Page 14 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 10, 2022 Malden High School graduates 449 at 2022 Commencement "It's brutal out here". Graduating class of 22' lines up to receive their diplomas. MHS Principal Christopher Mastrangelo leads the senior class to graduation. Orator Tony Giech speaks to the class of 22' Mayor Chair of Malden School Committee Gary Christenson speaks to Malden Seniors. Principal Chris Mastrangelo gives his introduction of Guests and class of 2022. Senior receives her diploma. Senior and principal Chris Mastrangelo embrace in a final goodbye. Senior Julie Huynh receives her diploma Senior and Malden High staff share a moment of success. Salutatorian Olivia Chan receives her diploma. Senior waves on to her family as she walks proudly with her diploma. Class president Julie Huynh gives her words of encouragement at Malden High graduation.

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