Page 8 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, May 10, 2024 Frank Cali celebrates 100 years Local organizations coordinate birthday bash T he Malden community came together on April 19 for a very special occasion: the 100th birthday of Frank Cali. Mystic Valley Elder Services (MVES) organized a party with Frank’s family, friends and neighbors. Also in attendance were an array of state and city leaders, including State Senator Jason Lewis, State Representatives Paul Donato and Steven Ultrino, Malden City Council President Stephen Winslow and the Director of Community Services at the Massachusetts Executive Offi ce of Elder Aff airs, Annette Peele. Frank received Citations from the dignitaries in recognition of his milestone birthday and his contributions during his 100 years. Frank has been a resident of 630 Salem St. for over 20 years. He is known for his thoughtfulness, sense of humor and positive outlook. Gerry D’Ambrosio Attorney-at-Law Is Your Estate in Order? Do you have an update Will, Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney? If Not, Please Call for a Free Consultation. 14 Proctor Avenue, Revere (781) 284-5657 “He has an incredible faith in God and is always kind and considerate of others here at 630 Salem. If Frank misses a day or two at the meal site I get bombarded by all the ladies wanting me to check up on his location,” noted MVES’ Resident Service Coordinator at the building, Terri Fitzgerald. Terri collaborated with the Malden Housing Authority (MHA) to plan the birthday bash, which included a catered lunch, gold and silver decorations, and a cake that was as tasty as it was enormous! There were also displays that shared popular culture facts from the year of Frank’s birth, 1924, as well as Red Sox stats from that year, in honor of his love of the team. MVES CEO Lisa Gurgone and MHA Executive Director Stephen Finn both addressed the crowd to wish Frank a wonderful birthday and share some MVES Resident Service Coordinator for 630 Salem St., Terri Fitzgerald, posed with Frank Cali on his 100th birthday. Terri and the Malden Housing Authority teamed up to throw Frank a special birthday party on April 19. of their favorite stories about him. Frank was a shoe cutter by profession. For 77 years, he worked for popular manufacturers like Stetson and Stride Rite. He loved crafting leather into shoes, so much that he turned down an offer to become a foreman. While working at the upscale company French, Shriner & Urner in South Boston, Frank cut shoes for many movie stars, including Pat Boone and Frank Sinatra! Frank’s most important role is being a family man. He was married to his wife Rose, his “angel,” for 68 years. Together they had two children, Jim (Vince) and Ann, who were on hand to help him celebrate his big day on April 19. He is deeply proud of his grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandMass. Executive Offi ce of Elder Aff airs Director of Community Services Annette Peele and Mystic Valley Elder Services CEO Lisa Gurgone celebrated with Frank Cali on his 100th birthday. Frank is a beloved resident of 630 Salem St. Some attendees at the 100th birthday of Frank Cali (center, front), pictured from left to right: State Senator Jason Lewis, State Representative Paul Donato, Malden City Council President Stephen Winslow, State Representative Steven Ultrino, Mass. Executive Offi ce of Elder Aff airs Director of Community Services Annette Peele, Malden Housing Authority Executive Director Stephen Finn and Mystic Valley Elder Services CEO Lisa Gurgone. children! Frank enjoyed some good-natured teasing about his love of gambling on the dogs and the horses, his luck at the Bingo table, and his favorite meal – rabbit. Yet all who attended were quick to pay tribute to his role in the Malden and 630 Salem FLAG | FROM PAGE 1 rector of Veterans Services Kevin Jarvis to place fl ags at the graves of veterans at Holy Cross Cemetery. Volunteers are still needed for Memorial Day fl ag placement at Malden Cemeteries and residents, veterans, students and civic organizations are invited to assist with the placement of fl ags on veterans’ graves in preparation for Memorial Day. St. communities, his devotion to his family and his kindness to everyone he meets. “The sweetest sentiment that his son Jim shared, and I couldn’t agree more,” said Terri, “is that if Frank had two nickels he would fi gure out how to give you fi ve nickels!” Flag placements will take place every day from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.: Monday, May 13 through Friday, May 17 at Holy Cross Cemetery; Monday, May 20 through Friday, May 24 at Forest Dale Cemetery. Anyone who is able to volunteer to assist in placing fl ags at our veterans’ graves, please call the Veterans’ Services Department at 781-397-7139 and provide dates and times that you are available.

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