THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, August 4, 2023 Page 7 Sen. Markey joins New England Aquarium to release eight rehabilitated sea turtles on Cape Cod Event highlights need for federal funding to help save sea turtles U .S. Senator Ed Markey joined the New England Aquarium on Monday night to release eight rehabilitated sea turtles, months after they stranded on the shores of Cape Cod. Staff and volunteers from the New England Aquarium and Mass Audubon’s Wellfl eet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary gathered with legislative staff as six Kemp’s ridley and two green sea turtles were returned to the ocean from West Dennis Beach. Sen. Markey (D-Massachusetts), who has been an advocate for creating direct financial support to organizations providing sea turtle stranding response and rehabilitation, released “Orzo,” a critically endangered Kemp’s ridley sea turtle. The New England Aquarium, in partnership with the National Aquarium and the South Carolina Aquarium, is working with Sen. Markey, Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), Rep. Bill Keating (D-Massachusetts-8th), and Rep. Jenniff er GonzálezColón (R-Puerto Rico) to introduce and advance the bipartisan Sea Turtle Rescue Assistance Act of 2023 (H.R.2560). The bill would help provide the federal funding for institutions across the country to continue sea turtle conservation eff orts, and it is endorsed by over 60 institutions across the country, from Texas to Maine. “The sea turtles released today had a happy ending thanks to the great work of the New England Aquarium, but too many of our nation’s critically endangered sea turtles don’t get a second chance at life,” said Sen. Markey. “My bipartisan Sea Turtle Rescue Assistance Act would provide much-needed federal funds for life-saving rescue, rehabilitation, and research eff orts for sea turtles throughout American waters and coasts.” The sea turtles became hypothermic in Cape Cod Bay in December 2022 and washed ashore, where they were rescued by the Wellfl eet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary team. The turtles spent the next eight months at the Aquarium’s Sea Turtle Hospital in Quincy, Mass., being treated for life-threatening conditions that resulted from them being unable to regulate their body temperature and feed, including pneumonia, dehydration and trauma. In keeping with this year’s turtle-naming theme of pasta and of sea turtles to our shores annually. About the New England Aquarium: This nonprofi t research and conservation organization has protected and cared for our ocean and marine animals for more than 50 years. It provides science-based solutions and helps shape policies that create measurable change to address threats the ocean faces. It inspires action through discovery and helps create engaged, resilient communities. Law Offices of Terrence W. US Senator Ed Markey is shown releasing one of eight sea turtles back into the ocean recently. (CREDIT: Vanessa Kahn/New England Aquarium) noodles, the group of eight sea turtles released Monday night also included Tagliatelle, Ziti, Tortellini, Fettuccine, Spaetzle, Ditalini and Farfalle. “Seeing these turtles return to the ocean is what has driven all of us at the New England Aquarium to continue this life-saving work over the past three decades,” said Director of Rescue and Rehabilitation Adam Kennedy. “Operating one of the largest sea turtle rescue and rehabilitation programs in the world wouldn’t be possible without the assistance of a collaborative network of rescue partners, and we are grateful for the support from Sen. Markey and the Massachusetts delegation so that we can all continue this conservation work.” During the 2022 cold-stunning season, the Aquarium treated 518 live sea turtles. Once turtles are stabilized, staff veterinarians in collaboration with rescue biologists examine animals that need further care and clear others for travel to secondary rehabilitation facilities. Turtles with more critical injuries remain at the New England Aquarium, where many are fully rehabilitated before being released back into the ocean. The Aquarium works closely with the Fisheries Service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Wellfl eet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary and the nonprofi t organization Turtles Fly Too to save the sea turtles, many of which are transferred to partner organizations across the country to continue rehabilitation. The success of this operation depends on the network of organizations that collaborate to ensure hundreds of turtles survive each cold-stunning season. The number of annual coldstunned sea turtle strandings in Massachusetts varies from year to year but has steadily increased from around 50 in 2000 to more than 700 in 2021. Researchers have predicted through statistical modeling that by 2031 these events might bring thousands Kennedy 512 Broadway, Everett • Criminal Defense • Personal Injury • Medical Malpractice Tel: (617) 387-9809 Cell: (617) 308-8178 twkennedylaw@gmail.com THE HOT TIMES YOU’LL HAVE! Finance Your Summer with Members Plus SUMMER SIZZLER LOAN 6.49% Applying is Fast & Easy, too! Just scan the code, call or go online. APR* Vacations Home Improvement Extra Cash & More! memberspluscu.org 781-905-1500 MEDFORD NORWOOD DORCHESTER EVERETT PLYMOUTH *APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Payments for 6.49% APR for 12-months are approximately $86.31 per month per $1,000 borrowed. Payment does not reflect disability and/or credit life insurance and may differ slightly due to rounding. Terms up to 12 months. 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