Page 6 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, May 17, 2024 ~ Malden Musings ~ Opening Night Bocce Ball at IACC By Peter Levine I 50 Eastern Bank Building on Rte. 1S 605 Broadway, #301 * Saugus (781) 233-6844 www.bostonnorthdental.com t is said in “Malden Musings”... ● Glory, glory hallelujah!! The best time of the year has arrived! Bocce ball returns to the famed court of the Italian American Citizens Club! Opening Night festivities were on Monday, April 22, with Malden Mayor Gary Christenson rolling the fi rst ball as IACC President Bill Settemio proudly looked on! Special guest Maria Luise from the Mayor’s Office (good form, btw) and EXTRA special guest, the unoffi cial Mayor of Edgeworth, Dom Fermano! Let the games begin and fuhgeddaboudit! ● Happy birthday wishes to Kevin Turner! ● Sheila Fermano! Get well soon! Hope to see you in the near future, Mrs. Fermano! San Rock 2024 is right around the corner, and we need you at Batman Corner (Adam & West)! ● Oops, not sure how this epic Dr. Priti Amlani Dr. Bhavisha Patel occasion in 1985 slipped my memory...I remember the moment back in ’85 like it was yesterday. My brother Joe and I were in the steam room at the Old Y when Joey matter-of-factly lets me know Helen is with child, her name, Dorothy – after our mother, Dorothy Drago Levine. The best memory from ’85 for sure! ● Senator (Ed) Markey, I know * Restorative Dentistry * Cosmetic Dentistry * Implant Restoration * Zoom Whitening * Teeth in a Day - All on 6 * Invisalign * CEREC Crowns (Single Visit Crowns) * Root Canal Treatment * Sedation Dentistry ~ Full Mouth Rehabilitation ~ Before After you’re out there. I realize you’re a busy man, but we hope to see you at this year’s San Rock Festa. First sausage on me! ● Don’t seem possible but that precocious youngster from West Street, (Lisa’s love) George MacKay (crime control specialist for the MPD), had a milestone birthday just last week! George was a little rascal growing up but grew to be a fi ne young man and the Pride of Edgeworth! Happy 6-0, big guy! How did that happen?! ● Birthday girl Jeannie Pisaturo Tucker from the Controller’s OPENING NIGHT: First night of bocce ball at the Italian American Citizens Club (IACC) with special guest Mayor Gary Christenson rolling out the fi rst ball as IACC President Billy Settemio, Club member Jimmy Tucker from Public Facilities and former Malden Controller Dom “Unofficial Mayor of Edgeworth” Fermano. Office just celebrated a milestone birthday; for that we wish you many more, my friend. Jeannie’s family threw her a surprise (mumble, mumble) birthday party at a standing room only Anthony’s on Canal Street. Jeannie is like wicked popular so if you scored an invite to this shindig, well, you were lucky (raising hand). Jeannie, happy (mumble mumble) birthday and remember (mumble, mumble) is the new 40! Love ya! ● There are “stand-up guys” like the late Thomas Manning, and then there are the rest of us. Tom passed on April 17 just shy of his 81st and is the father of City of Malden Administrative Offi - cer Kathleen Manning Hall. I did not know Mr. Manning but just reading the fi rst paragraph of his obituary made me a big fan; “His journey through life was marked by unwavering strength, boundless determination, strength of mind, and a legendary sense of humor that brightened the lives of all who knew him.” Condolences to your family, Kathleen. May his memory be a blessing. ● Another notable birth in 1985 took place in God’s Country aka Edgeworth. Edgeworth royalty – Anna Puleo – meets the Pride of Meff a, Ernie Ardolino Sr., and their bambino, Ernie Jr., would eventually go on to fame if not fortune on every ball fi eld and park from Devir Park to Pierce Field at Arlington Catholic and beyond. Malden BRL MVP, All-Star back at AC, to college ball at Saint Anselm’s in New Hampshire before settling down, having two beautiful boys (Aiden and Andrew) and becoming Supervisor at Parking for the City of Malden – 1985 was a very good year indeed! ● I’ve been forewarned. Going forward I have a two “fuhgeddaboudit!” limit. Just made it this week. Insert smiley face. ● My Honey Fitz (Restaurant?), how do I love thee, let me count the ways. My recent comments may have sounded harsh, but they were said with Malden love. To be continued... ● Some grumpy, old keyboard warriors on myFace want to “cancel” me, complaining that I practice “institutional sexism” – that I don’t include enough females in my columns. Good grief! Here’s hoping they take their afternoon nap before they read my next column. Just once more... ● I’d like to see the look on Annette Magistro’s face when the Devir Park girls’ softball team clinched the title with a comeback win against the mighty, mighty (I believe) Miller Park girls back in ’73. Boone’s Farm Apple Wine had nothing to do with the big, beautiful smile on her face. Insert smiley face. ● I’d like to spend another Thursday night at Frank’s Steak House with my bestie, Vinnie Disano, drinking Remy, busting beans and watching Boston boogie-woogie piano man Preacher Jack have another nervous breakdown just for us. Our waitress, Sunday, proving to be George and Billy Ravanis’ best

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