THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, September 20, 2024 Page 21 For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.net The Kid Does Clean Outs From 1 item to 1,000 * Basements * Homes * Backyards * Commercial Buildings The cheapest prices around! Call Eric: (857) 322-2854 1. On Sept. 20, 1850, the U.S. Congress abolished slave trading in what jurisdiction on the Potomac River? 2. What Shakespeare romantic comedy that has a number in its name has the line “If music be the food of love, play on!”? 3. On Sept. 21, 1957, what TV mystery series debuted that has a name that includes a beverage type? 4. What recognition have Meadowlark Lemon, Red Skelton and Emmett Kelly received? 5. What language is the source of impala, mamba and vuvuzela? 6. Who was the stepmother of Tutankhamen? 7. On Sept. 22, 1797, the USS Constitution launch was again attempted; how many times was its launch attempted? 8. When was art nouveau most popular: 1850-60, 18901910 or 1920-30? 9. What state has passed a resolution regarding its name’s pronunciation? 10. On Sept. 23, 1980, what creator of the hit song “Jamming” performed his last concert? 11. What country has Munros, Grahams and Donalds? 12. What is a mare of maria on the moon? 13. In what body part would you fi nd the vestibular labyrinth? 14. On Sept. 24, 1936, puppeteer Jim Henson was born; he created the word Muppets from what two words? Advocate Call now! 617-387-2200 advertise on the web at www.advocatenews.net Clean-Outs! We take and dispose from cellars, attics, garages, yards, etc. Call Robert at: 781-844-0472 * Crack Repairing * Pot Hole Filling * Striping Handicapped Spaces * Free Estimates Tom’s Seal Coating Call Gary: 978-210-4012 15. In what book by Dr. Seuss was the word “nerd” fi rst used? 16. On Sept. 25, 1513, Vasco Núñez de Balboa became the fi rst European to see what? 17. What country’s capital is also the name of a bean? 18. What is kinetic art? 19. In 1968 who used a makeshift comb & paper kazoo on “Crosstown Traffi c”? 20. On Sept. 26, 1774, Johnny Appleseed was born in what Worcester County, Mass., town? ANSWERS 1. D.C. 2. “Twelfth Night” 3. “Perry Mason” (Perry is fermented pear juice [mostly British].) 4. Induction into the International Clown Hall of Fame. 5. Zulu (They mean an antelope, a poisonous snake and a trumpet-like horn, respectively.) 6. Nefertiti 7. Three (It was successfully launched on Oct. 21.) 8. 1890-1910 9. Arkansas 10. Bob Marley 11. Scotland (They are types of hills and mountains.) 12. Lava fl ows (sometimes called seas) 13. Ear 14. Marionettes and puppets 15. “If I Ran the Zoo” 16. The Pacifi c Ocean 17. Lima, Peru 18. Pieces of it move. 19. Jimi Hendrix 20. Leominster Classifi eds

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