THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, July 10, 2020 Page 17 * Crack Repairing * Pot Hole Filling * Striping Handicapped Spaces * Free Estimates Tom’s Seal Coating Call Gary: 978-210-4012 Mold & Waterproofing EXPERTS • Sump Pumps • Walls & Floor Cracks • ALL WORK GUARANTEED - Licensed Contractor - JPG CONSTRUCTION Cell phone 781-632-7503 508-292-9134 781-808-1061 617-908-0436 Cutting, Weeding, Mulching, Trimming, Brushes, Shrubs & More! FIRE • SOOT • WATER Homeowner’s Insurance Loss Specialists FREE CONSULTATION 1-877-SAL-SOOT Sal Barresi, Jr. - Your fi rst call 617-212-9050 SPADAFORA AUTO PARTS JUNK CARS WANTED SAME DAY PICK UP 781-324-1929 For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Quality Used Tires Mounted & Installed Used Auto Parts & Batteries Family owned & operated since 1946 One Call Does It All! Call for a Free Estimate Landscaping & irrigation/construction & demoLition excavation & site Work • SPRING CLEAN-UPS • WEEKLY/BIWEEKLY LAWN SERVICE • NEW LAWN INSTALLS • MULCHING & EDGING • TREE & SHRUB PLANTING • BUSH & SHRUB TRIMMING • BOBCAT & EXCAVATION WORK • DEMOLITION & REMOVAL SERVICE • DUMPSTER RENTALS 1. What poet – the first published colonial writer/female poet – wrote “verses upon the burning of our house, July 10, 1666,” in North Andover, Mass.? 2. Where is Mile Zero on U.S. Highway 1? 3. What breed of dog is a schnoodle? 4. On July 11, 1767, what sixth U.S. president was born in Braintree, Mass.? 5. What Italian puppet appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show? 6. What was July named for? 7. On July 12, 1909, Congress approved the 16th Amendment, which gives the power to tax what? 8. Where is the 150-mile “Marathon des Sables” held? 9. What galaxy contains earth’s solar system? 10. On July 13, 1871, at London’s Crystal Palace, was the fi rst offi cial show of what animal? 11. What is a cygnet? 12. In what state is Waterproof, a village that has been drowned several times by the Mississippi River? 13. What does “four score and seven” in the Gettysburg Address mean? 14. On July 14, 1864, gold was discovered at Last Chance Gulch (now “Queen City of the Rockies”) in what state? 15. In 1833 what dictionary author published a “corrected” version of the Bible? 16. What plant with thorny purple blooms is an edible weed? 17. On July 15, 2006, what social media platform based in San Francisco started? 18. What has an eye, a shank and a barb? 19. What do swallowtail, fritillary and tortoiseshell have in common? 20. On July 16, 1907, what agronomist was born whose name is a brand of popcorn? ANSWERS $ $ $ $ 1. Anne Bradstreet 2. Key West, Fla. 3. A cross between a schnauzer and a poodle 4. John Quincy Adams 5. Topo Gigio 6. 7. Julius Caesar Income 8. The Sahara Desert 9. The Milky Way 10. Cats 11. A baby swan 12. Louisiana 13. 87 – the then number of years since 1776 14. Montana (Helena) 15. Noah Webster 16. Thistle 17. Twitter 18. A fi sh hook 19. They are butterfl y names. 20. Orville Redenbacher
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