THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, May 29, 2020 Page 9 “Malden: Today, tomorrow and yesterday”... Random thoughts during Phase 1 By Peter F. Levine “I t is said in Malden: today, tomorrow and yesterday...” The hits keep rolling in. Loved this post honoring the life of Preacher Jack – Chris Oleks via Facebook: “Well, John Coughlin aka ‘The Preacher’ may have left the earthly confines of the round mound, but as we all know, he’d like us to remember to ‘kiss a belly button for Jesus,’ and that ‘Jesus didn’t want no bad boogie-woogie!’ Ain’t many true originals out there, especially the ones many never took much notice of, but my Lord, he was one of ’em.” This one also: Mike Cherone, cohost of MATV’s “02148”: “I took a picture with Jack after a sizzlin’ 45-minute set down at St. Rocco’s back in 2009. The likes of which the Feast has not seen since! And of course, many memories at the Blue Star back in the day. Rest in peace, Preacher Jack! Thank you for sharing your music and your love of God! I can still hear you singing ‘Just a closer walk with thee!’ You can’t get any closer now, Brother!” Us old ‘Y’ guys (and there are many of us there still plugging away) are still wondering what happened to the memorial plaque that hung at the old barn for that hard-nosed, but always lovable competitor – Peter Placowicz? Anybody get around to watching the video posted by “The Irish Poet” on YouTube recorded at an Irish couple named Trish & Neil’s wedding in Donegal, Ireland? It might be time. At this point over 9.2 million have viewed the “Catholic flash mob” singing “How Great Thou Art” – bringing tears to the bride as well as a woman sitting a few DONATED | FROM PAGE 1 emony in August with consideration to local and CDC guidelines, they still put together a plan to honor seniors this weekend, a mini-parade consisting of teachers and administrators fanning put across the city to visit each graduating senior’s home. “We thought it would be a great way to honor our seniors, basically bring the graduation to them,” said Malden High School Principal Chris Mastrangelo. “We got a great response from our staff, who are volunteering to drive along the routes. Our seniors are excited about it.” The MHS principal said the idea is for the seniors to be all dressed up in their official caps back Thursday on Friday: “Sherman, set the Wayback Machine to August of 1979” – as reported in the Malden Evening News: “Death knell for the old city hall” – “Malden City Hall is days away from destruction. The M.R.A. board members at their meeting Thursday afternoon voted 3-0-1 to formally confirm the low bidders on the demolition contract. Jay-Mor Wrecking Company of Pelham, NH.” What is old is new, ain’t it?! Happy birthday wishes go out to these outstanding (always and forever) Maldonians Danny John L. Coughlin and Mike “Mr. 02148” Cherone in 2009. (Courtesy Photo) rows back wearing her a majestic “Sunday/Wedding Crown.” And truth be told, breaking this old curmudgeon down also. The simple guitar/organ combo and emotionally inspired lyrics coupled with the sentimental impact of the day offer up a perfect example for the power of music and – bottom line – a well-written song. Local heroes among us: Tricia Larson (Kevin’s saint of a wife) has been stationed over at MGH Chelsea working Herculean hours since the pandemic broke round these parts – working directly with COVID-19 patients. Trish is a physical therapist by trade but since there is no elective surgery going on, she has been working shoulder to shoulder with doctors, nurses and other valiant health care professionals because of the need since the very beginning of this darn outbreak. Direct quote from Trish: “We do what needs to be done.” We thank you so much for that, Trish! Kevin also reports that on Thursday, May 21 he and his saintly wife swapped “I do’s” at a and gowns and have a few family members and friends with them standing in front of their homes. To that end, Mastrangelo and his staff engineered an assembly-line distribution of the caps and gowns, along with some other special gifts for the seniors on Thursday. In addition to caps and gowns, Class of 2020 seniors also received commemorative T-shirts and specially-designed Class of 2020 protective masks from the school. A generous donation from a local business owner, Rob Noe of Universal Screening (175 Ferry St. in Everett), of more than 400 T-shirts was available to present to the seniors Thursday. “Universal Screening and Rob [Noe] are great friends of Mal“neutral location” – the Immaculate Conception Church on the Malden/Medford line being the location. Tricia being a Meffa girl, it was only right that “we met halfway” as Kevin recalls. Kevin calls it “the greatest day of his life.” All the best to you two lovebirds. My nomination for Malden’s new motto: lyrics by late, great reggae legend, Peter Tosh: “Cause I’m a man of the past, and I’m livin’ in the present, and I’m walking in the future, stepping in the future.” When Malden Evening News Editor Steve Freker departed that paper after 32 years, those of us with a love for print media panicked. Would that be the end of one of the last great local print guys? Fear not: Steve now appears on these very pages and has made The Malden Advocate the must read in Malden with his long memory, firsthand knowledge of all things sports in the past 50 years and his way with words. Catch his piece on Carmine Cappuccio last week? Outstanding! I just love this one: Throwden High School and our athletic department. They are always ready to help with great apparel and equipment needs for our student-athletes,” said Malden High School Director of Athletics Charlie Conefrey. “It was a very generous gesture to help honor our seniors. Rob’s the best.” “It’s been a tough year for all of us, especially those seniors from Malden High and all the high schools,” Noe said. “We are happy to do anything we can to help honor them and brighten their day.” Rob Noe, owner of Universal Screening, recently donated more than 400 t-shirts to the Class of 2020. (Courtesy Photo) “Mundo” Provitola, Bethie “Ms. Devir Park” Sampson and Billy “Too Many Parties & Too Many Pals” Settemio. Speaking of the YMCA, whenever I walk through those doors, I always take a moment to stop, reflect and remember the late Andrea Giannattasio whose memorial plaque hangs resplendently on the wall, reminding us to not forget the past. Andrea was an MHS 1975 grad, an inspiration to many of us and (of course) beloved to this day by her many friends and family members. Phase 1 is here. I am cautiously as well as optimistically looking forward to a new and more challenging tomorrow. Doing my part as a member of this community as well as the global community. It will not be easy for many, but we will survive. And adapt. The Saint Rocco Feast will be bigger and stronger next year. Possibly I will appreciate the Boston Red Sox again (next year?), having grown disillusioned over the years with 30-million-dollar-a-year prima donnas and $50 to park your car at Fenway. On a more personal note, my yard has never looked better – the tender loving care missing in recent years back with a vengeance. I’ll really feel we’re on the path of correctness when the state and the powers that be in Malden give the Italian American Citizens Club the okay to open their vaunted door and boccie starts its glorious season. “Look a little on the sunny, sunny side of life” as the greatest lyricist of all time – Ray Davies – once sang. Ten musings from the inimitable pen of the late John O’Brien, whose wit and wisdom endeared him to generations of MHS students, Maldonians and faculty at Malden High School. Here are 10 of my favorite Malden-centric witticisms from his iconic “Musings” columns. Small note: These musings are taken from John’s columns from the 1970s, and to “get” some of his quips it may require residence in Malden for at least the last 45 years. I hope all enjoy nonetheless: “You don’t have to be a druggie to get off on the Orange Line.” “Goodbye Granada, goodbye, Malden Square.” “Is it true that St Rocco is the patron saint of the Rolling Stones?” “Malden must be the greatest city in the world. It’s the only one where you have to pay to get off a train.” “We met on the Isle of Capri, but we split in an aisle at the A&P.” “I fell for a fallen woman, one fall in the Fells.” “When we breakfasted at the Robin Hood, you were the toast of Broadway.” “An optimist is someone who thinks the Malden Station escalator will be repaired before MALDEN: TODAY | SEE PAGE 11

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