Maldden alld a Vol. 31, No. 21 den AADD -FREEHave a Safe & Happy M Have a Safe & CAT www.advocatenews.net Published Every Friday Maplewood Fest a great success 617-387-2200 Special to Th e Advocate M onday marks the observance of Memorial Day. Though the meaning of this day appears to be fading, Memorial Day remains, to many, a day to remember those who have served in defending our nation. To many it is the unoffi cial start of summer – complete with celebration and commercialism. AdGREAT WORK: Maplewood Fest organizing committee, Kevin Duffey of the Mayor’s Office, Capt. Glenn Cronin, Councillor Carey McDonald, Mayor Gary Christenson, Mr. Maplewood Joe Gray, Miss Suffolk County 2022 Molly Solano, Ward 5 Councillor Barbara Murphy, Malden Police Chief Kevin Molis and Steve Wilson. See pages 12 & 13 for photo highlights. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) MALDEN IS INVESTING IN ITS PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION NETWORK The City wants to know what you think about public transportation in Malden and how it can be improved. M ALDEN – The City is undertaking a Transit Action Plan to create a community-based vision for the next 10-15 years on how to prioritize investment in Malden’s multi-modal transportation network. As a resident, employee, or somebody who passes through Malden using public transportation, your feedback is essential and a key ingredient in our recipe for success! You’re invited to join the Malden Transit Action Plan’s fi rst virtual community meeting on June 1st from 6:30-8pm to help identify issues, opportunities, and a broader vision for Malden’s transit network. You can join the conversation using the meeting details on the City’s website: https://tinyurl.com/2p8djwfp. If you can’t make the meeting, you can also make your voice heard by completing a short survey before June 6th: https://www. surveymonkey.com/r/maldentap. This fi rst community meeting focuses on the Transit Action Plan’s fi rst phase: Understanding Existing Conditions. In addition to soliciting feedback from the community, the City’s consultants have identifi ed barriers to using transit, assessed current mobility patterns, conducted preliminary observations of stations, and many other analyses. Taking part in this community meeting is vital for the City to understand what is and is not working for the public transportation system in Malden. Subsequent phases of the project include Identifying Potential Mobility Strategies and Developing Near and LongTerm Recommendations. They will include community meetings to solicit feedback and be informed by residents’ vision for the public transportation network. These meetings will take place in Fall and Winter 2022 and specifi c details will be posted on the City’s website as soon as they are available. If you’d like to learn more about the project, you can contact the Transit Action Plan’s Project Manager, John Alessi, in the Offi ce of Strategic Planning and Community Development: jalessi@cityofmladen.org. Malden Mayor Gary Christenson, a longtime basketball enthusiast, was on hand Sunday night to deliver the opening tipoff for the new High School Division of the Mac Singleton Basketball League, coordinated and staff ed by Malden Recreation Department and coached by Malden Police offi cers. The league has nearly 200 players with boys in grades 4-12 participating on Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday nights at Coytemore Lea Park. CATET Friday, May 27, 2022 American Legion Post 69 Memorial Day Observance At 75 Meridian St., Malden on Monday at 12:15 PM mittedly, we all wait eagerly for summer to begin. This year Memorial Day will be somewhat muted, as Americans endure infl ation, rising gas prices, and an epidemic and have concerns with the direction of the country. While these issues are signifi - cant to all of us, it remains that OBSERVANCE| SEE PAGE 4 Opening Tap for new Mac Singleton League HS Division

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