Maldden alld a Vol. 33, No. 20 den -FREEYour Local News & Sports Online! Scan & Subscribe Here! AADD By Steve Freker T oday was just one of many days that the Malden High School Senior Class of 2024 has been looking forward to since the 2023-2024 school year began. Friday was the last offi cial day of classes for the MHS seniors, and a whole slate of activities await them, including some major “Red Letter Days.” Malden Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Ligia Noriega-Murphy congratulated the Class of 2024 at the most recent Malden School Committee meeting and wished them well on their upcoming Graduation Day, which is set for Sunday, June 2 at Macdonald Stadium. “We are so proud of our seniors and this is an exciting time of the year for all of them and their families,” Supt. Noriega-Murphy said. “We wish them all the success they deserve.” The first major social event for seniors is the Senior Prom, MEMORIES | SEE PAGE 21 CTE OCAT AT www.advocatenews.net Published Every Friday IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR! Malden High Senior Class of 2024 have plenty of memories straight ahead Last day of classes is today; Senior Prom on Wed., May 22; Graduation Day is Sun., June 2 617-387-2200 M ALDEN, MA – Mayor Gary Christenson recently provided an update on an exciting new aff ordable housing initiative in Malden with the completed acquisition of 245 Bryant Street by Asian Community Development Corporation (ACDC), using funding approved by the Mayor from the American Rescue Plan Act.The property has been the home of the Congregation Agudas Achim Ezrath Israel for many years.When the Congregation made known its plans to downsize to a property that fi t better with the current membership, Mayor Christenson directed his ARPA Housing Subcommittee to work with ACDC on a city-funded acquisition. The action was championed by Ward 7 Councillor Chris Simonelli. Under the American Rescue Plan, Mayor Christenson established a series of committees The “Red Carpet” part of Prom Night, where promgoers arrive at the school and walk down the stairs before an admiring crowd, is one of the highlights of the year. It takes place at the front of Malden High School at 4:00 p.m. Above: Class of 2023 senior Ronald Juarez walked the Red Carpet with his date. (Advocate Photo) Mass. Tree Wardens meet and plant a tree in Malden Special to Th e Advocate L ast week the City of Malden hosted the Massachusetts Tree Wardens and Foresters Association’s monthly meeting in Malden for the fi rst time. Following their meeting the group had lunch at a Malden restaurant and then planted a celebratory tree at Forest Dale Cemetery. The meeting commemorated Malden Cemetery Director Chris Rosa’s 2024 Massachusetts Tree Warden of the Year award at the Massachusetts Tree Wardens and Foresters Association’s Annual Conference held in SturWARDENS | SEE PAGE 7 E Friday, May 17, 2024 Mayor Christenson Announces New Affordable Homeownership Opportunities Development to be located in Councillor Simonelli’s Ward Seven Gary Christenson MAYOR to focus on areas of great community need to put the ARPA funds to work in a way that would have a lasting impact on the community.With aff ordable housing having been one of the Mayor’s top priorities, he tasked this ARPA Housing SubcommitHOMEOWNERSHIP | SEE PAGE 9 Annual Memorial Day Ceremony in Malden May 27 P lease join the Malden community for a ceremony as we remember and honor the men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifi ce for our Nation’s freedom on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27 at 10 a.m. at Forest Dale Cemetery. For more information, please email kjarvis@cityofmalden.org. Pictured from left to right: Mayor Gary Christenson, Cemetery Director/Malden Tree Warden Chris Rosa and Mass. Tree Wardens and Foresters Association President Ed Olsen. (Courtesy of the City of Malden)

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