THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, September 20, 2024 Page 11 MALDEN | FROM PAGE 3 Daye published the first Bible in the New World. In 1641, Mrs. Glover married Henry Dunster (1609-1659), a former teacher from Lancashire and Harvard’s first president since his arrival in Boston in 1640. Dunster revitalized the college by codifying its laws, creating its charter, establishing degree requirements and reuniting the students. When Mrs. Glover died, he inherited all her estate, including the printing press, which he later gave to the college. He hired Matthew Daye as the official printer instead of Stephen Daye, who was implicated in some fraud. In 1648, Matthew Daye printed 600 copies of “The Book of the General Lauues and Libertyes Concerning the Inhabitants of the Massachusetts” under Joseph Hills’ supervision. Hills wrote in his “Notes” that “I drew up in a book, close-written, consisting of 24 pages, in folio. For further improvement, the Gen. Court appointed me with some others to compose and transcribe the Second Book of Laws, copy-wise. I put forth myself...devoting myself thereunto for the most part of two years’ time.” According to Corey, the book “contained about fifty-six pages of text, and other matter may have filled out the sixty-eight pages of the seventeen sheets... It was carried to each town in the colony and was in the hands of all the leading men.” Moreover, it was brought to a few other colonies, where it affected their law-developing processes. Later, Hills participated in the laws’ editing and was appointed more times for that work than even Governor Richard Bellingham. This code of laws became the foundation for all the laws of New England, and later, of the United States. The colonists appreciated his work. In partial payment for his efforts, he received 500 acres of land on the Nashua River in New Hampshire and a remission of taxes in his old age. To be continued… (Inna Babitskaya is a Malden Historian, a Member of the Malden Historical Commission and the author of historical books “From Maldon to Malden,” “Time of Converse” and “Fellsmere Park – Emerald of Malden.”) For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@ advocatenews.net Like us on Facebook advocate newspaper Facebook.com/ Advocate.news.ma

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