Page 6 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, July 16, 2021 Malden Today, Tomorrow and Yesterday – Kevin Duffy’s World By Peter F. Levine H is name is Kevin. He is Malden’s best friend. He is also the Strategy and Business Development Officer for the City of Malden. Hence, Malden’s best friend. On any given day he can be found strutting through Malden Square waving to friends, small talking Malden Square regulars and shaking hands with grateful merchants, all the while not breaking stride or a sweat. He is that cool – not as cool as his dad, though. Brendan Duffy was a legend. He had mad cool. He would also be extremely proud of his son Kevin were he alive today. Because this column is all about deep, probing questions on everything from life, to love, to liberty, the questions that follow, which Kevin so kindly answered, had to be asked. It’s Kevin’s world and we just live in it. Kevin Duffy For your reading pleasure, take it away, Mr. Duffy: 1. My full name is... Kevin John Duffy. 2. I am currently... getting my kids ready for their school transitions (HS & College). 3. I am saving up for... my next long-distance ride. 4. My home is in... Malden, of course! 5. I love people who... say, “Yes, and...” 6. Something I say a lot is... “Call me if you need me!” 7. I consider myself to be... flawed but trying. 8. I need to have... my early morning time (coffee, paper, workout). 9. My favorite movie of all time is... Seven Samurai. 10. My all-time role model is...Atticus Finch/Jason ‘Furious’ Styles. 11. I respect people who... work the job and not the clock. 12. The best thing anyone has ever said to me is... “That was the most Brendan thing you’ve ever done.” 13. I am happy when... I am with my wife and kids. 14. I find the absurd/ludicrous funny/hilarious. Everett Aluminum 10 Everett Ave., Everett 617-389-3839 Owned & operated by the Conti family since 1958 • 57 Years! “Same name, phone number & address for family since 1958 • 63 over half a century. We must be doing something right!” •Vinyl Siding •Free Estimates •Carpentry Work •Fully Licensed •Decks •Roofing • Fully Insured • Replacement Windows www.everettaluminum.com Now’s the time to schedule those home improvement projects you’ve been dreaming about all winter! 15. I am named after... my Uncle John, who was a longshoreman, so it explains a lot. 16. I have two kids. 17. The furthest I’ve ever been from home is... Italy visiting my mom’s family. 18. My special talents are... bringing energy and enthusiasm. 19. I have 0 pets now but had two dogs live to 18 years old each. Can’t do that ride again. 20. I played sports as a youngster at... Amerige Park. It is said in Malden today, tomorrow and yesterday... A local oral sports historian and well-known raconteur, who may be related to everybody in Edgeworth from the past 100 years or so, John Trischitta, took pencil to paper and reached out to me after reading my Joe & Nemo’s column. Take it away, Trixie: “Peter, my Joe & Nemo story goes like this; the late Paul Murphy and I, after Bill Tighe and Lou Racca took attendance in gym, slid out of the school. We were walking towards the Square when we turned the corner around the bank (the bank that MALDEN: TODAY| SEE PAGE 15 Summer is Here!

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