THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, May 29, 2020 Page 13 Congratulations MHS Class of 2020 Graduates! Ward 2 School Committee Rob McCarthy Ward 1 Councillor Peg Crowe Ward 5 School Committee John Froio Ward 4 Councillor Ryan O’Malley Elena Martinez, who designed the logo for the loop, and Naomi Kahn are shown with the sign featuring the logo and Councillor-at-Large Stephen Winslow. 5K WALKING | FROM PAGE 1 Croken and Malden High School Track Athlete and U.S. Olympian Louise Stokes. Mayor Christenson notes honoring Joseph Croken this Memorial Day weekend recognizes his dedicated service to Malden both as a Marine and a fair-minded Clerk Magistrate. Councillor Winslow shared that Joe loved to bicycle the Charles River Trail so it’s nice to be able to remember him in this way. Councillor Winslow passed along a copy of a trail sign to Joseph Croken, Jr. of Malden, who attended the opening. Councillor Winslow thanked the Friends of the Malden River and the Run Club of Malden (RCM) for their help. The Friends suggested dedicating the loop to Louise Stokes, who fi rst ran pickup foot races along the railroad that became the Trail. RCM members tested out the loop and look forward to promoting the new loop with groups in Everett and Medford. Also attending the opening were Elena Martinez of Malden, who designed the logo for the loop, and Naomi Kahn of Malden, who printed them. Sign
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