THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 11 ~ Political Endorsement ~ State Senator Jason Lewis endorses Ari Taylor for Malden Ward 5 City Council M ALDEN: Ari Taylor, candidate for Malden Ward 5 City Council, which is one of the most competitive municipal races in Malden this year, is proud to announce that State Senator Jason Lewis has endorsed her campaign. Senator Lewis has represented the 5th Middlesex district, which includes all of Malden, since 2014. In his endorsement message, Senator Lewis said: “Ari is a dedicated community builder with an impressive record of getting the job done. When Ari sees an unmet need in the community, she steps up.” “Ari and I have worked together for years to deliver results for Malden — to bring the ARTLine to Malden, to help pass a law outlawing child marriage in Massachusetts to protect our kids, and to raise the minimum wage.” “I know Ari will be a responsive and hard working City Councillor on behalf of Ward 5 residents because I've seen her in action for years, volunteering and serving on community boards, deCOMMITTEE| FROM PAGE 3 tire school system. I have consistently addressed this issue head on and fought to allocate the necessary fi nancial resources that allow for adherence to these class size guidelines. It is imperative that we continue to ensure that ALL class sizes have adequate enrollments and are educationally sound. As your School Committee Representative, it is paramount that I protect the appropriateness of adequate class size at the K-3 level and throughout the entire school system. It is in the best interests of our city’s future to invest in our schools and provide the necessary financial resources for our teachers and students to succeed. The schoolchildren of Malden deserve nothing less. Students in the Kindergarten to Grade 3 Level are obtaining fundamental skills in Reading, Writing and Mathematics which will serve as the foundation of all future learning throughout their tenure within the Malden Public Schools. It is important to note that students at the K-3 level are learning to read which will serve a foundation for the Grade 4 through Grade 12 level where students areas reading to learn. Based on the fact that I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Ari Taylor Candidate for Malden Ward 5 City Council livering results for Malden. And I know she’ll be a strong partner for my offi ce to make sure Malden gets the resources it needs.” “I hope Ward 5 voters will join me in supporting Ari — and remember to vote on November 7th!” Voters can learn more about Ari Taylor’s campaign for Ward 5 City Council at her website www.ariAdministration, Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management is a requisite skill set that I bring to the Malden School Committee. I fought to secure appropriate funding to provide balanced school budgets for our students that are responsible, fully-funded and educationally sound that puts the needs of ALL Malden students fi rst. It is incumbent upon the school leaders to protect the academic learning environment within each and every classroom within the city when deliberating over the school budget process. As your Ward 2 School Committee Representative, I fought to ensure that the curriculum addresses the needs of all learners with the implementation of Advanced Placement courses and applied Career and Technical Programs to ensure that all students are college and career ready while ensuring that ALL students who are experiencing Social Emotional issues have access to counseling and mental health services. I have thoroughly enjoyed our numerous discussions in the past and I look forward to continuing to talk to the residents of Ward 2 about the important educational and fi nancial issues facing our schools. I will heed your input relative to these issues and I will incorporate your Jason Lewis State Senator formalden.com — including her family history going back three generations in Malden, her extensive work and volunteer experience, how she’s delivered for Malden, and her vision and goals if elected. Ari’s campaign is working hard to reach voters in Ward 5. Any voter who would like to speak with Ari directly is welcome to contact her through her website. thoughts and ideas into my deliberations at the Malden School Committee level. I want to thank the voters of Ward 2 for your past overwhelming support whenever my name has been on your ballot. I will work hard to ensure that our children receive the best possible education we have to off er them. I respectfully ask for your vote on Tuesday, November 7, 2023. All the Best! Sincerely, Robert S. McCarthy, Jr. SAFETY | FROM PAGE 1 Malden Public Schools, Malden Police Department (MPD) and city of Malden. Malden Superintendent of Schools Dr. Ligia Noriega-Murphy on Wednesday evening led a formal presentation which described the full collaboration between Malden Public Schools and MPD on safety planning and procedures that are in place at this time. "The safety and well-being of our students and staff members is our highest priority," the Superintendent told parents who attended the hourlong presentation Wednesday, which was held in the Jenkins Auditorium at Malden High School. and we are so grateful to have. "We are so fortunate to have such a valuable partnership with the Malden Police Department to assist us with planning and implementation of safety protocols," Supt. Noriega-Murphy added. The Superintendent introduced Malden Police Chief Glenn Cronin, Malden Police Sgt. Rich Correale, who is in charge of MPD Special Operations Unit and Ptl, Rich Doherty, who works closely with Sgt. Correale, all of whom were in attendance for the presentation. Also on hand for the event were a number of Malden Public Schools central administration officials, including Assistant Superintendents Emily Pena and Ellen Kelleher-Rojas and several Malden school principals, including Van Huynh (Salemwood K-8), Dr. Kariann Murphy (Beebe K-8) and Adam Weldai (Forestdale K-8). Chief Cronin and Sgt. Correale both addressed those in attendance. "We are in contact on a daily basis with the Malden Public Schools and Police Chief Glenn Cronin t a l k s w i t h A s s i s t a n t Superintendent Emilys Pena. (Advocate Photo) both short-term and long-term planning in safety issues and protocols are ongoing. "We work with school and city to make sure our students and staff and the facilities where the education takes place are all safe and aware of what we have in place," Chief Cronin said. Chief Cronin also explained that three full-time school resource offi cers work closely in and with the schools and both he and Supt. Noriega-Murphy agreed that this is still another valuable resource being employed for student and staff safety. Sgt. Rob O'Brien is a school resource offi cer and the facilitator overseeing the program overall, Chief Cronin said, and the other two offi cers are Ptls. Katelyn Centore and Connor Cloherty. "Our main goal is for the school resource officers to build and keep positive and meaningful relationships with students and staff members," Chief Cronin said. "We want them to become members of the school community and provide any assistance they can give." ~ Home of the Week ~ REVERE...Nicely maintained Cape Cod style home featuring 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, kitchen offers small island and ceramic tile flooring, open to dining room with hardwood flooring, large, front-to-back living room, full bath with whirlpool tub and separate shower stall, enclosed porch, finished lower level with playroom, central air, inground pool with cabana - great for summer enjoyment! 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