Page 10 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, May 27, 2022 Mystic Valley Regional Charter School boys’ lacrosse seniors honored at Senior Night Pictured from left to right: Malden residents — father Eric, alum/sister Gwen, mother Marcella, senior Shamus Royds and Superintendent Alexander Dan. After graduation, Royds plans to become a plumber. Pictured from left to right: Medford residents — grandfather John, grandmother Patricia, father Richard, senior Daniel Iozza, mother Heidi, grandmother Ilse, cousin Hannah and Superintendent Alexander Dan. Iozzo plans to enlist in the United States Marine Corps after high school graduation. Pictured from left to right: Everett residents — sister Anastasia, father Michael, senior Michael Bessler, mother Andrea, aunt Mary Felts and Superintendent Alexander Dan. Bessler plans to enlist in the United States Army this fall. Pictured from left to right: Everett residents — mother Deborah, senior Jonathan Nogueira and father William during Wednesday’s Mystic Valley Boys’ Varsity Lacrosse Senior Night. Af ter graduation, Nogueira plans to become a plumber. (Advocate photo by Tara Vocino) REPORT| FROM PAGE 3 some guidance and attention,” she said. In her own area of expertise, Kahlens said that all adolescents and young adults have an ongoing need for information, guidance and support on sexual and reproductive health issues. She said a resource that will be available to all who request it will be free condoms. While most of the health care services requested by those under the age of 18 will require parental consent, not so with the free condom distribution. “It will be confidential, and students of any age will be allowed to receive free condoms if they request them,” Kahlens said. “They will not need parental consent.” The Teen Health Center will have a separate, outside entrance and there is no on-site parking at Malden High School for those visiting the center. None of the services offered at the new teen health center are designed to replace or conflict with any services provided by the school nurses at Malden High School or any of the other Malden Public Schools facilities. “This concept has worked well in other school districts, and we are expecting it to be successful [in Malden],” said Kahlens, who previously worked at a similar center at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School. “Students need these services, they really do.”

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