THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, May 12, 2023 Page 13 Lecture explores friendships that made Malden C ome join us on Thursday, May 25 at 7:00 p.m. for “In This Together: Friendships That Made Malden,” an exploration and celebration of the importance of friendship with local historian and author Dee Morris. While supporting a cause, working together towards a common goal or transacting business, many Malden residents from the past became good friends. Their life stories reveal their mutual respect and affection, and their importance to the development of our city. Philanthropist Elisha S. Converse, artist Ernest Ipsen, abolitionist Harriet Robinson and socially prominent Alice May Davenport and others heavily relied on their trusted connections. In our own time, friendship still builds community. Dee Morris is a scholar and educational consultant specializing in the 19th-century history of Greater Boston. She is the author of “A Brief History of Somerville,” “Medford: A Brief History” and “Boston in the Golden Age Malden Catholic students from Malden achieve Third Quarter Honor Roll M alden Catholic students have completed the coursework required for the third quarter of the 2022-2023 school year. The school has three categories for outstanding academic performance honors: President’s List (90 to 100 in all classes), First Honors (85 to 89 in all classes) and Second Honors (80 to 84 in all classes). Photo by E.C. Swain taken from above the Clifton Street Bridge, which crossed over the Boston & Maine Railroad. (Image Courtesy of Malden Historical Society) of Spiritualism: Séances, Mediums & Immortality.” Her goal is to help us all connect to our civic ancestors. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Malden Public Library and the Robinson Lecture Fund. For more information, check out the Malden Public Library website at www.maldenpubliclibrary.org or call 781321-9460. Malden Catholic Honors – QUARTER THREE 2023 President’s List (90 to 100 in all classes) Wenshi Bai, Jaidan Downey, Mishel Duque, Owen Goodreau, Anne Harrington, Paul Harrington, Caroline McAuliffe, Jordyn Meehan, Leticia Ribeiro, Santiago Rojas, Yixiao Shan, Daniel Shea, Sachelle Sterlin, Joseph Urias, Chen Yang First Honors (85 to 89 in all classes) Alyssa Babineau, Daniel Barros, Jessica Berlus, Amaurys Cruz, Nicholas Evans, Sabrina Fallon, Ruth Fedna, Julia Gamitto, Venshika Ghai, Amita Han, Gianna Holland, Brooke Keane, Kaitlyn Knox, Sebastian Montes, Fru Nche, Jackson Norales, Addison Romprey, Jordyn Sikora, Adam Smida, Vi Vu, Weiqi Wang Second Honors (80 to 84 in all classes) Kaelen Beardsley, Tuan Bui, Hanshen Chen, Weihang Ding, Connor Fitzpatrick, Scott Gage, James Gage, Mikayla Holland, Mihir Jani, Kayla McAuliffe, Erynne McNulty, Joseph Molinar, Caitlin Nylin, Megh Patel, Josh Pereira, Elicia Perez, Jenna Pilleri, Zoe Rogers, Sophia Salinas, Talia Schuman, Ayuska Tamang, Marissa Willard, Ethan Wong About Malden Catholic: Since 1932, Malden Catholic High School (MC) has shaped emerging leaders in our community, claiming a Nobel Laureate, a Senator, two ambassadors and countless community and business heads among its alumni. Annually, graduates attend some of the nation’s most renown universities, including Harvard, Dartmouth, Georgetown, Brown, Cornell, Tufts, Duke, Georgia Tech, Boston College, Northeastern, Boston University and Amherst College. Foundational to student success is MC’s codivisional model which offers the best of both worlds: single-gender academics during the day and integrated social and extracurricular opportunities after school. MC is known in the community for its rigorous academics, SFX Scholars Program and award-winning STEM program with electives like Robotics and Engineering Design. MC curricula is designed to improve individual growth mindset, leadership principles and success outcomes along with integrating the Xaverian values of trust, humility, compassion, simplicity and zeal. https://www.maldencatholic.org/

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