THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, April 29, 2022 Page 21 Congresswoman Clark speaks on 107th Anniversary of Armenian Genocide C ongresswoman Katherine Clark recently shared her thoughts about the 107th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, which was April 24. Last year President Joe Biden declared that the Ottoman Empire’s killing of 1.5 million Armenians was an act of genocide, an offi cial recognition that Clark has supported throughANTENNA | FROM PAGE 11 should be done on the antenna in front of my house, when they were never requested before with regard to other residents who were worried about radiation. The council could have voted to remove the antenna that day, but instead pushed to delay the vote even though it was under court order to make a decision on the antenna. I am asking Steve, as my Ward Councilor, for the same level of respect and out her career in Congress. Watertown, which is in Massachusetts’s Fifth Congressional district, is home to the third largest Armenian community in the United States. “As we mark the 107th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, we recognize this dark chapter in our world’s history and renew our commitment consideration that was given to the other homeowners who asked for the antennas to be moved in front of their homes. If the Committee can support removing an antenna for a TREE being too close to it, it clearly should remove it for a child who is 5 years old! I trust that you and your family would not choose to live this close to this antenna. The risks are just too high given the signifi cant amount of confl icting research. You would not want your child next to this ~ APT. FOR RENT ~ North Everett - 4 rooms, third floor, no washer/dryer, $1250 / month. Call Carmen at: 617-331-6084 Your Hometown News Delivered! 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The Armenian Genocide is not an opinion – its facts are undisputed, and the legacy of this trauma cannot be erased. These crimes against humanity must be remembered and spoken about truthfully if we are to heal and learn from history,” said Clark. “My antenna continuously 24 hours a day, and you would not want your property rights violated by living near an antenna fi ve feet from your property line, emitting electromagnetic radiation into your house. Even the Verizon and National Grid workers who are in the neighborhood all agree that it is a no brainer to remove the antenna. We deserve leaders in this community who put the citizens of Malden fi rst and not take the side of Verizon. The current For Rent Everett 3 Bdr. - 1st Floor Nice Hardwood Flooring No Smoking, No Pets Close to Public Trans. Section 8 Accepted 857-888-1537 own Congressional district is home to Watertown, Massachusetts, a hub of Armenian life and culture. I have had the privilege of getting to know many members of the Armenian community, and their strength and resilience is an example to us all. I will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Armenian people legal maneuvering and stalling taking place with regard to this issue is sad and shameful. The council should vote immediately to unanimously remove this antenna and send a message that Verizon does not run our city. I kindly ask of you, please contact Steve Winslow at 781-397-6893 or swinslow@ cityofmalden.organd urge him to support the removal of this 5G antenna so I can continue to live in Malden in peace and not need to uproot my family to fi ght for truth, justice, and a recommitment to peace.” Clark is an original cosponsor of the Armenian Genocide Education Act, new legislation to give teachers across the United States the resources they need to educate students on the atrocities of the Armenian Genocide and the consequences of intolerance and hate. from this wonderful community we share. I truly appreciate you taking 3 minutes of your day to empathize in this matter as if it aff ected your own family. Your support means the world to me and will help set a community precedent that the rights of ALL of our families and properties deserve to be respected and protected. Thank you so much. Regards, Joe Dauenhauer 37-39 Willard Street APT. FOR RENT Three rooms, one bedroom apartment Conveniently located near MBTA Off Eastern Ave. in Malden, 9 Stearns St. SECTION 8 WELCOME Please call 781-985-2915

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