THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, September 8, 2023 Page 21 Malden Senior Center art students enjoy ‘Field Trip’ to view Malden Sketch Group exhibit at 350 Main St. Annual exhibition may be viewed through Sept. 30 By Steve Freker A group of local art students who are participating in a program coordinated at the Malden Senior Center took a “fi eld trip” to the Art Gallery at Commerce Place — located in the lobby and entry fl oor of 350 Main St. in Malden Square — this week. There they viewed a wonderful exhibition of artwork created by members of the Malden Sketch Group. Local artist Fred Seager, a member of the Malden Sketch Group, met with the Malden seniors and talked about art and its many facets. The Malden Sketch Group is a vibrant group of local artists who have been plying their craft for nearly 30 years in this community. The local artist group, which is focused on life drawing — the drawing of people — has been based in a basement meeting place at Commerce Place, where the exhibition is being held, courtesy of the building’s owner, Preotle, Lane & Associates. The Malden Sketch Group has been alive in Malden for nearly 30 years, originating in 1995, through the efforts of founders Nunzio Luca, Coffee, Cookies & Conversation at the Malden Public Library T he Malden Public Library and The Friends of the Malden Public Library are sponsoring a Welcoming Week event on Saturday, September 16, 2023, from 10:0011:00 a.m., called “Coffee, Cookies & Conversation.” Welcoming Week is a global campaign that connects neighbors of all backgrounds in their communities. At the Malden Public Library, we celebrate the values that unite us as immigrants, refugees and non-immigrants. 1. On Sept. 8, 1903, the Quarry Workers’ International Union of North America was granted a charter by the American Federation of Labor; in what state was that union headquartered? 2. What singer was nicknamed the Empress of the Blues? 3. On Sept. 9, 1754, William Bligh was born, who commanded what ship during a mutiny? ART ENTHUSIASTS: Malden Senior Center art class students check out some of the artwork from the Malden Sketch Group exhibition. an artist and former longtime Malden High School Art Department educator, and local artist Fred Seager. Seager remains active with the Malden Sketch Group today and was on hand this week to meet with the members of the Malden Senior Center group, and he spoke to them about art and sketch drawing and answered questions Several of the seniors who attended the fi eld trip called it “fun and inspirational” as well as “time well spent.” Malden Senior Center attendees included Carmen Arnone, Joyce Huang, Qing Kai Kong, Susanne Levong, Ann Luo, Carol Nania and Kathy Nolan. Information for this story was provided by Mary Ann Seager, longtime Malden High School art educator (Retired). 4. How many sides does an octagon have? 5. What is the offi cial state beverage of most U.S. states: cranberry juice, lemonade or milk? 6. What author fi rst used a typewriter, saying, “It piles an awful stack of words on one page. It don’t muss things or scatter ink blots around. Of course, it saves paper”? 7. On Sept. 10, 2000, what musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber closed after over 7,000 performances on Broadway? 8. What sports event went from Bilbao, Spain to ChampsÉlysées, Paris? 9. At the 2023 World Athletics Championships, in what sport did an Australian and a United States player agree to share a gold medal? 10. Where in England is the 1972 bestseller “Watership Down” — about a group of rabbits — set? 11. On Sept. 11, 2008, there was a major fi re in the Channel Tunnel; what is the tunnel’s nickname? 12. What country has the smallest population: Dominica, Monaco or Vatican City? 13. In what English book would you fi nd a pig called Old Major, who teaches the animals the song “Beasts of England”? 14. On Sept. 12, 1959, what western TV show premiered that was the fi rst regularly scheduled TV show in color? 15. What is The Rockettes’ best-known venue? 16. In the Book of Genesis, what was Lot’s wife’s name? 17. On Sept. 13, 1911, what mandolin player — known as the father of bluegrass music — was born? 18. Next year what city will be hosting the summer Olympics for the third time? A VISIT TO THE GALLERY: This group of Malden Senior Center art class students visited the Malden Sketch Group’s exhibition on a “fi eld trip” at Commerce Place (350 Main St. in Malden) recently. (Courtesy/Maryann Seager Photos) 19. The last recorded person to die from smallpox was in what year: 1931, 1952 or 1978? 20. On Sept. 14, 1960, OPEC was founded; what does OPEC stand for? ANSWERS GATHERING AT THE GALLERY: Art class students from the Malden Senior Center enjoyed their visit to the gallery at 350 Main St. this week. 1. Vermont (Barre) 2. Bessie Smith 3. HMS Bounty 4. 12. Vatican City (a city-state surrounded by Rome) Eight 5. Milk 6. Mark Twain 7. “Cats” 8. The 2003 Tour de France bicycle race 9. Women’s pole vault 10. Southern England’s Downs (hills) 11. Chunnel 13. “Animal Farm” by George Orwell 14. “Bonanza” 15. Radio City Music Hall in NYC 16 She does not have a name. 17. Bill Monroe 18. Paris 19. 1978 20. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

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