THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, May 12, 2023 Page 5 Ward 7 Councillor Simonelli working on initiative to help community access resources Malden Collaborative is in early stages; would connect residents to existing agencies, groups, training By Steve Freker A s they say, it is a tall task to try and be all things to all people. Chris Simonelli says the city where he grew up is driving him to give it a try. “We need to all work together to not only grow our community,” the Ward 7 Councillor said. “We have to really address how we can instill a sense of community with our people that live here.” Councillor Simonelli may have just returned to the City Council after a decade-plus absence, but he’s been a Malden resident all along. Simonelli: ‘Malden’s made me and I will never forget that’ “Malden’s made me and I will never forget that,” he added, “and I am going to work my hardest to try and show our residents, whether they have been here for years or maybe just came here from another country, what this city is all about.” To that end, Councillor Simonelli said, he is nearing fruition on a multifaceted initiative that will begin in his Ward 7, but he believes it has citywide potential. In fact, he is banking on that concept. Already, he has had initial meetings with both Malden Mayor Gary Christenson and representatives from an interested corporate partnering sponsor, WinnDevelopment of Boston. A more intensive meeting with mayoral staff , where more details will be discussed with additional confi rmed and potential stakeholders, is planned within the next week, Simonelli said. WinnDevelopment is a corporate affi liate of WinnCompanies, which owns and operates Bowdoin Apartments, one of Malden’s affordable housing developments, which is situated on 10 acres bounded by Lisbon and Bowdoin Streets in Ward 7. Did not have to look far for potential sponsor Councillor Simonelli did not have to look too far before approaching a potential corporate sponsor for his new initiative, which is tentatively called Malden Collaborative. He lives in the Bowdoin Street Apartments himself and has formerly lived in the 250-unit Newland Street affordable housing development. Together with the 263-unit Bowdoin Street Apartments, over 500 Malden families live ty and its residents. Simonelli said WinnDevelopment, the Bowdoin Street Apartments’ owner, has already pledged some seed money to get the ball rolling on Malden Collaborative. Simonelli said the City of Malden is assisting him in seeking other funding sources as well, including the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) federal grant allocation. MassHousing TAP Chris Simonelli Ward 7 Councillor in those two housing developments alone in Simonelli’s represented ward. “That is a lot of families, and the way I look at it, a lot of families that could use access to programs off ering assistance and resources,” Councillor Simonelli said. The Ward 7 Councillor served in the late 1990s and 2000s before returning to the City Council by winning the seat vacated by former Councillor Neal Anderson in the 2021 municipal election. One of the fi rst proposals on his drawing board when he returned to the Council was to explore the implementation of a Ward 7-based Community Center, off ering programming, training for jobs and other goals and access to a number of resources for residents. Simonelli explained he and his supporters initially eyed the potential of the Temple Ezrath Israel building – 245 Bryant St., in the heart of Ward 7 – as a possible site. Aff ordable housing conversion is planned A new focus on that building as conversion to aff ordable housing using city resources for acquisition and renovation changed those plans. Most recently, Councillor Simonelli said he is now pursuing the Malden Collaborative concept. In doing so, at the advice of municipal administrators, he said, he has begun discussions with a linkup to the state-funded MassHousing Tenant Assistance Program (TAP). The Malden Collaborative would initially be a local member site for MassHousing TAP. Available to all housing developments, TAP offers member sites unlimited access to trainings, a choice of diverse programs and workshops for residents and assistance in developing and maintaining new programs that may uniquely fi t a specifi c communiProgram is coming “There is really no limit on the INITIATIVE | SEE PAGE 10 WE CAN HELP PAY YOUR HEATING BILLS! You may qualify for ABCD’s Fuel Assistance Program and be eligible for as much as $2,200 towards your heating costs (oil, gas, or electric). Maximum benefit is $2,200 Household of 1 = $42,411 Household of 2 = $55,461 Household of 3 = $68,511 Household of 4 = $81,561 Cold days are coming. ABCD’s got you covered. Need a hall for your special event? The Schiavo Club, located at 71 Tileston Street, Everett is available for your Birthdays, Anniversaries, Sweet 16 parties and more? Call Dennis at (857) 249-7882 for details. APPLY TODAY! 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