THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 10, 2022 Page 3 Lt. Governor Polito, Secretary Kennealy, and Secretary Card Tour Malden Center $46 yd. J& S Landscape & Masonry Co. MULCH SALE! Discount Spring Special PICK-UP or DELIVERY AVAILABLE 617-389-1490 Premium Hemlock or Pitch Black BELOW WHOLESALE COSTS LANDSCAPERS WELCOME $4 yd. $42 yd. $3 yd. Shown from left to right; Secretary Card, Lt. Governor Karyn Polito and Mayor Gary Christenson on city hall roof deck. Special to Th e Advocate T he transformation of Malden Center has been driven largely by the City Hall redevelopment plan which took perseverance, outside the box thinking and multiple partners. This week the City had the opportunity to thanks its state partners in the revitalization eff ort for much-needed fi nancial assistance to make the project a success. Mayor Gary Christenson hosted an in-person state delegation tour of the building Wednesday afternoon that included Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, Executive Offi ce of Housing and Economic Development Secretary Michael Kennealy and Executive Offi ce of Energy and Environmental and Aff airs Secretary Bethany Card. Others in attendance included State Senator Jason Lewis, State Representative Steven Ultrino, City Council President Craig Spadafora, Councillor-at-Large Karen Colon Hayes and Sandi Silk, Senior Vice President of Jefferson Apartment Group which developed the mixed-use property that includes the 50,000 square foot condominium for city hall, 320 apartments and 25,000 square feet of retail space. According to the Mayor, the City took advantage of three state-sponsored economic development programs to see this project to fruition including the Housing Development Incentive Program (HDIP), the Brownfi elds Tax Credit Program, and MassWorks. The Mayor spoke about this project being the catalyst for the resurgence of Malden Center with its many dining and entertainment options. The project he said has been a “game changer” and has also garnered the attention of other developers who are in the process of making investments in the city to attract lab and life science tenants. “A strong partnership between the City of Malden and state government has been critical to transforming and revitalizing downtown Malden,” said Senator Lewis. “I look forward to continuing these eff orts in the years ahead, including hopefully the redevelopment of Malden Center Train Station.” Added Rep. Ultrino: “The assistance that the Commonwealth has provided the City and will continue to provide has always been critical towards the economic development for our community.” “HDIP,” said Sandi Silk, “supports economic stability and vibrancy in Gateway Cities. Without this innovative and fl exible program, this project simply would not have been feasible.” Council President Craig Spadafora said, “There is no better time to be a Maldonian. This development is a step forward in the right direction casting a vision for a more prosperous city and outlining action steps to restart our economy.” The tour of city hall also included a tour of the J Malden Center apartment building and its amenity space.
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