Page 20 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, May 12, 2023 Friends of the Malden River share upcoming events Here are some dates to put in your calendar! T he May 8 scheduled meeting was postponed to May 15, as the Malden River Works Steering Committee was also meeting on May 8. Since there are overlapping members of Malden River Works and the Friends of the Malden River (FoMR), they will be postponing the monthly meeting to May 15 via Zoom. New: Saturday, May 13, 1-4 p.m.: Wicked Cool Mystic will be treating folks to ice cream at Kierstead Park in Malden. We want to hear from you! Share ideas with us of how city policies and infrastructure can keep us cool during the increasing heat waves! Did I mention free ice cream and fun activities? You can fi ll out a Malden community survey at https://bostonu.qualtrics.com/ jfe/form/SV_erDwrhJ8NqHVTTw MUSINGS | FROM PAGE 3 August 11, 12 and 13. Beetlejuice make their triumphant return on or in your home language (best): • Arabic: https://bostonu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_78NPsQMhnq5Uke2 • English: https://bostonu. qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_erDwrhJ8NqHVTTw • Simplifi ed Chinese: https:// bostonu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/ SV_bQxqfE2xhPfpSJ0 • Spanish: https://bostonu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/ SV_24qHiug8Q0mvyui • Vietnamese: https://bostonu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/ SV_839WYrGDVgRyaSa • Portuguese: https://bostonu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/ SV_3z0erS0vCaV1pLU • Haitian Creole: https://bostonu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/ SV_88R2aA6GgucvnbU Sunday, May 14, 9:30-noon: Idle Friday night; fan favorites WildFire return for a Saturday night performance with Steve Savio’s “Sea Breeze” and Billy Joel TribMulti-Family Yard Sale Downsizing for retirement Lots of good stuff including items in original boxes Saturday, May 13th, 8:00 – Noon 110 Grand View Ave, Revere * Crack Repairing * Pot Hole Filling * Striping Handicapped Spaces * Free Estimates Tom’s Seal Coating Call Gary: 978-210-4012 Discount Tree Service 781-269-0914 Humane Removal Service COMMONWEALTH WILDLIFE CONTROL ANIMAL & BIRD REMOVAL INCLUDING RODENTS CALL 617-285-0023 Professional TREE REMOVAL & Cleanups 24-HOUR SERVICE Hands Craft Ales is running a Malden River/Neighborhood Cleanup with a complimentary beer for people over 21 years old. Let’s celebrate Mother Earth by caring and sharing with Running Club Malden and FoMR. To register go to https://www.eventbrite. com/e/mothers-day-for-mother-earth-malden-river-cleanup-tickets-596003030107?fbclid=IwAR1LrOG26M1ogJ-lQRP r p u it mM S J9 P 49 y - jH9hoCYv5fKBI2BrWDuyOh61go or just show up! Sunday, May 21, 8:00-noonish: The Mystic River Watershed Association’s 27th Annual Herring Run and Paddle (https://mysticriver.org/ calendar/2023/5/21/27th-annual-my stic -r iv er-her - ring-run-and-paddle) at Blessute Act “Heart Attack Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack” entertaining on Sunday. • More than one young lady overheard saying they want to be just like Rosemarie Barricelli when they grow up. Looking great, Rose! • Chef Chris (Cirino) of the kitchen is to be complimented. The food, as always, was excellent. Then the vino started to flow. Then the dancers showed up on the dance fl oor. Then I hightailed it home for my recliner. Malden’s own Ed Sheehan wrote these touching words some years ago. Ed was born in 1918 and passed away in 1992 at age 74. Those 74 years were fi lled with (like most of us) the ups and downs of life but always with a deep-rooted love of Malden. Ed was an actor appearing in the original (1968) Hawaii Five-O, 1980’s Magnum PI with Tom Selleck and the acclaimed 1960 fi lm “Twelve Hours to Kill” with Barbara Eden, Gavin MacLeod and Nico Minardos. If you are Malden, these words go straight from the Ed’s heart to yours. They jump off the page right out at you, much like Elliot Paul and his culturally important volume, “Linden on the Saugus Branch,” where you can see, smell and hear our beloved Malden of yesteryear: “There is a part of me that will always be Malden. Our family was wealthy in everything but money. My father was a sheet metal worker and my mother, a nurse...moved to Malden ...thinking it a nicer place to raise a family. They were right. Our clothes were always clean - our stomachs full. I left high school after the fi rst year to go to work. After that I got my education at the Malden Public Library. I went to Pearl Harbor in 1940 - where it was always summer - I have always been happy. But ing of the Bay Boathouse. Register now for a fantastic way to support the Mystic River. Bike to the Sea will be leading a 14mile bike ride (11:00-1:00). For more information go to https:// biketothesea.org/event/2022herring-run-paddle-bike-copy/ Saturday, June 3, 2 p.m.-5 p.m.: Explore Malden River with the Chinese Culture Connection and Malden River Works. Come to River’s Edge for an Environmental Science Fair and family fun with games and activities. More information to follow! Saturday, June 10,12-7 p.m.: Malden PorchFest throughout our Fair City! (https://maldenporchfest.com/) Saturday, June 17, 11:00 a.m.3:00 p.m.: Juneteenth in Malden: at Lincoln Commons with music, I need only to shut my eyes to bring back the faces and places of Malden - its streets of brilliant autumn, moist spring, and silent snow. Summer sassafras and lilac, fresh bread, crisp apples - the slap of a screen door and my mother’s voice summoning me to supper. In my memory there is a Malden that will never change. I am grateful to it - I wish it could have happened to everybody.” It is said in “Malden Musings”... • Had a wonderful conversation with Paul Abare’s oldest sister, Marie, recently. We went down Paul Abare memory lane (and of course) not a dry eye over the phone by the time we fi nished. Paul was a very special person who we all looked up to (literally as well as fi guratively) and admired not only for his hoop skills, but for the kind, gentle man he was. • On a recent Friday morning walk through the streets of Malden with brother Joe, we encounter some of Malden’s best and brightest: Parking Department Supervisor Ernie “Son of Ernie” Ardolino, retired Malden firefighter and all-star southpaw pitcher for the Belmont Hill Bashers of the old Malden YMCA Outreach Softball League – Donny Boyce, and the original “problem solver” himself, Dana Brown. Dana was off to give advice and to problem solve for yet another school system within the Greater Boston area. Darn, why can’t we get guys like him to solve our problems. • Good grief! Have you heard about the aspiring local pol showing up unannounced at a certain social media infl uencer’s home with gifts and a request for a selfie? As Walter Winchell once said, “The same thing happened today that happened yesterday, only to diff erent people.” performances and a free community BBQ. For more information go to https://cityofmalden. org/Calendar.aspx?EID=3446 Support the Massachusetts Waterways with a Massachusetts Environmental Trust license plate; purchase an Environmental Trust Plate – https://www.mass.gov/ guides/a-guide-to-purchasing-a-specialty-environmental-license-plate Mission of the Friends of the Malden River: FoMR seeks to promote awareness of and interest in the Malden River, improve its water quality and increase access for public enjoyment. Check out their Facebook page (https:// www.facebook.com/FriendsoftheMaldenRiver) and website (https://maldenriver.wordpress. com/) for more information! • Can you believe Arthur Kahn recently turned 90? Seems like he’s been around for 190 years! I kid. Arthur has told me on at least 25 separate occasions the time his suit was stolen out of his locker at the old Y. The way he tells it, I could hear it another 25. Congratulations, Arthur, the years have been kind to you. • Breaking news! Dave Angelo (MPD Maintenance Engineer & former Highland Cafe CEO) is a grandfather! Sonny Joseph DiFilippo was born on May 2 weighing in at 10 lbs. 2.8 oz. and 22" tall! Congratulations, my friend, enjoy! As Peter Falk’s iconic TV character Columbo would say, “Just one more thing, sir” – and now, the word directly from San Rock: “As we approach the 93rd Annual Saint Rocco Feast, we realize how blessed we are to keep this tradition alive – for 93 years! When a group of Italian immigrants assembled for the first time in 1929, it was to honor a tradition they brought with them from their homeland of Italy. They would be proud to know that their tradition is alive and well. The spirit of Saint Rocco lives in our hearts the whole year, and this gives us the strength to carry on the tradition of our forefathers. Mille grazie (many thanks) to all of you for being a part of the San Rocco tradition and supporting us throughout the years. Please mark your calendars for the greatest event in the city of Malden for the past 93 years and join us on August 11th through the 13th. Buona Fest! Viva Saint Rocco! A Cent’Anni!” Peter is a long-time Malden resident and a regular contributor to the Malden Advocate. He can be reached at PeteL39@ aol.com for comments, compliments or criticisms.

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