THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 11, 2023 ~ Political Endorsement ~ Page 15 Amanda Linehan Endorsed for Malden City Council Ward 3 by Environmental League of Massachusetts Action Fund he Environmental League of Massachusetts Action Fund has endorsed Amanda Linehan in the election for Malden City Council Ward 3, a credit to her commitment to the environment and climate action. With issues of public health, environmental justice, transportation, and energy policy inextricably linked, we need leaders at every level of government who understand the pressing issues of their community and will call for ambitious action. “In her fi rst two terms, AmanT da has spearheaded the adoption of a new curbside compost program and secured funding for the creation of the fi rst new park in Malden in a generation,” said Casey Bowers, Executive Director of the ELM Action Fund. “We are thrilled to endorse her for a third term.” “I am thrilled and honored to once again have the endorsement of the Environmental League of Massachusetts Action Fund. We share a sense of urgency around the environmental challenges facing our city and state and are ready to work together to move the needle on climate and clean energy goals,” said Linehan. “I am committed to making this issue my most urgent policy priority, because our children’s future and the health of our planet is at stake.” During her time in offi ce so far, Amanda Linehan secured $6.5 million in state funding to preserve nine acres of land in Ward 3 at the site of the former Malden Hospital. This new open space will create the fi rst new park in Malden in decades and will be built in conjunction with the redevelopment of the former hospital campus into a new all-ages behavioral health facility that will be EV-ready, bike-commute friendly, and boast Malden’s fi rst-ever geothermal construction project. Her climate plans for the next term include re-greening hard surfaces, improving bike infrastructure, and adopting lower parking-minimum zoning in ~ Letter-to-the-Editor ~ We Must Trust Our Elected Officials to be Forthcoming and Transparent Dear Editor, I am writing this letter to Malden Advocate newspaper in reference to the article published in last week’s August 4th edition where it stated that Councilor-at-Large Karen Colon-Hayes was fi ned a $7,500 Civil Penalty to the State of Mass. Confl ict of Interest law. Mrs. Colon-Hayes, you are an elected offi cial by the citizens of Malden. We trust our elected offi cials to be forthcoming and transparent with us. You have violated that trust as a sitting councilor-at-large. Not only did you keep this from the voters, you did a good job hiding this inquiry by the state ethics commission for almost two years. You were entrusted by the City of Malden to be fair, and impartial in overseeing the city as Human Services and Outreach director under the Mayor’s Summer Youth and Employment program (MSYEP). You were told by the Mayor’s Chief of Staff not to supervise your daughter you continued to do so after being told not to supervise her. You also approved a pay raise for her after being told not to supervise her. In 2019, you continued to be insubordinate to the Mayor’s offi ce by supervising your daughter and, now her boyfriend, you were also entrusted by the City of Malden to supervise weekly timesheets for both your daughters and boyfriend, again, being told not to continue this practice by the Mayor’s chief of staff . You admitted to sufficient facts of violating the state’s confl ict of interest laws prohibition against public employees knowingly or with reason to know acting in a manner that would cause a reasonable person to doubt their fairness in the performance of their offi cial duties. Mrs. Colon-Hayes how in any way can the voters of Malden trust you? Your deliberate insubordination to a city offi cial. Not being transparent to the voters of Malden and admitting to the state ethics commission you did this. At this point, you should resign from the Malden city council immediately. The sitting council president should also ask for your resignation immediately. Ms. Colon-Hayes you have violated the trust of the voters of Malden. Signed, Kevin Larson 61-year resident and 42-year voter The 50+ Job Seekers Program continues at the Malden Public Library T he Malden Public Library (MPL) is continuing to off er the 50+ Job Seekers Program. This is a free service and anyone 55 years or older is welcome to join any or all the sessions. All classes are held on Zoom. Anyone interested who doesn’t have a computer or isn’t familiar with Zoom is welcome to come to the library and borrow a Chromebook during the sessions. Library staff will make sure anyone interested in participating can do so. The morning sessions are from 9:30-11:30 a.m. and meet on the first & third Wednesdays. The evening sessions are from 6-8 p.m. and meet on the second & fourth Wednesdays. Session topics include: self-assessment and transferrable skills, creating your “career story” pitch, LinkedIn profi les, resumes, networking and creating a marketing plan. The MPL is excited to continue off ering this program and encourages anyone interested to attend. Call the MPL with questions at 781-324-0218; ask for Marita. 50 + Job Seekers Morning Schedule: August 16, 9:30 a.m. – Create Your “Career Story” Pitch September 6, 9:30 a.m. – Artifi cial Intelligence, Applications & Cover Letters September 20, 9:30 a.m. – Create a LinkedIn Profi le & Personal Branding October 4, 9:30 a.m. – Resumes: the Basics October 18, 9:30 a.m. – Resumes: Beyond the Basics November 1, 9:30 a.m. – Thinking Outside the Box (Panel Discussion) November 15, 9:30 a.m. – Interview Strategies & Preparation December 6, 9:30 a.m. – Networking 2.0 December 20, 9:30 a.m. – Creating a Marketing Plan & Brief Afternoon Schedule: August 9, 6 p.m. – Self-Assessment & Transferrable Skills August 23, 6 p.m. – Create Your “Career Story” Pitch September 13, 6 p.m. – Artifi - cial Intelligence, Applications & Cover Letters September 27, 6 p.m. – Create a LinkedIn Profi le & Personal Branding October 11, 6 p.m. – Resumes: the Basics October 25, 6 p.m. – Resumes: Beyond the Basics November 8, 6 p.m. – Thinking Outside the Box (Panel Discussion) November 29, 6 p.m. – Interview Strategies & Preparation December 13, 6 p.m. – Networking 2.0 December 20, 6 p.m. – Creating a Marketing Plan & Brief Important Schedule Note for Evening Meetings Due to Thanksgiving, we’re hosting a meeting on Wednesday, November 29 (fi fth Wednesday), instead of on Wednesday, November 22 (the fourth Wednesday). Due to Christmas, we’re hosting a meeting on Wednesday, December 20 (the third Wednesday), instead of on Wednesday, December 27 (the fourth Wednesday). December 20 will be a double-header with both a morning and evening meeting! new developments. To learn more about Amanda Linehan, visit her website at http://amandalinehan.org. The ELM Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization that helps pass laws that protect our environmental legacy, holds our elected officials accountable, and works to build the political power of the environmental community. To learn more about our work and our recent electoral victories visit www.elmaction.org/elections.

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