ * Corporate Litigation * Criminal/Civil * MCAD * Zoning/Land Court * Wetlands Litigation * Workmen’s Compensation * Landlord/Tenant Litigation * Real Estate Law * Construction Litigation * Tax Lein * Personal Injury * Bankruptcy * Wrongful Death * Zoning/Permitting Litigation 300 Broadway, Suite 1, Revere * 781-286-1560 lsimeonejr@simeonelaw.net SIGNS OF THE TIMES: Signs were everywhere at polls on Election Day, Nov. 2. Some of the candidates shown here were winners, and some were not. (Advocate Photo/Henry Huang) seats up for grabs and two seats open (for the first time in two decades) and only one candidate seeking reelection. Incumbent Councillor-at-Large Craig Spadafora topped the Malden ticket with 3,380 votes and was reelected for another two-year term. Also claiming Councillor-at-Large seats were political newcomers Karen Colón Hayes (3,085 votes) and Carey McDonald (2,899 votes). There were more contested 2.875% 2.895% 30 YEAR FIXED RATE INTEREST RATE APR RESIDENTIAL JUMBO MORTGAGE Ward Council races than in recent memory, and all five incumbents were reelected, staving off challengers. There were also open Ward 6 and Ward 7 City Council seats. The Ward 6 seat was won by longtime Maplewood neighborhood resident Stephen Winslow. Winslow outpaced former Ward 6 School Committeeman Jerry Leone, 564-338 votes, to win the seat which was vacated by outgoing Councillor David Camell, who chose not to seek reelection. Winslow himself did not seek reelection as an incumbent Councillor-at-Large, instead opting to seek the Ward seat. Also not seeking reelection was outgoing Councillor-at-Large Debbie DeMaria, thus creating the two open atLarge seats for the first time since the early 2000s. In the Ward 7 Councillor race it was “out with the old” – as veteran Councillor Neal Anderson opted not to seek reelection – and “in with the old” as well when former Ward 7 Councillor Chris Simonelli, who last served in 2008, will return to the City Council in 2022 after a victory on Tuesday. Simonelli topped firsttime City Council candidate and outgoing Ward 7 School Committeewoman Michelle Luong, 509-388 votes. Five incumbent Ward Councillors faced challengers in Tuesday’s election and all five held on for wins to retain their seats. The two closest races of the five contested Ward seats were in Looking to buy or refinance? Our Fixed Residential Jumbo Mortgage may be just what you need. Enjoy the confidence and long-term stability that comes with a fixed rate. And as always, our Residential Team will be there every step of the way. Talk to us today about how you can take advantage of this limited time offer. 30 YEAR FIXED JUMBO RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE 30 YEAR RATE RATE POINTS 2.875% 0 APR 2.895% PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PER $1,000 BORROWED 360 PAYMENTS OF $4.15 CASTING BALLOTS: Voters go inside partitions to privately cast their ballots at the Ferryway School polling place. (Advocate Photo/Henry Huang) Learn more at EVERETTBANK . COM/JUMBOFIXED FOR ASSIS TANCE, PLEASE CALL THE HOME LOAN CENTER 61 7-381-3663 The payments above do not include taxes and insurance. If you request or are required to establish an escrow, your payment will be greater. Subject to credit approval. Minimum loan amount is $750,000.00. APR effective November 3, 2021 and subject to change without notice. Annual Percentage Rate (APR) calculation assumes a $750,000 loan with a 80% loan to value. Available for owner-occupied, primary residence, single family or condominium units. Must be a new loan to the bank and used to purchase or refinance (80% maximum LTV). Other terms and conditions may apply. EVERETT | 419 BROADWAY RIGHT BY YOU LYNNFIELD | 7 7 1 SALEM STREET Member FDIC Member DIF NMLS #443050 VOTING AT FERRYWAY: Some local voters were assisted by poll workers for Precincts 1 and 2 in Ward 1 at the Ferryway School. (Advocate Photo/Henry Huang)

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 Page 9 Ward 8 and Ward 5. In Ward 8, incumbent Jadeane Sica topped political newcomer Nate Bae Kupel, 468-385, or, 54-45%. Ward 5 incumbent Barbara Murphy held off challenger Ari Taylor, 668-538 (55-44%), for the win and another two-year term. The three other incumbents breezed to reelection wins. Ward 1 Councillor Peg Crowe outdistanced first-time candidate Nadege Philippe, 449-153. Ward 4 Councillor Ryan O’Malley won a fourth consecutive term, outpacing former Ward 4 Councillor Jeff Donahue, 459-206. Incumbent Ward 3 Councillor Amanda Linehan won reelection to a second term by defeating first-time political candidate Glen Curtis, 807-453. Ward 2 Councillor Paul Condon won his fourth consecutive term running unopposed, receiving 521 votes. School Committee There will be three new School Committee members in 2022, as three open seats were filled and incumbents were reelected, unopposed. Ward 1’s Michael Drummey (468 votes), Ward 2’s Robert McCarthy Jr. (510 votes), Ward 3’s Jennifer Spadafora (948 votes), Ward 5’s Adam Weldai (946 votes) and Ward 6’s Joseph Gray (678 votes) were all reelected unopposed. New to the School Committee for 2022 will be Dawn Macklin in Ward 4, who was elected unopposed MALDEN ELECTION FACTS & FIGURES –Tuesday’s turnout for a citywide election, just 20%, was the lowest turnout citywide since 2015 and 2013, when back-toback elections drew only 21% turnouts. It may have been the lowest ever for an election where all eight Wards were voting. –Despite the highest number of registered voters in Malden history, 35,842, only 7,187 voters cast ballots. This low number came despite enhancements like extended early voting at City Hall, expanded absentee and mail-in voting services and the traditional in-person voting on Election Day. –In 2019, 27% of Malden’s voters went to the polls, a year in which there was a contested mayoral race. Following are the turnouts going back to 2009 in citywide elections: 2017 (27%); 2015 (21%, Mayor ran unopposed); 2013 (21%); 2011 (32%, contested mayoral race); 2009 (30%). –The highest of those turnouts (in 2011) came during the first mayoral election won by present Mayor Gary Christenson, who is now in the middle of this third four-year term. –If Mayor Christenson runs for reelection in 2023, wins and serves another four-year term, he will have been in office 16 years as the longest-serving Mayor in Malden municipal history. –Incumbent Malden Councillor-at-Large Craig Spadafora got the most votes of any candidate in Tuesday’s election, topping the ticket for reelection with 3,722 votes. This is the first time Spadafora has been the ticket-topper since 2013; he also was the top City Council candidate vote-getter in 2011. –Finishing 4-5-6 in the three -winner Councillor-at-Large race and out of the running were former Ward 3 Councillor/former Councillor-at-Large John Matheson (2,077 votes), Roberto DiMarco (2,006 votes) and Brian DeLacey (1,483 votes). –The Malden Ward with the highest voter turnout has traditionally been Ward 3 (West End neighborhood), and it stayed at the top in this election with a 27% turnout. Ward 3, Precinct 2 was also the highest single Precinct for voter turnout with 30%. Ward 5, Precinct 2 was close at 29% turnout. –Ward 2 (Edgeworth neighborhood) in the past had always been a close second to Ward 3 in voter turnout percentage in the 1980s-2000s, but it has been waning considerably in recent years. On Tuesday, Ward 2 tied Ward 1 for lowest overall voter turnout in the entire city, a meager 15.5%. –The Precinct with lowest turnout citywide was Ward 8, Precinct 2 with just 293 voters of nearly 2,700 registered casting their ballots: 11%. Interestingly, newcomer Nate Bae Kupel won that Precinct over the incumbent, Jadeane Sica, 152-137. – First-time candidate Sharon Rose Zeiberg totaled the highest winning percentage for a Ward candidate in her big win for Ward 8 School Committee Member, garnering 71% of the votes cast. –All three of the Councillor-at-Large winners showed decent citywide appeal as Craig Spadafora, Karen Colón Hayes and Carey McDonald finished as the top three vote-getters in 15 of 16 Precincts, with Spadafora winning eight Precincts, Hayes winning five and McDonald winning three, including both precincts in his home Ward 5. seat was also open with firstterm School Committee Member Michelle Luong not seeking reelection as she ran for Ward 7 Councillor in this year’s election. The following is a sidebar..... Shaded colored box beside main story’s jump Mackey & Brown Attorneys at Law * PERSONAL INJURY * REAL ESTATE * FAMILY LAW * GENERAL PRACTICE * PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY * CIVIL LITIGATION VOTE HERE! Here’s a look at the multilingual voter attraction signs outside all of Malden’s 18 precincts for this election and the last one. This sign is located outside Ward 4, Precinct 2 at the Malden Senior Center (7 Washington St.). (Advocate Photo/Steve Freker) with 466 votes; Keith Bernard in Ward 7, who defeated Nichole Mossalam, 483-302; and Sharon Rose Zeiberg, who won the Ward 8 School Committee seat by a 614-163 margin over Bruce Friedman, in a battle of two firsttime candidates. Macklin will replace longtime School Committeeman Leonard Iovino in Ward 4 while Zeiberg replaces John Froio Sr., who represented Ward 8 for many years. Iovino and Froio both opted not to seek reelection. The Ward 7 14 Norwood St., Everett, MA 02149 Phone: (617) 387-4900 Fax: (617) 381-1755 WWW.MACKEYBROWNLAW.COM John Mackey, Esq. * Katherine M. Brown, Esq. Patricia Ridge, Esq. 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Last day to apply is April 30, 2022 Residents of Boston, Brookline, and Newton: 178 Tremont Street, Boston, MA — 617.357.6012 Residents of Malden, Medford, Everett, Melrose, Stoneham, Winchester and Woburn: 18 Dartmouth Street, Malden, MA — 781.322.6284 Prices subject to change Fill Up & Save! Fall is Coming! FLEET

Page 10 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 Page 11 Spadafora, Colón Hayes and McDonald win Councillor-at-Large; Bernard wins Ward 7 School Committee Member From left to right: Linda Thorsen, field director Eric Feigen, Ward 6 Councillor David Camell, Amanda Smith, Jeff Taylor, Ward 5 Councillor candidate Ari Taylor, campaign manager Nicholas Lennox, Mark Linehan, Ward 3 Councillor Amanda Linehan and Alicia Garza. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Newly elected Councillor-atLarge Carey McDonald and his wife, Sarah Victors: newly elected Councillors-at-Large Carey McDonald and Karen Colón Hayes, newly elected Ward 7 School Committee Member Keith Bernard and incumbents Ward 3 Councillor Amanda Linehan and Ward 4 Councillor Ryan O’Malley. Your Hometown News Delivered! From left to right: son Shawn, daughter Brynne, wife Tina, Ward 4 Councillor candidate Jeff Donahue and daughter Olivia. EVERETT ADVOCATE MALDEN ADVOCATE REVERE ADVOCATE SAUGUS ADVOCATE Zayda Ortiz and Emmanuel Marsh congratulate incumbent Ward 4 Councillor Ryan O’Malley. One year subscription to The Advocate of your choice: $100 per paper in-town per year or $120 per paper out-of-town per year. Pictured from left to right: Councillor-at-Large Craig Spadafora, Ward 2 Councillor Paul Condon, Ward 1 Councillor Peg Crowe, retiring Ward 7 Councillor Neal Anderson, Ward 5 Councillor Barbara Murphy, Ward 4 Councillor candidate Jeff Donahue, newly elected Ward 7 Councillor Christopher Simonelli, Ward 8 Councillor Jadeane Sica, Ward 3 School Committee Member Jennifer Spadafora and Ward 2 School Committee Member Rob McCarthy during a victory party at Anthony’s of Malden on Tuesday after the polls closed. Name_________________________________________ Address_______________________________________ City_______________ State_______ Zip ____________ CC# _______________________________ Exp. _____ Sec. code____ Advocate (City):___________________ Clip & Mail Coupon with Credit Card, Check or Money Order to: Advocate Newspapers Inc. PO Box 490407, Everett, MA 02149 Councillor-at-Large Craig Spadafora, wife Debbi Spadafora, cousin William and Ward 3 School Committee Member Jennifer Spadafora

Page 12 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 Veterans’ Day Steven Ultrino State Representative State Representative Paul J. Donato Ward 4 Councillor Ryan O’Malley State Senator Jason Lewis Councillor-At-Large Craig Spadafora Malden Trans / Malden Taxi 781-322-5050 Lester, Peggy & David Morovitz Mayor Gary Christenson & The Citizens of Malden Nov. 11, 2021 Though we can never repay our debt to them, we honor those men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our Freedom.

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 Page 13 Hundreds go trick-or-treating in Malden Center By Tara Vocino A pproximately 700 trick-ortreaters in costume were eager to receive Halloween candy along Pleasant Street during the Chamber of Commerce 17th Annual Trick-or-Treat in the Center last Friday night. Halloween was Sunday. Mayor Gary Christenson hands out candy to children dressed in costume. Saving lives one shot at a time was “Vax Man” Mayor Gary Christenson in front of City Hall during last Friday’s Halloween celebration. Gina De as a 10-foot witch. Mayor Gary Christenson as “Vax Man” with Lenore, 7, the children’s father Christopher, Paul, 5, as a robot, and Atticus Hickey, 10, as a dinosaur. Fiona Youmell as Wonder Woman, Chamber of Commerce Director Joan Mongeau as a witch and Sandy Feder, also as a witch, are shown in front of The Gallery@57. Emily as Ariana Grande, Charlotte as a creepy doll, Phoebe as a toe and Councillor candidate Ariane Taylor Gravestones were outside of Urban Media Arts on Pleasant Street. William Macaulay as Santa with Ibrahim as Spiderman and Elyas Bokhary as Owlet (PJ Mask). Santa said he wants to make sure they’re on his good list this year. The “Vax Man” (Mayor Gary Christenson) had makebelieve Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna vaccines available. Hundreds formed in the trick-or-treat line. Olivia Westgate, 9, as a skeleton princess, Harry Barnett, 4, as a ninja turtle, and Lisa Porro as Sally from “The Nightmare Before Christmas.” (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino)

Page 14 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 Junior Aid Assoc. of Malden hosts Trunk or Treat he Junior Aid Association of Malden hosted Trunk or Treat on the Northern Strand Community Trail on Friday, October 29 for families and residents. All were T invited to the free event for fun and celebration. Thank you to Junior Aid member Peg Crowe and her committee for hosting this amazing event for Malden!

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 Page 15 Golden Tornadoes Girls’ Volleyball Team honors family, team on Senior Night By Tara Vocino T he Malden High School Girls’ Varsity Volleyball Golden Tornadoes presented roses to their families and friends during their Senior Night last Thursday in the gymnasium. Kimberly Vo presented flowers to her sister Krystalyn Vo, mother Loanthao Vo, brother Kaherdyn Vonguyen, brother Kieston Vonguyen, sister Katelynn Vo, father Nghiem Nguyen and her boyfriend, Andy Nguyen. Outside Hitter Melissa Calixte presented to her brother, Karl Denis, sister Kayleen Denis, friends Widjina Prince and LynnSarah Georges, teammate Stephanie Larrieux, friend Ava Taylor and sister Dorotie Denis. Calixte plans to study business at a historically black university, such as Howard. Jennifer Phan presented to her brother, Kevin, during last Thursday’s Girls’ Varsity Volleyball Senior Night at Malden High School. Setter Linda Le presented flowers to her parents, Myphong and LeLy, sister Kelly Le and friends Monique Mei, Minh Thu Do, Daniel Du and Rebecca Tse. After college, Le hopes to work for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Setter Stephanie Larrieux presented to her father, Maxly Larrieux, brother, Winsly Larrieux, mom, Sheryl Daujhin, friend Kayleen Denis and teammate Melissa Calixte. Golden Tornadoes Co-Captain/ Middle Riley Strano presents to her boyfriend, Aidan Jordan. Setter Linda Le presents to her parents, Myphong and LeLy, and sister Kelly Le. Golden Tornadoes Co-Captain/Setter Lissette Curran presents flowers to her father, Mark Curran, mother, Lillian Curran, brothers Marcus and Thomas Curran and aunt Neldy MacKinnon. She plans to attend nursing school this fall. Golden Tornadoes Co-Captain/Middle Riley Strano presents to her mother, Colleen, and sister, Emma. She plans to become a nurse after attending college. Emily Marchet presented to her parents, Jair and Kati, and best friend, Laura Daltoe. Middle Blocker Marla Candido presents to her parents, Ademaria De Oliveira and Geomares Candido. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino)

Page 16 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 Malden High alumnus Witche Exilhomme returns as Tornado Head Football Coach Looking to make an impact on young Malden team and finish season strongly By Daniel O’Toole The Blue and Gold D uring last year’s football season, there was a new face on the sideline and one that was quite recognizable. Serving as an assistant coach was Malden High School (MHS) alumnus and first-year teacher Witche Exilhomme. The reason he was back down on Macdonald Stadium’s field last year would have big implications for this year. In the offseason, now former Head Coach Steve Freker would step down from his head football coaching duties and pass them on to Exilhomme. Before coming back home to Malden, Exilhomme was the Defensive Coordinator at Milford Academy, which is one of the top prep schools in the nation. Last year during remote learning, Exilhomme had become one of the new teachers at MHS and was teaching History. According to Malden High School’s Athletic Director, Charlie Conefrey, a committee was formed to interview candidates for the football position and four candidates were finalists. One of the qualities that stood out to Conefrey about Exilhomme was “he is a Malden High School MHS first-year Head Coach Witche Exilhomme coached up the Golden Tornadoes team during the victory over Somerville recently. (Courtesy of Blue and Gold/Chaimaa Assli Photo) graduate and he played football for the program.” He said that “it is always good to have someone return to help out who is familiar with his surroundings, so we are really excited to have him as head coach.” Freker expressed tons of appreciation for Exilhomme and his new achievement. “I was thrilled when Malden High selected Coach Exilhomme” because “I was hoping we got the right coach to lead the team forward and someone who had the right qualities we were seeking.” “Coach Exilhomme was the right guy we needed to lead the program and help our student athletes,” Coach Freker added. “[Coach Exilhomme] has an incredible amount of football knowledge, and most importantly, knowledge of dealing with life issues and with young student athletes who need direction.” Coach Freker said, “He is an excellent role model and has so much to share from his own life experiences that will be so valuable for these players as he coaches them this year and in the future.” He continued on, saying that Coach Exilhomme “developed a good relationship with the students and fellow coaches which will help the team succeed.” Commenting on his own experiences with Malden’s football program, Freker said, “It was a big honor to serve as head coach” since “I played for Malden High when I was in high school” and “I was a assistant coach for Malden High football for 19 years in the 80s and 90s.” Freker expressed how he has been “able to come back to coach baseball and football for the past several years and I was happy that I was able to see some of the student-athletes develop to become good citizens of the school.” One of Freker’s new responsibilities still has him contributing to the game in some form. He explained how he is assisting Athletic Director Conefrey at home games for football and other sports as a site coordinator to help with game management at the various fall events and venues. Coach Exilhomme was upfront and passionate about his feelings about becoming the Head Coach and what he plans to do with the program going forward. He explained how he felt “extremely proud; it is something I am very excited about, and I am excited about the future that we have as a coaching staff for the program. It is going to be very fun for the next few years.” Coach Exilhomme said he is pleased with his coaching staff’s commitment to help the team “compete to be the top team in the state, and we are ready to put in the work that is required on and off the field to reach that.” “Our coaching staff wants to MHS assistant coach Richard Voltaire (left) and others instruct the team during the Golden Tornadoes win over Somerville. (Courtesy of Blue and Gold/Chaimaa Assli Photo) teach kids how to be football players and that football does not stop on the field,” since “it continues to the classroom and when they become grown men and then if they want to start a family.” Exilhomme further stated that “we do not want it to just be on the field, but how the kids act in and out of school.” Talking more about his student-athletes, Exilhomme said, “I am excited about the number of players we have because last year we finished with around 30 players in the middle of one of the toughest parts of the pandemic; this year we have had about 80 kids sign up … This is a team that has been together for only around 10 weeks and not 10 months.” And so “putting things together like our weight lifting program or installing new plays and teaching kids what goes into a football team has been a little difficult, but I am proud of our players, especially our younger players since they are stepping up and competing with everyone.” “We are excited for next year because these young guys will have more experience and they can come back to the field a lot stronger and faster than they did their first season,” the new coach said. The goals Exilhomme said he wants for his team and the coaching staff are the things you want to hear from someone who is a new head coach. “I am bringing in a culture shift to change the mindsets that we have” as “winning will be a mindset here, hard work will be a mindset here, discipline will be a mindset here,” said Exilhomme. Our goal this season is to get better every week; it is to give our young players a lot of experience and knowledge to bring into the offseason.” The new era of Malden High School Football looks bright with Coach Exilhomme and his staff at the helm. Everybody should be looking forward to Malden and their future. —The Blue and Gold is the school newspaper of Malden High School.

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 Page 17 Malden High School Girls’ Soccer seniors present roses to family and friends on Senior Night By Tara Vocino T he Malden High School Girls’ Varsity Soccer Golden Tornadoes seniors presented flowers to their families and friends during Senior Night/game against Gloucester High School on October 23 at MacDonald Stadium. The seniors are honored. Midfielder/Co-Captain Sara Dzaferagic presents flowers to her parents, Kanita and Amir. After graduation, she plans to study business, hopefully at Suffolk University. Emma Smith-Benzan presents flowers to her mother, Darla Smith, and father, Jason Benzan; grandfather Rafael Benzan, grandmother Maria Benzan, aunt Karen Adragna, uncles Nicholas Adragna and Al Smith, brother Sebastian, sister Jazleen, friends Gaby, Mykala Mendez-Sled and Sofia, Pedro and Rosa Blandino. After graduation, she plans to attend University of Massachusetts Lowell to study juvenile services/criminal law. Midfie lder Mi ca Avel lan presents flowers to her grandmother, Virginia Ortega, brother Lucas Avellan and her mother, Lisa Avellan. Kayleen Denis, third from left, presents flowers to her friends – Jen Victoria, Mackenly Anastal, Stephanie Larrieux – and sister Melissa Calixte. Goalie/Co-Captain Olivia Donahue presents flowers to her parents, Tina and Jeff, during Senior Night at MacDonald Stadium. She is learning toward Suffolk University to study criminal law to become a lawyer. Defense/Co-Captain Molly Sewell presents flowers to her father, Artie, and siblings Robert, Grace, Arthur “Babia” and Thomas. After graduation, she plans to study nursing, hopefully at Simmons, to become a registered nurse. Right-wing Karen Rivera presents to her mother, Dorys, her father, Nelson, as well as sisters Monica and Sofia. After graduation, she plans to attend Emerson College or Syracuse University to major in broadcast journalism. Left Defense Rena Centeio presents flowers to her mother, Maria, and friends Adriana and Marianna Neville. Midfielder Lenisa Wilson presents flowers to her parents, Helena and Ralph. After graduation, she plans to major in labor delivery, hopefully at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Cynthia Dominguez presents to her father, Selvin Dominguez, brother Jason Dominguez, stepbrother Carlos DiCosta, sister-inlaw Susi Nieves, stepmother Neia DiCosta, uncle Jairo Dominguez and ferrets Keko and Luna. Friends showed their support for seniors. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino)

Page 18 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 GREATER BOSTON LEAGUE NOTEBOOK: First year of new MIAA State Championship format is now underway Everett Football on road in D1 fi rst-round at Methuen tonight; Revere Football left off playoff list despite 6-2 record By Steve Freker ike all of the previous iterations of the Massachusetts high school football playoff format, the one that kicked off this week had plenty of fans and also a good amount of naysayers. The new statewide playoff format is hooked up directly with the also-new Power Rankings system. The statewide football fi eld across eight divisions includes 128 teams (down from 168 in the previous system), and the seedings for all eight divisions (which underwent some major changes during the recent realignment process) were determined by a Power Rankings system. The Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) Power Rankings combine strength of schedule with margin of victory to provide a more accurate refl ection of how competitive a team will be in a statewide format. Two Greater BosL ton League (GBL) teams would appear at fi rst glance to have a gripe about the results of this year’s playoff alignments. Perennial postseason participant Everett is once again playoff -bound, but even though the Crimson Tide has beaten Catholic Conference second-place team Xaverian and then ripped through its GBL opposition undefeated, second-year head coach Rob DiLoreto’s Tide team fi nds itself on the road tonight at Methuen High, seeded #9 in a fi eld of 16 playoff teams. Basically, Everett is only one of three undefeated teams of the 28 teams in Division 1... but has to get on a bus and play on the road, while four teams with two losses and St. John’s Shrewsbury – with four losses – all are at home hosting fi rst-round games. Go fi gure. How about the second-place GBL team, Revere? The Patriots’ only loss in the GBL has been to unbeaten Everett, and the Patriots are 6-2 overall ... and not in the Division 3 playoff s, ranked #18 in the Power Ratings, two spots out of the playoff Top 16. There appear to be some even more glaring “WHAT!” moments in this list, as fi ve teams with 5-3 records and one team that has fi ve losses (3-5 Stoughton, seeded #12) are in the playoff s. One of the highest rated teams, #3 seed North Attleborough, is 4-3! Still, Revere is out of the picture for the playoffs and not having a game at all this week, taking a “bye” from the consolation round, getting back to action with a divisional team next week and then fi nishing its season with a Thanksgiving game against Winthrop. Overall, it will most likely turn out to be a rewarding system for all, as it has long been wished that state tournament play was indeed statewide from the start. But at its outset, the Power Rankings system does not appear be very rewarding at all to the teams from Everett and Revere. **** Greater Boston League expanding its ‘co-op’ look this winter sports season The GBL has had some successful partnerships in the past with co-operative, or, co-op teams involving multiple schools. This winter that will continue, along with a notable expansion in hockey and an addition in wrestling. According to reports, the previously successful Malden-Revere boys’ ice hockey co-op team will expand and become Malden-Revere-Everett co-op this winter and use the Everett DCR Rink (beside Glendale Park/ Everett PD Station) as its home base. For the last two seasons, it has been a three-team Malden-Revere-Matignon co-op, but Matignon has ended the relationship, leaving the door open for Everett. Everett had previously been in a co-op situation itself with Mystic Valley Charter School, but ceased that arrangement after last winter. According to reports, coaches from the Everett boys’ hockey staff will take lead roles in the new co-op team, and an assistant from Malden High will be added. There is a major move coming in coed wrestling. According to the latest word, the GBL this winter will fi eld one Wrestling Team, with any and all representatives from any of the GBL teams. The head coach will be Malden’s Rin Van, and the team will be based at Malden High. More to come as this story develops! Melrose Arts & Crafts Society announces Annual Exhibit and Sale T he Melrose Arts & Crafts Society members have been contributing handmade items to the Annual Exhibit and Sale that will be held on November 6 from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at First Congregational Church (121 West Foster St. in Melrose). On exhibit will be crocheted, knitted and quilted items along with art and many other types of crafts. Some of the Society’s talented members will be demonstrating various crafts, such as jewelry-making. Displays of paintings, Swedish weaving and other crafts will be scattered around the space. If you are interested in purchasing these handcrafted works, there will be a sales table with many items available for purchase. For those of you interested in bargains, there will be a room of new and gently used “treasures” for sale. There will also be some items to be raffl ed. Admission is free and open Law Offices of • ESTATE/MEDICAID PLANNING • WILLS/TRUSTS/ESTATES • INCOME TAX PREPARATION • WEALTH MANAGEMENT • RETIREMENT PLANNING • ELDER LAW 369 Broadway Everett, MA 02149 (617)381-9600 JOSEPH D. CATALDO, CPA, CFP, MST, ESQUIRE. AICPA Personal Financial Specialist Designee to the public, with free parking, and the church is wheelchair accessible. Don’t miss this fun event! For questions about the Annual Exhibit, please call Helene Butler at 781-662-0044. The next monthly meeting of the Melrose Arts & Crafts Society will be on Monday, November 22 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at First Baptist Church (561 Main St. in Melrose). The Society has members from 11 surrounding communities and welcomes all who are interested in arts & crafts and any of its fun activities. For more information, please call Dorothy Iudice at 781-662-2099. Mayor’s Year-Round Youth Employment Program in full swing JOSEPH D. CATALDO, P.C. M “ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW” ayor Gary Christenson’s Year-Round Youth Employment Program (MYEP) is well underway. Throughout Malden more than 40 Malden youths are gainfully employed at a multitude of worksites. Approximately 30 businesses have stepped up to provide the students with meaningful employment. The program allows students over the age of 14 the opportunity to work and earn money after school hours. The program is a hybrid model providing youth employment along with weekly career readiness training classes. Job placements are at daycare centers, technology and advertisement organizations, City of Malden departments, afterschool programs and more. Students are introduced to career-based programming, such as healthcare, web design and data analysis, enabling them to experience diff erent skill sets while earning money. The Signal Success classes offer them the ability to gain skills they can use in the workforce. The goal is to ensure that youths are able to access critical education, trialing and career development services so that they are able to enter the workforce and build economic self-suffi ciency.

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 Page 19 ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT Everett tops Malden, claims Greater Boston League Championship Crimson Tide is GBL Football Champ for first time since 2016 with 43-0 win over Malden Everett on road tonight at Methuen in firstround MIAA State Playoff Game PROBATE AND FAMILY COURT Middlesex Probate and Family Court 10-U Commerce Way Woburn, MA 01801 Docket No. MI21P4052GD In the matter of: Dipti P. Jani Of: Malden, MA RESPONDENT Alleged Incapacitated Person CITATION GIVING NOTICE OF PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN FOR INCAPACITATED PERSON PURSUANT TO G.L. c.190B, §5-304 To the named Respondent and all other interested persons, a petition has been filed by Dharmendra P. Jani of Fort Worth, TX Prabhaker K. Jani of Malden, MA in the above captioned matter alleging that Dipti P. Jani is in need of a Guardian and requesting that Dharmendra P. Jani of Fort Worth, TX Prabhaker K. Jani of Malden, MA (or some other suitable person) be appointed as Guardian to serve Without Surety on the bond. The petition asks the court to determine that the Respondent is incapacitated, that the appointment of a Guardian is necessary, and that the proposed Guardian is appropriate. The petition is on file with this court and may contain a request for certain specific authority. You have the right to object to this proceeding. If you wish The talented Malden High football cheerleaders at the Malden-Everett game last Thursday at MacDonald Stadium. (Advocate Photos by Paul Hammersley) By Jason Mazzilli T hey made it clear early that this was going to be a Crimson Tide night - very early. On the first play of Thursday night's Everett-Malden game, Tide star running back J.C. Clerveaux busted free for a 73-yard touchdown run and a 6-0 Everett lead with just 12 seconds played. Cam Mohammed scored the two-point conversion points and Everett ended up having all the scoring it would need to register its seventh straight victory (7-0, 6-0 GBL) and take care of some other important team business. Everett would dominate the remainder of the game, blank Malden, 43-0, and claim its first Greater Boston League Football Championship since 2016. It was an extra special night for second-year Everett head coach Rob DiLoreto, who has now presided over his very first GBL title season as the football boss. The win over Malden completed a perfect, 6-0 unbeaten run through the GBL for the Tide, which took a 72-51 lead in the longtime series, which skipped a year last year due to the coronavirus pandemic. The two teams also did not play this past spring in the Fall 2 season. Malden fell to 1-6 overall, 1-4 GBL with the loss. The Tornado squad hosted non-leaguer Waltham last night in a postseason consolation game, Coach DiLoreto's squad now turns its attention to the new, statewide football playoffs, seekFOOTBALL | SEE PAGE 19 to do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance at this court on or before 10:00 A.M. on the return date of 11/24/2021. This day is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline date by which you have to file the written appearance if you object to the petition. If you fail to file the written appearance by the return date, action may be taken in this matter without further notice to you. In addition to filing the written appearance, you or your attorney must file a written affidavit stating the specific facts and grounds of your objection within 30 days after the return date. IMPORTANT NOTICE The outcome of this proceeding may limit or completely take away the above-named person’s right to make decisions about personal affairs or financial affairs or both. The above-named person has the right to ask for a lawyer. Anyone may make this request on behalf of the above-named person. If the above-named person cannot afford a lawyer, one may be appointed at State expense. WITNESS, Hon. Maureen H. Monks, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 27, 2021 TARA E. DeCRISTOFARO REGISTER OF PROBATE November 5, 2021 ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ MALDEN BOARD OF APPEAL PUBLIC HEARING The Malden Board of Appeal will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, November 17, 2021 6:30 pm Eastern Time (US and Canada), At Malden City Hall, 215 Pleasant St, Room #106 Herbert L. Jackson Council Chambers. Malden, MA on Petition 21-013 by Kenneth Bolinger on behalf of Mark Federico for a variance of MCC 4.16.090.C.2.a Chapter 4 of the revised Ordinances of 2020 as amended of the City of Malden. Sign Control: Namely, Regulation of Signs; by District - Dimensional Controls for sign size, as per Plans SGER038887-2021 at the property known as and numbered 38 Broadway, Malden, MA and also known by City Assessor’s Parcel ID # 125-481-103 Additional information, Petition & plans available for public review in the Office of Inspectional Services, 215 Pleasant St., 3rd floor, Malden MA or online at www.cityofmalden.org or https://permits.cityofmalden.org/EnerGov_Prod/SelfService Nathaniel Cramer, Chair Golden Tornados quarterback Shawn Bartholomew (3) goes to the air with a nifty pass behind some nifty blocking. October 29 & November 5, 2021

Page 20 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 Malden First Church of Nazarene to host clothing drive T he Malden First Church of the Nazarene, working with HELPSY– the largest clothing recycling collector in the Northeast – is hosting a fundraising clothing drive on Saturday, November 6. Items collected will be recycled, and funds raised will go toward church programs. Designed for contactless drop off, the clothing drive will be held from 8 a.m. to noon and is a “Pop the Trunk” parking lot event. The Church is located at 529 Eastern Ave. in Malden. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, annually nearly 100 pounds of clothing gets thrown away by the average person. Of that amount, 95 percent can be recycled. HELPSY partners with organizations across 10 states to collect unwanted clothing and other goods. Through a combination of clothing drives, collection bins, thrift store partners and curbside pickups, HELPSY diverts 30 million pounds of textiles from landfills every year. HELPSY is dedicated to change the way people think about clothing recycling while adhering to the highest level of social and environmental performance, earning the company a Certified B Corporation designation … using business as a force of good. For more information about this clothing drive, please contact Pastor Gerald Whetstone at glwhetstone723@gmail.com. ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT PROBATE AND FAMILY COURT Middlesex Probate and Family Court 10-U Commerce Way Woburn, MA 01801 (781) 865-4000 Docket No. MI21P5500EA Estate of: Joan M. Paterson Also Known As: Joan Marilyn Paterson Date of Death: 08/19/2021 CITATION ON PETITION FOR FORMAL ADJUDICATION To all interested persons: A Petition for Formal Probate of Will with Appointment of Personal Representative has been filed by Jane E. Merrithew of Rumney, NH requesting that the Court enter a formal Decree and Order and for such other relief as requested in the Petition. The Petitioner requests that: Jane E. Merrithew of Rumney, NH be appointed as Personal Representative(s) of said estate to serve Without Surety on the bond in unsupervised administration. IMPORTANT NOTICE You have the right to obtain a copy of the Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. You have a right to object to this proceeding. To do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance and objection at this Court before: 10:00 a.m. on the return day of 11/26/2021. This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline by which you must file a written appearance and objection if you object to this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely written appearance and objection followed by an affidavit of objections within thirty (30) days of the return day, action may be taken without further notice to you. UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM PROBATE CODE (MUPC) A Personal Representative appointed under the MUPC in an unsupervised administration is not required to file an inventory or annual accounts with the Court. Persons interested in the estate are entitled to notice regarding the administration directly from the Personal Representative and may petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including the distribution of assets and expenses of administration. WITNESS, Hon. Maureen H. Monks, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 28, 2021 TARA E. DeCRISTOFARO REGISTER OF PROBATE November 5, 2021 For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@ advocatenews.net Veterans Day Commemoration T he American Legion Post 69 will hold its annual Veterans Day Commemoration at 12:00 p.m. on November 11 at its post located at 75 Meridian St. in Malden. Post 69 will be joined by Post 19 from Somerville and DAV Chapter 85 from Malden to honor our Veterans in remembrance of their achievements, their courage, and their dedication; and most of all to thank them for their sacrifices in the defense of our country. Please join us at our location to pay tribute to Veterans on this day. At the conclusion of our Veterans program, the Posts and Chapter will join together to celebrate the 246th birthday of the United States Marine Corps. Post 69 would like to remind veterans that Congress amended the American Legion charter to enable all veterans who served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces since December 7, 1941, and served honorably are eligible to join the Legion. For a membership application call 781-3249570 or email us at post69@ verizon.net. Since there are no Barry Donovan posts in Everett and Melrose, we invite and welcome veterans from these communities to join our Post. Mark Killernan Deborah Olsen Commander, Post 69 Commander, Post 19 Commander, Chapter 85 ~ Legal Notice ~ COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT PROBATE AND FAMILY COURT DEPARTMENT Middlesex Probate and Family Court 10-U Commerce Way Woburn, MA 01801 Docket No. MI21D2824DR DIVORCE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION AND MAILING Dina M. Lacerda aka Dina M. Wood, Plaintiff vs. Willyan R. Lacerda, Defendant To the Defendant: The Plaintiff has filed a Complaint for Divorce requesting that the Court grant a divorce for Desertion. The Complaint is on file at the Court. An Automatic Restraining Order has been entered in this matter preventing you from taking any action which would negatively impact the current financial status of either party. SEE Supplemental Probate Court Rule 411. You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon: Dina M. Lacerda, 113 Gilbert St., Malden, MA 02148 your answer, if any, on or before 11/26/21. If you fail to do so, the court will proceed to the hearing and adjudication of this action. You are also required to file a copy of your answer, if any, in the office of the Register of this Court. WITNESS, Hon. Maureen H. Monks, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 14, 2021 TARA E. DeCRISTOFARO REGISTER OF PROBATE November 5, 2021 ~ Legal Notice ~ INVITATION TO BID MHA #101821 The Malden Housing Authority (MHA) is soliciting bids for Snack and Beverage Vending Services for eight (8) MHA properties The contract award will require the successful bidder ‘the Contractor’ to supply vending machines, stock healthy beverage and snack vending products, and service and maintain the vending machines. The contract will require the Contractor to pay the MHA commissions and incentives for the lease of space and items sold in the vending machines. In lieu of paying MHA commissions and incentives, the contractor would be expected to keep the cost of items vended to the lowest possible mutually agreed upon cost to the tenants served. Bidding procedures shall be in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30B, and all other applicable laws. Bid Documents will be available from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday, be email request at efahey@maldenhousing.org from 11/8/21, the bid documents are available by mail for $40.00 each set (or $65.00 per set for overnight), in the form of a certified check made payable to MHA., to cover shipping. A Pre-bid Meetings will be held on 11/16/21, at 10:00 am at 630 Salem Street, Malden, MA., in the community room. Bidder’s written questions will be received until noon, 11/23/21 at efahey@maldenhousing.org. Sealed general bids will be received at the MHA’s Main Administrative Offices, 630 Salem Street, Malden, MA until 2:00 PM on 12/7/2021, at which time all general bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Certificate of Insurance naming the Malden Housing Authority as additionally insured. The successful bidder(s) shall comply with all Federal and State “flow through” (and any other relevant) reporting requirements in a timely manner. The MHA reserves the right to reject any or all general bids if it is in the public interest to do so. November 5, 2021

MALDEN: TODAY | FROM PAGE 4 (1991-1999), for the US Women’s Olympic Ice Hockey Team (Gold in 1998, Silver in 2014, Gold in 2018) and for the World Champion Boston Red Sox. His brothers Arthur and Dave also could not be prouder. Not bad for a kid from Amerige Park. I thought the “First Pup of the Parking Department,” Theo, was a cute dog, then along comes Franklin, Johnny Spadafora’s French bulldog – a close second on the puppy cute scale to Theo. I did not know this (said in my best Ed McMahon voice) ... in another lifetime “The Comeback Kid,” Chris Simonelli, was a Sergeant Training Instructor for the Middlesex Sheriff’s Department, eventually being promoted to Captain. He was a Hearings Officer also for the Department of Corrections mostly dealing with dispute resolutions. During that time, he ran an afterschool program for the youths of Malden where he taught martial arts while also including the dangers of substance abuse in his teachings. Gang awareness, bullying and taking pride in their neighborhood was also incorporated. In his spare time (what spare time?), he helped spearhead something called the Triad Program which had youngsters, seniors and police working together in making the neighborhood a safer place to live. Did you also know that he created the first skateboard park in Malden? Great job, Chris! Spoke with first year Malden High School head football coach Witche Exilhomme last week about the season so far. He mentioned that although the wins are few he sees progress each and every week and a bright future for the football program. That was good to hear; I could sense a great deal of optimism in his voice. Keep up the great work, my friend. Malden has your back. “It was 48 years ago today…….” • The 1973 Ward 2 Councillor seat being vacated by incumbent Billy Callahan (who at the time was recuperating at Boston’s Deaconess Hospital after a “serious operation”) saw future City Controller Dom “Mr. St. Rocco” Fermano edge out Eddie Lynch 1,113 to 823 votes with only 53 blanks. • “Marty’s Sub Shop” in MapleTHE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 • Lou Reed’s song “Walk on wood Square – 728 Salem Street – had “Spaghetti with meat ball” for 99 cents. • Walter “I endorse placing a large ugly building in the middle of Pleasant Street” Kelliher was an easy winner of his eighth two-year term as Mayor, beating “progressive” Council candidate Amelia Miclette: 11,399 to 6,675 with only 422 blanks. • Councillor Herbert Jackson was the top vote getter running for an At-Large seat with 9,041 votes. • “Alberti’s Salon for Men” (338 Broadway) featured cuts in all the latest styles – “rega cut,” “layer cut” and “shag” – all the cuts for your bad 1973 self. • Roli Music on Irving Street had a sale going on – “3 pop records” for one measly dollar! I bought a bunch of Monkees singles back in ’73. (Yes I know, I was a little too old to be listening to the Monkees but I really liked them!) • Malden High School Class of 1933 got together for their 40th class reunion on Nov. 9 at Spinelli’s on Route 1. the Wild Side” was a huge hit in 1973. I vividly remember playing it on the little jukeboxes that were in the booths at the old Highland Café – not exactly sure what the heck he was singing about at the time. • Jesus Christ Superstar – the movie – came out in 1973. I believe I saw it at the Granada, but my mind is a bit fuzzy on that. We were big fans of the album (the “brown album”), but when the movie came out we were a bit confused by the direction of the film. Years later I had the privilege of hanging out a bit with the star of the movie and album – Ted Neeley – a sweeter, nicer man I do not think I have ever met! • Born in 1973: Andrew Lincoln (“Walking Dead”), Rose McGowan (best actress of her generation!) and Monica Lewinsky. “This is the end, beautiful friend, this is the end, my only friend, the end” – my (late) father told me a great story years ago about himself and one of his good time pals running into Leonard Nimoy on the streets of the old West End back in 1952, shortly after Nimoy’s first ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT PROBATE AND FAMILY COURT Middlesex Probate and Family Court 10-U Commerce Way Woburn, MA 01801 (781) 865-4000 Docket No. MI21C1049CA In the matter of: Unknown Gyalthar CITATION ON PETITION TO CHANGE NAME A Petition to Change Name of Adult has been filed by Unknown Gyalther of Malden, MA requesting that the court enter a Decree changing their name to: Gyalthar Tsering IMPORTANT NOTICE Any person may appear for purposes of objecting to the petition by filing an appearance at: Middlesex Probate and Family Court before 10:00 a.m. on the return day of 11/23/2021. This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline by which you must file a written appearance if you object to this proceeding. WITNESS, Hon. Maureen H. Monks, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 26, 2021 TARA E. DeCRISTOFARO Register of Probate November 5, 2021 ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT PROBATE AND FAMILY COURT Middlesex Probate and Family Court 10-U Commerce Way Woburn, MA 01801 (781) 865-4000 Docket No. MI21P5536EA Estate of: John Bruno Zamagni Date of Death: 04/02/2021 CITATION ON PETITION FOR FORMAL ADJUDICATION To all interested persons: A Petition for Formal Probate of Will with Appointment of Personal Representative has been filed by Andrew D. Zamagni of Malden, MA requesting that the Court enter a formal Decree and Order and for such other relief as requested in the Petition. The Petitioner requests that: Andrew D. Zamagni of Malden, MA be appointed as Personal Representative(s) of said estate to serve Without Surety on the bond in unsupervised administration. IMPORTANT NOTICE You have the right to obtain a copy of the Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. You have a right to object to this proceeding. To do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance and objection at this Court before: 10:00 a.m. on the return day of 11/24/2021. This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline by which you must file a written appearance and objection if you object to this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely written appearance and objection followed by an affidavit of objections within thirty (30) days of the return day, action may be taken without further notice to you. UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM PROBATE CODE (MUPC) A Personal Representative appointed under the MUPC in an unsupervised administration is not required to file an inventory or annual accounts with the Court. Persons interested in the estate are entitled to notice regarding the administration directly from the Personal Representative and may petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including the distribution of assets and expenses of administration. WITNESS, Hon. Maureen H. Monks, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 27, 2021 TARA E. DeCRISTOFARO REGISTER OF PROBATE November 5, 2021 Page 21 movie, “Kid Monk Baroni,” was released. Nimoy was born in the West End, and he and Ruth Roman are two of the more famous people to walk the streets of that long gone, greatly missed neighborhood. The movie “Kid Monk Baroni” was the type of movie that made “unknowns out of celebrities,” as Nimoy was once quoted as saying. It featured the future Mr. Spock as a tough street punk bound for glory in the ring as a boxer. The neighborhood story goes that Nimoy was home for a stretch of time; he was walking on the opposite side of the street (North Russell, I believe) of my father and his friend when my father’s pal yelled out to him (and I am paraphrasing) that he found his portrayal as a street tough less than realistic and his acting ability rather lacking (much saltier language than this, though). Nimoy acknowledged the two men with a shrug of his shoulders and a smile and kept walking, straight into pop culture history. Check out the movie on YouTube – Leonard Nimoy as you have never seen him. Postscript: Contrary to popular belief, Paul Anka did not write “My Way” for Frank; he wrote it for my late father, Solomon (Jerry) Levine. Yes indeed, my pops lived every single day of his life his way. Fact is he passed away as he lived his life, fearless. My family and I are grieving once again, but the outpouring of condolences from friends far and wide has made it a little easier to navigate. “Kel Maleh Rachamim” to the man who instilled dignity, compassion and altruism in his five children probably without even knowing it.

Page 22 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 OBITUARIES Margaret Clare (Glennon) Brown 94, died Tuesday, October 26, 2021 1. On Nov. 5, 1960, Mack Sennett died, who produced what police silent films? 2. In November 1931 the radio series “Challenge of the Yukon” was renamed “Sergeant Preston of the Yukon” – what was the name of the series’ dog? 3. Guinness World Records stated that what building is the “World’s Farthest Manmade Leaning building”? 4. In 1910 what aircraft type became the first to have commercial service? 5. On Nov. 6, 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected president in a four-way race, receiving what vote percentage: 40, 76 or 89? 6. In what year did the U.S. military draft end: 1969, 1973 or 1980? 7. What state is nicknamed the Sugar State? 8. On Nov. 7, 1913, what French author of “The Plague” was born? 9. Who are known as the 3 Bs of classical music? 10. What war was known as “The Great War”? 11. Where would you find replicas of Discovery, Godspeed and Susan Constant? 12. On Nov. 8, 1997, the main channel of what Chinese river began to be dammed to create the world’s largest hydroelectric power project? 13. What early vice president (who later became president) called his office “the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived”? 14. On Nov. 9, 1842, what country issued its first design patent – for typefaces and borders? 15. What was the pseudonym of Greta Gustafsson? 16. On Nov. 10, 1983, who introduced Windows 1.0? 17. In what 1818 novel would you find “It was on a dreary night of November that I beheld the accomplishment of my toils. With an anxiety that almost amounted to agony, I collected the instruments of life around me…”? 18. On what two days does Arlington National Cemetery hold biannual memorial services? 19. What are known as the Twin Cities? 20. November 11 is Veterans Day; what was Veterans Day originally called? ANSWERS at home with her daughter at her side. She was an enthusiastic member of the St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish choir until shortly before her 93rd birthday. She was married for 57 years to Richard (Dick) N. Brown who died in 2018. The daughter of William J. Glennon and Agnes Clare (Creed) Glennon, ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT PROBATE AND FAMILY COURT Middlesex Divison Docket No. MI21P5338EA Estate of: Marie A. Dello Russo Also Known As: Marie Dello Russo Date of Death: 01/15/2020 INFORMAL PROBATE PUBLICATION NOTICE To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner Lisa Fama of Everett, MA a Will has been admitted to informal probate. Lisa Fama of Everett, MA has been informally appointed as the Personal Representative of the estate to serve without surety on the bond. The estate is being administered under informal procedure by the Personal Representative under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to be filed with the Court, but interested parties are entitled to notice regarding the administration from the Personal Representative and can petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including distribution of assets and expenses of administration. Interested parties are entitled to petition the Court to institute formal proceedings and to obtain orders terminating or restricting the powers of Personal Representatives appointed under informal procedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, can be obtained from the Petitioner. November 5, 2021 ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT PROBATE AND FAMILY COURT Middlesex Divison Docket No. MI21P5380EA Estate of: Barbara Adams Also Known As: Barbara L. Adams Date of Death: July 15, 2021 INFORMAL PROBATE PUBLICATION NOTICE To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner John M. Caron of Wakefield, MA a Will has been admitted to informal probate. John M. Caron of Wakefield, MA has been informally appointed as the Personal Representative of the estate to serve Without Surety on the bond. The estate is being administered under informal procedure by the Personal Representative under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to be filed with the Court, but interested parties are entitled to notice regarding the administration from the Personal Representative and can petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including distribution of assets and expenses of administration. Interested parties are entitled to petition the Court to institute formal proceedings and to obtain orders terminating or restricting the powers of Personal Representatives appointed under informal procedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, can be obtained from the Petitioner. November 5, 2021 Clare was born and raised in Malden. Clare graduated from Malden High where she sang in the choir and served as the rehearsal accompanist. Clare attended Regis College and Boston University, earning a bachelor's degree in mathematics. Clare’s Glee Club from Regis College sang at symphony hall as part of the Boston Pops program each spring. Working at M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory in Lexington from 1949-1962, Clare worked in a group that did complex mathematical calculations for many researchers, including her future husband, Dick. Clare and Dick had a daughter, Alice, in 1963 and after 2 years in Connecticut, settled in Carlisle. Clare was active in the town as a Girl Scout leader, lead singer at St. Irene’s Church, Chairman of the Finance Committee, substitute teacher and eventually Jr. High Math teacher. In 1981, she returned to M.I.T. Lincoln Lab as a mathematical analyst. She loved her time at Lincoln Lab, making several close friends and retired in 1994 to spend more time with her husband, Dick, and her young grandchildren, Megan and Kevin. It was then that Clare took voice lessons, sang in the Concord Chorus and joined the choir at St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish in Acton. She was also an active member and eventual treasurer of the Democratic Town Committee. She is survived by a daughter, Alice Clark and her husband, Jim, of Acton, and her beloved grandchildren, Megan and Kevin. She was predeceased by her husband, Dick, and their baby son, Andrew Christopher. A party to celebrate Clare’s life will be held in Spring 2022. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to St. Francis House https://stfrancishouse. org/, St. Anthony’s Shrine https://stanthonyshrine.org/, or MA Special Olympics https://www.specialolympicsma.org/ Memorial page actonfuneralhome.com John Sullivan “Jack” Flynn Of Malden, entered into eternal rest on Saturday, October 30, 2021 in the Melrose-Wakefield Hospital after being in failing health. He was 82 years old. Born in Malden, Jack lived in Malden for most of his life. Jack received his Bachelor of Science Degree from Tufts University. He worked for Sylvania Electronics for many years. He finally retired from the City of Malden, Police Department, as their Traffic Supervisor. Jack was commended for his work ethic, making sure that everything was just right. Beloved son of the late Mildred (Sullivan) and John M. Flynn. Dear and devoted brother of Kathleen M. “Kathie” Luciano and her husband, Joseph of Melrose and the late Brenda E. Flynn. Contributions in Jack’s memory to the Wounded Warrior Project, 4899 Belfort Road, Ste. 300, Jacksonville, FL 32256, would be sincerely appreciated. 1. The Keystone Cops 2. King 3. “Capital Gate” in Abu Dhabi, UAE, which was designed to slant 4. Dirigible 5. 40 6. 1973 7. Louisiana 8. Albert Camus 9. Bach, Beethoven and Brahms 10. World War I 11. Jamestown, Virginia (The ships arrived in 1607.) 12. Yangtze River 13. John Adams 14. The United States 15. Greta Garbo 16. Bill Gates 17. “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley 18. Memorial Day and Veterans Day 19. Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota 20. Armistice Day

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 Page 23 FOOTBALL | FROM PAGE 19 ing a return to Division 1 Super Bowl for the fi rst time since 2017. Everett is on the road tonight at 7:00 p.m. to take on Methuen High Rangers. In Thursday's game, Everett turned up the heat early, scoring three times in the fi rst quarter for a 22-0 lead. A long punt return of 42 yards by Mohammed set up Everett's second TD, a 23-yard run by Rich Malloyon the next drive. Adoni Santos' PAT kick made it 15-0. After Everett intercepted a Malden pass on the next Golden Tornado possession and rerturned it to the Malden 18, Everett went in for its third TD of the quarter on the very next play, an 18-yard pass from quarterback Kamari Ellerbe to Moses Seide. Santos' kick made it 22-0. Everett's defense kept Malden under wraps all night, limiting the Tornado off ense to under 40 yards rushing and under 50 yards passing as Malden completed just 3-of-19 passes for the evening with two interceptions. The Tide added to its lead in the second quarter when Brian Gibbs capped a long Everett drive with a 4-yard TD run. Santos' kick made it 29-0, Everett at the halftime break. Everett kept control of the ball for the rest of the half and attempted a 32yard fi eld goal by Santos that went wide right. Everett scored again on its fi rst possession of the third quarter. Mohammed broke free for an 89-yard kickoff return touchdown that was called back due to a holding penalty. Four plays later Malloy went in for his second TD of the night, a 2-yard plunge. The PAT kick was no good and Everett led, 35-0. The Everett defense completed its shutout and the Tide scored on more time when reserve running back Domenic Papa broke free for a 58-yard TD run with 5:40 left to play and a Santos kick made it, 43-0. ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT PROBATE AND FAMILY COURT Middlesex Probate and Family Court 10-U Commerce Way Woburn, MA 01801 Docket No. MI21P4052GD In the matter of: Dipti P. Jani Of: Malden, MA RESPONDENT Alleged Incapacitated Person CITATION GIVING NOTICE OF PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN FOR INCAPACITATED PERSON PURSUANT TO G.L. c.190B, §5-304 To the named Respondent and all other interested persons, a petition has been filed by Dharmendra P. Jani of Fort Worth, TX Prabhaker K. Jani of Malden, MA in the above captioned matter alleging that Dipti P. Jani is in need of a Guardian and requesting that Dharmendra P. Jani of Fort Worth, TX Prabhaker K. Jani of Malden, MA (or some other suitable person) be appointed as Guardian to serve Without Surety on the bond. The petition asks the court to determine that the Respondent is incapacitated, that the appointment of a Guardian is necessary, and that the proposed Guardian is appropriate. The petition is on file with this court and may contain a request for certain specific authority. You have the right to object to this proceeding. If you wish to do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance at this court on or before 10:00 A.M. on the return date of 11/24/2021. This day is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline date by which you have to file the written appearance if you object to the petition. If you fail to file the written appearance by the return date, action may be taken in this matter without further notice to you. In addition to filing the written appearance, you or your attorney must file a written affidavit stating the specific facts and grounds of your objection within 30 days after the return date. IMPORTANT NOTICE The outcome of this proceeding may limit or completely take away the above-named person’s right to make decisions about personal affairs or financial affairs or both. The above-named person has the right to ask for a lawyer. Anyone may make this request on behalf of the above-named person. If the above-named person cannot afford a lawyer, one may be appointed at State expense. WITNESS, Hon. Maureen H. Monks, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 27, 2021 TARA E. DeCRISTOFARO REGISTER OF PROBATE November 5, 2021 ~ Home of the Week ~ MALDEN - This two bedroom one bath Cape has been meticulously maintained by one owner for over 70 years! Walk through the fireplace living room into the eat-in kitchen with lovely vintage details and access to the three season porch. This home has two first floor bedrooms with hardwood floors and a dormered attic with plumbing and replacement windows just waiting for expansion. The finished basement offers additional flexibility with a work area, bar and access to the just-right back yard. A one car attached garage fenced corner lot and excellent access to route one and public transportation with direct access to Boston complete this adorable home. Offered at $530,000 335 Central Street, Saugus, MA 01906 (781) 233-7300 View all our listings at: CarpenitoRealEstate.com View the interior of this home right on your smartphone. a y avvy S iorenniiooro a avvyavvy iori n r by Jim Miller Tips and Tools for Family Caregivers Dear Savvy Senior, Can you recommend any resources that off er help to family caregivers? I’ve been taking care of my 86-year-old mother and could use some help. Burned-Out Brenda Dear Brenda, Caring for an aging parent or other loved one over a period of time can be very challenging both physically and mentally. Fortunately, there are a number of tips and services you can turn to that can help lighten the load. Here are several to consider. Assemble a care team: A good fi rst step is to put together a network of people including family, friends and even neighbors that you can call on to help out when you can’t be there or need a break. Tap local services: Many communities off er a range of free or subsidized services that help seniors and caregivers by providing things like home delivered meals, transportation, senior companion services and more. Call 211 to fi nd out what’s available in your community, or call AARP’s caregiving resource center (877-3335885), which provides referrals to local resources. Use respite: Respite services can provide short-term care to your mom so you can take some time off . To locate services in your area, try the ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center at ARCHrespite.org. Hire in-home help: You may want to consider hiring a part-time home-care aide that can help with things like preparing meals, housekeeping or personal care. Costs can run anywhere from $12 to $30 an hour depending on where you live and the qualifi cation of the aide. To fi nd help through an agency, use Medicare’s search tool Medicare.gov/care-compare. Or to fi nd someone on your own, which is a more aff ordable way to go, try websites like Care.com or CareLinx.com. Use fi nancial tools: If you’re handling your mom’s fi nances, you can make things easier by arranging direct deposit for her income sources and set up automatic payments for her utilities and other routine bills. Also, consider setting up your mom’s online banking service at her bank so you can pay her other bills and monitor her account anytime. If you want or need help, there are professional daily money managers (see AADMM.com to locate someone) that can do it for you. They charge between $60 and $150 per hour. Also, if your mom is lower-income use Benefi tsCheckup.org, a free, confi dential website that will help you locate fi nancial assistance programs that can help pay for her medications, utilities, health care, and other needs. Get insurance help: If you have questions about what Medicare or Medicaid covers, or about long-term care, your State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) provides free counseling on all these issues. Call 877-839-2675 or visit ShiptaCenter.org to locate a nearby counselor. You can also get help at Medicare.gov or by calling 800-6334227, and through the Medicare Rights Center, which staff s a helpline at 800-333-4114. Tap other resources: There are a number of other organizations you can draw on for additional information like the Family Care Alliance (Caregiver.org/family-care-navigator), which provides a state-by-state listing of caregiving programs and services; Caring.com, which off ers caregiving advice, senior housing information and online support groups; the Alzheimer’s Association (ALZ. org/care), which provides information unique to the challenges of dementia caregivers; and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (www.caregiver.va.gov), which off ers caregiver support services to veterans and even spouses of veterans. And, if you happen to be sharing care responsibilities with others, sites like LotsaHelpingHands.com and CaringBridge.org can help you coordinate together. Take care of yourself: Make your own health a priority. Being a caregiver is a big job that can cause emotional and physical stress and lead to illness and depression. The only way you can provide the care your mother needs is to make sure you stay healthy. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.

Page 24 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 D & D ConstruCtion Co. Phone No. 781-866-9898 Toll Free 1-877-758-9675 Celebrating over 30 years! All your needs done with one call Take Care Of The Problems Now! Call the home improvement specialists FREE • Roofs • Windows • Sump Pumps • Hardwood Floors • Decks • Walkways • Gutters ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED • Vinyl Siding • Painting • Tiling • Carpentry • Driveways • PVC Fence • Chainlink Fence • Stockade Fence Cleanouts/Junk Removal • Attics • Basements • Yards You know the price before we do the job! Satisfaction Guaranteed l/Jk R We install SUMP PUMPS REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS BUYER1 SEARS, JOHN P NIE, QIANDONG SANCHEZ, JOSE A POKU-GYAAMA, CYNTHIA MURPHY, ERIN C PHAM, KHANH T BUYER2 SELLER1 TRINH, LINH H BIANCO, JOSEPH IMUL-SANCHEZ, DAVIED J MATTHEW&ATHYAL LLC KAZLOUSKI, PAVEL LE, THU K JCG INVESTMENTS LLC WANG, SHUHUA BIANCO, CAROL SELLER2 Copyrighted material previously published in Banker & Tradesman/The Commercial Record, a weekly trade newspaper. It is reprinted with permission from the publisher, The Warren Group. For a searchable database of real estate transactions and property information visit: www.thewarrengroup.com. ADDRESS 83-85 MADISON ST 64 LINWOOD ST 539 CROSS ST KAZLOUSKI, ALENA 39 BROADWAY #304 20-30 DANIELS ST #215 20-30 DANIELS ST #501 CITY MALDEN MALDEN MALDEN MALDEN MALDEN MALDEN DATE 15.10.2021 15.10.2021 15.10.2021 15.10.2021 14.10.2021 13.10.2021 PRICE $860 000,00 $750 480,00 $920 000,00 $370 000,00 $400 000,00 $300 000,00

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 Page 25 MPR ENGINEERING CO. AFFORDABLE & COST EFFECTIVE Civil Engineering * Certified Plot Plans Surveying * Boundaries * Flood Zones Call for FREE Estimate: (781) 629-2891 ~ LICENSED & INSURED~ FRANK’S Housepainting (781) 289-0698 • Exterior • Ceiling Dr. • Power Wash • Paper Removal • Carpentry FREE ESTIMATES — Fully Insured Mold & Waterproofing EXPERTS • Sump Pumps • Walls & Floor Cracks • ALL WORK GUARANTEED - Licensed Contractor - JPG CONSTRUCTION Cell phone 781-632-7503 508-292-9134 ~ HELP WANTED ~ Construction Help Wanted Seeking Full-Time Laborers Basic construction knowledge, MA Drivers License with clean driving record a must. EVERETT ALUMINUM Call Steve at: (617) 389-3839 Discount Tree Service 781-269-0914 Discount Services Professional TREE REMOVAL & Cleanups 24-HOUR SERVICE “Proper prep makes all the difference” – F. Ferrera • Interior -Raccoons -Squirrels 781-269-0914 Removal YARD SALE Sunday, Nov. 7 111 Holyoke St. Malden 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. “It’s Worth The Trip” FIRE • SOOT • WATER Homeowner’s Insurance Loss Specialists FREE CONSULTATION 1-877-SAL-SOOT Sal Barresi, Jr. - Your fi rst call 617-212-9050 SPADAFORA AUTO PARTS JUNK CARS WANTED SAME DAY PICK UP 781-324-1929 Quality Used Tires Mounted & Installed Used Auto Parts & Batteries Family owned & operated since 1946 Advocate Call now! 617-387-2200 advertise on the web at www.advocatenews.net $ $ $ $ Classifieds

Page 26 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 J.F & Son Contracting Snow Plowing No Job too small! Free Estimates! Commercial & Residential 781-656-2078 - Property management & maintenance Shoveling & removal Landscaping, Electrical, Plumbing, Painting, Roofing, Carpentry, Framing, Decks, Fencing, Masonry, Demolition, Gut-outs, Junk Removal & Dispersal, Clean Ups: Yards, Garages, Attics & Basements. Truck for Hire, Bobcat Services. We follow Social Distancing Guidelines! For Rent Everett 3 Bdr. - 1st Floor Nice Hardwood Flooring No Smoking, No Pets Close to Public Trans. Section 8 Accepted 857-888-1537 Frank Berardino MA License 31811 AAA Service • Lockouts Trespass Towing • Roadside Service Junk Car Removal 617-387-6877 26 Garvey St., Everett MDPU 28003 ICCMC 251976 ~ SAUGUS OPEN HOUSE ~ OPEN HOUSE - Sunday, Nov. 7, 12-1:30 pm 43 Holland St., Saugus $499,000 Would you like to live on a one level living? This ranch offers a 5-6 room with open concept floor plan. The living room overlooks a deck with a built in pool. This home was a 2 bedroom but was converted to a large 1 bedroom. It includes a lower level with extra rooms and additional 1 full bath. Nice side street. The flat yard is nestled with a fenced in yard, and more. You will love this home. EAST BOSTON - 292 Bennington St., 849,000 Would you like to own a business in the heart of East Boston? Next door to Spinelli’s and direct access to the street. Ideal for business use with 2 additional levels that offers the 3 bedroom apartment. East Boston is a city that is thriving with new restaurants, stores, cafes, and much more. The first floor commercial space offers a 1/2 bath with washer and dryer hook up. This building has 3 levels with a beautiful rooftop deck..Imagine working and living in the same place. Short walk to everything. Did I mention that its close to the airport, transportation, and accessible to the blue line?? 38 Main St., Saugus (781) 558-1091 mangorealtyteam.com ~ Meet Our Agents ~ Barry Tam Sue Palomba Founder, CEO Lea Doherty ● 24-Hour Service ● Emergency Repairs BERARDINO Plumbing & Heating Gas Fitting ● Drain Service Residential & Commercial Service 617.699.9383 Senior Citizen Discount WASTE REMOVAL & BUILDING MAINTENANCE • Landscaping, Lawn Care, Mulching • Yard Waste & Rubbish Removal • Interior & Exterior Demolition (Old Decks, Fences, Pools, Sheds, etc.) • Appliance and Metal Pick-up • Construction and Estate Cleanouts • Pick-up Truck Load of Trash starting at $169 • Carpentry LICENSED & INSURED Call for FREE ESTIMATES! Office: (781) 233-2244 6 Hodgkins Rd., Unit A $379,000 Rockport, MA - CONTINGENT Location! Welcome to 6 Hodgkins Road in Rockport with 2 deeded parking. Turnkey home awaits for the new Owner!!! It boasts its own entrance with a beautiful mudroom. This condo can be transferred into the home of your dreams with a kitchen that offers granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances and an eat in with plenty of sunlight. The open concept of living room that awaits a fireplace to curl up with a book or a favorite beverage. Second floor has 3 bedrooms along with a full bath and a pull down attic with storage. Charm, a special urban feel, level yard, shed, 2 deeded parking, commuter rail seaside town, and much more. What more can be asked. This opportunity is awaiting for you! Ron Visconti Patrick Rescigno Rosa Rescigno Carl Greenler Call Mango Realty at (781) 558-1091 for a Free Market Analysis! We are Fluent in Chinese, Cantonese, Italian & Spanish! 20 Railroad Ave. Rockport MA $474,800 Light and airy rooms, in the uniquely designed, attractively laid out home, that adapts to a variety of needs and uses. So much here to utilize. Delightful and Inviting year round getaway, Condo Alternative! Easy access to Front Beach. A commuters dream. Perfect location. All the work has been done for you to move right in to this 2 BR 1.5 bath colonial. Located near the train, shopping, restaurants, beaches, and Shalin Liu Music Center. The open concept living and dining room is bright roomy. French doors to wonderful balcony off the master bedroom. Low maintenance exterior with parking for 2 cars. But so close to the train you don’t even need a car. Bonus area in basement with plumbing connections for a possible bathroom. This Rockport gem is worth seeing. Has great rental/ vrbo potential and has a history of commercial use. UNDER AGREEMENT UNDER AGREEMENT

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 Page 27 # 1 Listing & Selling Office in Saugus “Experience and knowledge Provide the Best Service” Free Market Evaluations CRE CarpenitoRealEstate.com View our website from your mobile phone! 335 Central St., Saugus, MA 781-233-7300 EVERETT - 1st AD - Park Plaza condo offers 4 rms., 2 bdrms., 2 full baths, spacious lvrm./dnrm., great open concept, cent. air, garage parking, front facing unit, close to shopping & transportation............................$389,900. SAUGUS - 1st AD - Austin Court offers this 4 room, 2 bedroom condo, hardwood flooring throughout, inground pool, close to walking trail, needs TLC. Affordable home-ownership!.........................................................$229,900. SAUGUS - 1st AD - 8 room Cape Cod style home, 4 bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, 20’ 1st floor family room, newer gas heat, 1 car attached garage, located in Iron Works neighborhood, needs TLC...............................................................$459,900. SAUGUS - Eight room Raised Ranch offers three to four bedrooms, two baths, granite counter tops, open concept, beautiful water views of Hawks Pond, Great family home with nothing to do!.......................................$779,000. SAUGUS - Wonderful, updated 6 rm. Cape offering 3 bedrooms, 1½ updated baths, kit. w/ peninsula seating, dining area open to lvrm., 1st flr. bdrm., updated heat, metal roof, 20’ deck, level lot, side street, MINT!.........$510,000. SAUGUS/MELROSE line - Renovated 3 bdrm. colonial offers 2½ NEW baths, open flr. plan, NEW quartz kit., master bdrm. w/ private bath & fireplace, NEW flooring, NEW heat & cent. air, deck, patio, tranquil lake views.........$769,000. EVERETT - 3 FAMILY offers 5/5/5 rooms, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath each unit, rear porches, separate utilities, new front stairs, conveniently located just outside of Glendale Square – Great opportunity!...............................................$920,000. MELROSE - Melrose Crossing offers this 6 room 2-3 bedroom condo offers great living space, eat in kitchen with granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, spacious dining room, two parking spaces.....................................................$465,000. SAUGUS....11 Unit Building. Cliftondale Sq. Property consists of 3 store fronts, 1 free-standing building & 7 residential units. All sep. utilities. All units deleaded, ample off-street parking, incredible opportunity...............$2,600,000 WONDERING WHAT YOUR HOME IS WORTH? CALL US FOR A FREE OPINION OF VALUE. 781-233-1401 38 MAIN STREET, SAUGUS FOR SALE COMING SOON LET US SHOW YOU OUR MARKETING PLAN TO GET YOU TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR HOME! LITTLEFIELDRE.COM UNDER CONTRACT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE- 3 BED 1 BATH RANCH WITH ALL NEW SYSTEMS & FENCED YRD DEAD END STREET $499,900 SAUGUS CALL DEBBIE 617-678-9710 COMING SOON COMING SOON- 3BED 1 BATH BUNGALOW NEAR LYNN WOOD ON SAUGUS LINE $439,900 LYNN CALL DAWN FOR DETAILS 978-880-8425 SOLD $40K OVER ASKING FOR SALE-2 NEW CONSTRUCTION TOWNHOMES EACH WITH 3 BED, 2.5 BATH, OPEN CONCEPT $799,900 WAKEFIELD CALL KEITH 781-389-0791 FOR SALE FOR SALE - 3 FAMILY & 1 FAMILY ALL ON ONE LOT, CLOSE TO CASINO & OFF-STREET PKNG. - EVERETT $1,420,000 CALL RHONDA 781-706-0842 OFFICE FOR RENT COMING SOON - RENOVATED 4 BED 3 BATH CAPE WITH 2 CAR DETACHED GARAGE SAUGUS CALL DEBBIE 617-678-9710 LOOKING TO BUY OR SELL? CALL JULIEANNE CIPRIANO FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS! 781-484-8541 SOLD - BEAUTIFUL 4 BED 2.5 BATH 3380 SQFT HOME ON CUL-DE-SAC LRG YARD $719,900 SAUGUS CALL DAWN 978-880-8425 FOR RENT FOR SALE-3 BED 2 BATH CAPE WITH UPDATES ON SAUGUS LINE WITH 1 CAR GARAGE $539,900 LYNN CALL ERIC 781-223-0289 FOR SALE FOR RENT OFFICE SPACES WITH PLENTY OF PARKING SAUGUS FROM $600 - $1400 CALL RHONDA 781-706-0842 FOR SALE FOR RENT SUNNY & BRIGHT 2-3 BED FULL KITCHEN WITH LAUNDRY IN UNIT. OFF ST PARKING FOR 2. SAUGUS $2200 CALL RHONDA 781-706-0842 FOR SALE 2 BED 1BATH SINGLE WIDE WITH ADDITION PEABODY $139,900 CALL ERIC 781-223-0289 FOR SALE - BRAND NEW MANUFACTURED MOBILE HOMES. FOUR CUSTOM UNITS LEFT. ALL UNITS ARE 2 BED , 1 BATH 12 X 52. DANVERS $199,900 CALL ERIC 781-223-0289

Page 28 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 5, 2021 Follow Us On: COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY SALES & RENTALS Looking to purchase a new home? Remember, the seller pays agents commission. There is no cost to you to use a real estate agent to protect you during the biggest transaction of your life! Call today and ask about Buyers Representation. Sandy Juliano Broker/President WE KNOW EVERETT!! Call TODAY to sell or buy with the best! LISTED BY NORMA & ROSEMARIE NEW LISTING BY SANDY NEW LISTING BY SANDY SOLD! CONDO - NEW PRICE - $449,900 30 CHELSEA ST. #812 EVERETT CALL NORMA FOR DETAILS! 617-590-9143 UNDER AGREEMENT SINGLE FAMILY 39 ARLINGTON ST., EVERETT $529,900 129 CLARENCE ST., EVERETT NEW PRICE! $799,900 TWO FAMILY LISTED BY NORMA SOLD BY MICHAEL AS BUYER’S AGENT 54 EVERETT STREET EVERETT COMING SOON! READING $675,000 NEW LISTING BY NORMA UNDER AGREEMENT CONDO 120 WYLLIS AVE., UNIT #310 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY NOV. 7, 2021 12:00-2:00 UNDER AGREEMENT 6 FAMILY CHARLES STREET, MALDEN $1,250,000 CALL JOE FOR DETAILS 617-680-7610 BACK ON MARKET SINGLE FAMILY 20 BAKER RD., EVERETT $509,900 SOLD BY MICHAEL AS BUYER’S AGENT 58 BRADFORD ST. EVERETT Open Daily From 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. 433 Broadway, Suite B, Everett, MA 02149 Open Daily From 10:0 Joe DiNuzzo - Broker Associate :0 00 AM 5:00 PM www.jrs-properties.com Follow Us On: 617.544.6274 Norma Capuano Parziale - Agent Denise Matarazz - Agent Maria Scrima - Agent Rosemarie Ciampi - Agent Michael Matarazzo -Agent Mark Sachetta - Agent

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