Page 14 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, April 22, 2022 Tornados fall in squeaker to Revere, 3-2 Tornado first baseman Shai Cohen looks to tag out Revere’s Olie Svendson. Jake Simpson slides back to first base after trying to make a run for second base during their game Monday with Revere. Shai Cohen looks to the umpire to call him safe at first base. Bo Stead looks to make a hit for Malden. Bo Stead at first base looks back to the first base coach for some tips before taking off for second base. Third baseman Z’Noels Aht instructs his teammate towards home plate in hopes of tagging out the incoming win. Brandon McMahon avoids being hit by a pitch during Monday’s game with Revere. Malden Catcher Bo Stead Bo Stead makes a run for first base after hitting a single for the Golden Tornado’s. Relief pitcher and first baseman Shai Cohen took the mound Monday in the 6th inning after Revere’s 2-1 lead fell to 3-2.

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