Page 18 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, May 27, 2022 BREAKFAST | FROM PAGE 9 with Latinx immigrants, La Colaborativa has been able to design and deliver an array of programs and initiatives that support some of the most vulnera1. On May 27, 1937, the Golden Gate Bridge opened for “Pedestrian Day” in what city? 2. What fruit is in Black Forest cake? 3. May 28 is National Hamburger Day; what is the name of the Popeye comic strip/cartoon character whose favorite food was hamburgers? 4. What is arachnophobia? 5. On May 29, 1911, W. S. Gilbert died, who did the libretto for what comic opera subtitled “The Slave of Duty”? 6. What type of group is the FDIC? 7. Most cinnamon comes from what island? 8. On May 30, 1911, what car race was first held? 9. Who wrote about being an assistant in a used bookshop in “Keep the Aspidistra Flying”? 10. What fictional family lived in Bedrock? 11. How are Arabian and Bactrian similar? 12. Rap began in what U.S. city? 13. In the movie “Toy Story 2” what animal has the name Bullseye? 14. On May 31, 1634, the Massachusetts Bay Colony annexed what? 15. In what country did the Spanish flu originate? 16. What does the Grammy trophy represent? 17. On June 1, 1813, USS Chesapeake Commander James Lawrence said what famous line after being fatally wounded 30 miles from Boston Harbor? 18. In what state was Tennessee Williams born? 19. The Saguaro cactus is found only in what desert? 20. On June 2, 1928, what processed cheese went public? ANSWERS ble community members in the state including newly arrived immigrants, undocumented families, non-English speakers, and low-income tenants and workers. Their grassroots health efforts during the pandemic, inHall Rentals Available Excellent rates Call 781-324-9570 Wildlife Control and Tree Service 24-Hour Service cluding education around and building access to vaccines, and opening a large food pantry, have been crucial. “We are honored to have received an award from Housing Families at this year’s breakfast,” said Dinanyili Del Carmen Paulino, Chief Operating Officer at La Colaborativa. “Throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic, we have faced many challenges but have also seen the community come together in ways we could’ve never imagined.” Guests also heard a powerful story from Housing Families’ client Maria Willess, who advocated for herself and her family against systemic barriers for years, in the face of chronic illness and homelessness, and was finally able to find stable and supportive housing with Housing Families. Her story highlights the critical need for affordable and extremely low-income housing, as well as the need for increased access to physical and mental health care for community. Housing Families’ CEO, Laura Fully Insured 781-269-0914 Rosi advocated to present legislators to add additional funding to the State budget for the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program and invited attendees to partner with Housing Families and their innovative work to creBREAKFAST | SEE PAGE 19 ~LEGAL NOTICE~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MALDEN PUBLIC SCHOOLS FISCAL YEAR 2023 PROPOSED BUDGET Notice is hereby given that the Budget Subcommittee of the Malden School Committee, in compliance with Chapter 71, Sections 38N of the Massachusetts General Laws, will hold a public hearing for the purpose of receiving comments on the Fiscal Year 2023 Proposed Budget on Thursday, June 2, 2022 @ 6:00 p.m. at the Herbert L. Jackson Council Chamber Room 106, 215 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA 02148 and members of the public are welcome to attend in-person. Members of the public who wish to attend remotely can do so using the following information: https://cityofmalden.zoom.us/j/98862769785 Or One tap mobile : US: +19294362866,,98862769785# or +16465189805,,98862769785# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 929 436 2866 or +1 646 518 9805 Webinar ID: 988 6276 9785 Passcode: 090919 International numbers available: https://cityofmalden.zoom.us/u/agYirS2Kn The Fiscal Year 2023 Proposed Budget can be found on the Malden Public Schools website at www.maldenps.org on Tuesday, May 31, 2022. For more information, please contact the Malden Public Schools at 781-397-6100. May 27, 2022 By: Shirley Dorai School Committee Clerk 1. San Francisco 2. Cherries 3. Wimpy 4. Fear of spiders 5. “The Pirates of Penzance” 6. A corporation 7. Sri Lanka 8. The Indianapolis 500 9. George Orwell 10. The Flintstones 11. They are camel species. 12. NYC 13. A horse 14. Maine 15. USA 16. A gilded gramophone 17. “Don’t give up the ship!” 18. Mississippi 19. Sonoran 20. Velveeta

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