THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 4, 2023 Page 9 INVESTMENTS | FROM PAGE 1 education, housing instability, healthcare and workforce development. Taking into consideration the ending of COVID-era federal funding and rising infl ation nationwide, this spending bill represents a continued commitment to the people of Massachusetts and aims to put the state in a more competitive position in a post-pandemic world. The FY24 budget prioritized measures addressing rising food insecurity across the state by codifying free universal school meals, increasing funding for food security infrastructure grants and providing capital investments to local food organizations. With this bill, Massachusetts is slated to become the seventh state nationwide to provide free school meals to all public school students. Additionally, the bill promises free community college programs for students over 25 years old, increases funding for Early College Programs and expands pre-K opportunities across the state – refl ecting historic investments across all levels of our public education system. State Representatives Steve Ultrino, Paul Donato and Kate Lipper-Garabedian and State Senator Jason Lewis have successfully advocated for and secured $885,000 in Malden earmarks in this budget, as follows: • $200,000 for the School-toCareer program operated by Triangle, Inc. • $150,000 for Portal To Hope to develop programs combatting domestic violence and providing supportive services to survivors and victims of domestic violence • $100,000 for Housing Families Inc. to assist in their general operations • $85,000 for capital improvements and equipment for Bread of Life’s new building • $75,000 for a new multi-utility vehicle for Malden’s Department of Public Works funded through this additional revenue stream: • $69 million for permanent Universal School Meals • $25 million for reducing the waitlist for income-eligible early education and care programs and ensuring fair and adequate access to early education and care services • $5.5 million for expanding pre-K and preschool opportunities across the state • $50 million for the Green Kate Lipper-Garabedian State Representative • $75,000 for Malden’s Pedestrian Safety Pilot Projects • $75,000 for Action for Boston Community Development’s Mobile Homeless Outreach Team • $75,000 for the establishment of an arboretum at the Forest Dale Cemetery • $50,000 for Urban Media Arts to construct a new roof at their facility “I am excited to see Malden community organizations receiving funding to continue their critical programs and services for our residents in need,” said Representative Ultrino (D-Malden). “This budget prioritizes creating a more livable and competitive Commonwealth and addressing urgent issues faced by our residents every day. Once again, I am proud to have worked with my colleagues in the Malden delegation to successfully advocate for investments in the Malden community.” “This budget will deliver substantial resources to our communities, and make our state more affordable for working families by helping to address the high costs of housing, healthcare, child care, and college,” said Senator Lewis. “I’m especially pleased that Representative Ultrino, Representative Lipper-Garabedian, Representative Donato and I were able to also secure funding for some important local Malden priorities.” Steve Ultrino State Representative “By placing a focus on aff ordability and equity, this budget will have immediate and long-lasting positive effects for residents throughout the Commonwealth,” said Representative Donato (D-Medford). “Additionally, I am grateful that Senator Lewis, Representative Ultrino, Representative Lipper-Garabedian, and I were able to deliver funding towards Malden.” "With the Malden delegation, I am proud to have secured funding of $885,000 for the City and critical community partners including in the areas of housing security, public safety, and infrastructure,” said Representative Lipper-Garabedian (D-Melrose). “Additionally, among the many critical and responsive statewide investments in the budget, I am thrilled to see ongoing historic funding in early education and childcare, a top priority for which I advocated, as well as universal free school meals to make Massachusetts the seventh state to make the program permanent.” The FY24 budget will be the fi rst annual budget to integrate new revenues from the Fair Share Amendment. With $1 billion in anticipated Fair Share revenue directed into a new Education and Transportation Fund, several critical education and transportation initiatives will be School Works program • $20 million for MassReconnect, which will provide free community college certifi cates and degrees to Massachusetts residents aged 25 or above who have yet to earn a college-level credential • $20 million for MBTA Commuter Rail infrastructure improvements • $20 million for MBTA Workforce and Safety Reserve to address ongoing safety concerns identifi ed by the Federal Transit Administration’s inspections Other notable highlights in the FY24 budget: • Elimination of asset limits for Medicare Savings Program eligibility • In-state tuition and fi nancial aid at community colleges and universities for undocumented high school graduates and GED holders • No-cost calls provided to incarcerated individuals in Massachusetts correctional facilities • Reviving the pandemic-era Chapter 257 eviction protections for tenants who have applied for rental assistance • A two-year pilot program extending eligibility for ConnectorCare to applicants at or below 500% of the Federal Poverty Limit • $190 million allocated to the Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) program, representing a $40 million increase from FY23 • $15 million for the Early College program to help expand access to higher education pathways for high school students, representing a $5 million increase from FY23 • $17.5 million for Head Start grants, which provided comprehensive social, educational, physical and emotional services for over 100 Malden families in the past year The FY24 budget proposal (H.4040) was enacted by the House and Senate and laid before the governor on July 31, 2023. Governor Maura Healey has 10 days from that date to review H.4040 and sign it, veto it or veto line items, or propose amendments to it. Need a hall for your special event? The Schiavo Club, located at 71 Tileston Street, Everett is available for your Birthdays, Anniversaries, Sweet 16 parties and more? Call Dennis at (857) 249-7882 for details. For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@ advocatenews.net

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