THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, May 27, 2022 Page 7 HOUSING | FROM PAGE 2 for working families in Malden. “Like so many Greater Boston cities, Malden is in dire need of aff ordable housing to keep our community together. I am proud to support this 100% affordable project, which will help address the ongoing housing crisis,” said Mayor Gary Christenson. “This deal illustrates the continued commitment of The Salvation Army and ACDC to serving our residents, and I am grateful to have them as partners in meeting our aff ordable housing goals.” "ACDC's intentions are to ensure that Malden remains aff ordable and accessible to individuals and families of all income levels and uphold the cultural and economic diversity that makes Malden a vibrant city. I commend the City of Malden for their commitment to aff ordable housing by passing the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance in 2021 and now working with us on this project," said Angie Liou, Executive Director of ACDC. "Thank you to The MALDEN: TODAY | FROM PAGE 6 theless is looking forward to that day. Bobby retired a couple years back from his position as Department Head of Automotive at his alma mater, The Voke in Wakefi eld, where he toiled for over 35 years. Predating M.T.V. even! In his (much) younger days he could be found behind the 'pipes' at the Emerson School yard displaying his street hockey skills with his cousin Rob Sensale, 'Soup' Campbell and all the West Street Santo boys. When challenged, they would pack up their gear and take the trip across Highland Avenue to play the 'Bad Boys of Pearl Street Park' for a friendly, yet very competitive game of street hockey. Marie's oldest fondly recalls the Edgeworth of his youth with haircuts at Wendell's, pizza at the Highland Café, Italian subs with everything on it (including hot's) at Charlie Moreno's, clam rolls at King Neptune, and - of course - 35-cent draft beer at Mike's Café. After all these years he remains an Edgeworth boy with no plans of relocating any time soon! Get well soon my friend and please say hello to moms for me! • I met Dickie and Ronny Drinkwater's oldest brother Ralph last week. A great guy and a gentleman just like his younger brothers. • News fl ash.....two bicyclists were (finally) spotted Monday morning May 15th happily pedaling their bikes down Exchange Street. Good to (fi nally) see somebody using the bike lane. I am thinking the pleasant weather and the fact that they had the whole bike lane to themselves were the cause of Salvation Army Massachusetts Division for trusting ACDC to continue the legacy of addressing community needs at 213 Main Street." “From the beginning, Asian Community Development Corporation has been a strong, communicative, and trusting partner committed to serving all of our residents,” said City Councillor Peg Crowe. “I look forward to working with them to engage our neighbors in a community-centered design process for neighborhood-scale aff ordable housing.” The City of Malden provided fi nancing for the acquisition using $949,900 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The project was recommended by the City’s ARPA Subcommittee on Housing, including Co-Chairs Councillor Amanda Linehan and OSPCD Director Deborah Burke, and members Andrew Spoff ord, Katzia Small, and Councillor Karen Colón Hayes. “The American Rescue Plan Act represents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make transformative investments in their mile wide smiles. "This is the end, beautiful friend, this is the end, my only friend, the end” - Most understand that this life of ours is not infi nite. If we're fortunate, we enjoy a few highs, rejoice in some good times. More than likely we have just as many lows along the way (unless you’re a Buddhist of course - insert smiley face). With a milestone birthday rapidly approaching (yes, I know I look good for my age) I think back to the many laughs I had with recently departed friends such as Richie Cremone, Jimmy Damiano, Steve Bouley, as well as the many lost to "the foggy ruins of time." You know the Frank lyric, "One day you turn around, and it's summer, next day you turn around, and it's fall?"At this point in time and space I realize what truly matters in life. It becomes abundantly clear. In my humble opinion, we should slow dance to Sinatra whenever the opportunity presents itself. Laugh out loud. Regardless. Delight in small pleasures. Always! Enjoy 'fruit of the vine!' Embrace friends. Unabashedly. Especially old friends! I regret, on occasion, having not followed my very own counsel. I leave this week with a favorite old quote. If I only wrote one line during my existence, something as clever, anything as cool as this, I would be content. From the original "Goth" whose twisted mind gave us, 'The Raven,' I off er up to you, once again, this brilliant ode to living in the moment from Edgar Allen Poe: “Fill with mingled cream and amber, I will drain that glass again. Such hilarious visions clamber our communities. Ensuring the city’s housing stock stays aff ordable is a critical tactic for keeping Malden welcoming to all who want to live here, and our committee is proud to contribute to this important neighborhood project,” said City Councillor Amanda Linehan. A 100% aff ordable housing development will replace the vacant building at 213 Main Street. Community input will support the design process for this neighborhood-scaled project. ACDC will take over maintenance of the property immediately. “For individuals and families living paycheck-to-paycheck or for those who are at-risk in their current living situations, access to quality, aff ordable housing is pivotal to their long-term stability,” said Major Marcus Jugenheimer, General Secretary, The Salvation Army Massachusetts Division. “We are grateful to ACDC and the City of Malden for recognizing this need as we continue to support our neighbors in the Mystic Valley.” Malden community members through the chambers of my brain. Quaintest thoughts — queerest fancies, come to life and fade away: What care I how time advances? I am drinking ale today.” can fi nd future updates on 213 Main Street at www.cityofmalden.org/213main. To date, ACDC has leveraged over $200M to develop and preserve over 300 housing units to advance aff ordable housing for working-class and immigrant communities in Greater Boston. About Asian Community Development Corporation Since 1987, Asian Community Development Corporation (ACDC) has been working in underserved and immigrant Asian American communities in Greater Boston, Malden, and Quincy, by building aff ordable homes and vibrant spaces, empowering families with asset-building tools, and strengthening communities through resident and youth leadership and civic engagement. Photo by Rodrigo de Mendoza Remember. Honor. Celebrate. WE’LL BE CLOSED ON MEMORIAL DAY, MONDAY, MAY 30TH, TO REMEMBER ALL WHO SERVED OUR COUNTRY. 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