THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, October 20, 2023 Page 11 Northeast Metro Tech students to help renovate Melrose Fire Station W AKEFIELD – Superintendent David DiBarri is pleased to announce that Northeast Metro Tech students will be helping to renovate the Melrose Fire Department’s headquarters station over the next few weeks. Students from the HVAC, Carpentry, Drafting, Plumbing and Electrical shops will all participate as students work to renovate the station’s kitchen area, hallways, fi re alarm offi ce, chief’s offi ce and doors.Work performed by students will include renovating the station’s kitchen area, repairing holes in the subfl oor and replacing tiles, building new cabinets and counters, and hanging new ceiling tiles and lighting. “This project will enable our students to use the skills they’ve learned in their shops to benefi t the community and the Melrose Fire Department,” said Ward Hamilton, Melrose’s representative on the Northeast Metro Tech School Committee. “I’m pleased to see our students participating in hands-on learning that benefi ts our sending communities.” Northeast Metro Tech students who are working to renovate part of the Melrose Fire Headquarters stand with Ward Hamilton, Melrose’s representative on the Northeast Metro Tech School Committee at the fi re station. (Courtesy Northeast Metro Tech)

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