THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, July 26, 2024 Page 17 For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.net The Kid Does Clean Outs From 1 item to 1,000 * Basements * Homes * Backyards * Commercial Buildings The cheapest prices around! Call Eric: (857) 322-2854 1. On July 26, 1990, what president signed the Americans with Disabilities Act? 2. Who originally performed “Under the Boardwalk”? 3. The world’s oldest subway train operator, Helen Antenucci, 82, recently celebrated her birthday and received a Guinness World Records certifi cate; a plaque in her honor is at what MBTA station? 4. On July 27, 1946, what author of “The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas” died? 5. What famous sculpture by Michelangelo has a man’s fi rst name? 6. How are the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal, Petra, Colosseum, Brazil’s Christ the Redeemer, Machu Pichu and Chichén Itzá similar? 7. On July 28, 1917, the Silent Parade, a march against violence towards African Americans, happened along what important avenue? 8. What singer recorded the song “Sandcastles” for the album “Lemonade”? 9. Bhutan, Malta and Wales have what imaginary animal on their fl ags? 10. What type of cycle is used in basketball games? 11. On July 29, 1954, the fi rst part of what fantasy trilogy by an author with a name with three initials was published? 12. What playwright created “As You Like It” with the song “Under the greenwood tree”? 13. Is a phaeton a touring car or a horse-drawn vehicle? 14. On July 30, 1932, the Olympic Games in Los Angeles opened; what Olympics venue was fi rst instituted then? Advocate Call now! 617-387-2200 advertise on the web at www.advocatenews.net Clean-Outs! We take and dispose from cellars, attics, garages, yards, etc. Call Robert at: 781-844-0472 * Crack Repairing * Pot Hole Filling * Striping Handicapped Spaces * Free Estimates Tom’s Seal Coating Call Gary: 978-210-4012 15. The International Cycling Union fi ned cyclist Julien Bernard for kissing his wife during what race? 16. What does pesto mean in Italian? 17. July 31 is National Avocado Day; avocado is called what name that combines an animal and a fruit? 18. Which are older, jellyfi sh or dinosaurs? 19. What kind of bird has a “racing homer” breed that was created for racing? 20. On Aug. 1, 1819, what American writer about the sea – who once sailed on whalers from Massachusetts and lived in Pittsfi eld – was born? ANSWERS Classifieds 1. George H.W. Bush 2. The Drifters 3. Aquarium (her favorite stop) 4. Gertrude Stein 5. David 6. They are the new seven Wonders of the World. 7. Fifth Avenue in NYC 8. Beyoncé 9. Dragon 10. Unicycle 11. “The Lord of the Rings” by J.R.R. Tolkien 12. Shakespeare 13. Both (some cars have names derived from carriage names). 14. The Olympic Village 15. Tour de France 16. Pounded 17. Alligator pear 18. Jellyfi sh 19. Pigeon 20. Herman Melville

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