THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, April 21, 2023 Page 7 MUSINGS | FROM PAGE 6 “Growing up in Linden during the ’60’s - ’70’s where Linden School Principal, Bill Dempsey, a WWII veteran loved and cared about each and every student regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, economic background, or religion was an amazing experience and I have nothing but gratitude and positive memories about those carefree days growing up in Malden. “As a young lad growing up in Lynn until my family moved to Malden in the summer of ’67 these were the guys I looked up to: Mr. Bill Dempsey. Malden YMCA Director Ken Butler. Mr. “Malden Babe Ruth League” Bob Rotondi. Malden High School (Class of 1965) outstanding track star - Bob Bruen. Tom Dempsey - Malden Catholic High School (Class of 1966 who placed 3rd in the 1965 New England H.S. Cross Country Championships). The great Dan Moynihan from Malden Catholic - Class of 1969 who won the 1968 - New England High School Cross Country Championships and the 1969 Two Mile in the New England Championships and became only the 2nd Massachusetts’s high school runner to break 9 minutes for the 2 miles. Greater Boston Track Club Pioneer / Founder, Billy Squires. Four-time Boston Marathon winner as well as the G.O.A.T. American Marathoner, Billy Rodgers who was living in Melrose in 1975 when i started to train/run twice a day. Also, high school greats like Art Dulong from Randolph, Alberto Salazar from Wayland, and the great Eric Hulst from California. I also admired Yaz, Namath, Jim Ryun, Ted Williams, Orr, and Russell. At the top of my list is my biological dad who was the G.O.A.T. high school basketball player to graduate from Salem High School (1958) and he had the distinction of receiving the fi rst full basketball scholarship that Northeastern ever off ered in 1958. “The G.O.A.T. all-around high school athlete to come out of Malden (in my opinion) was Neil Hurley who was a 1966 Malden Catholic graduate. Richie Cullen was also part of that class and was a football star for that great 1965 Malden Catholic squad, All-American in football, and the star of the 1965 Malden Catholic State Champions - and he was a Massachusetts all-scholastic athlete in football, hockey, and baseball. “1965 was the year that the greatest Malden High School ‘miler,’ Bob Bruen graduated. Bruen won the New England High School Mile in 4:12 and smashed the old record of 4:15 by 3 seconds. It was only one week earlier that Bruen ran a 4:14 mile in the Massachusetts all-state high school track & fi eld championship and smashed the old record of 4:16 for the mile. Bob Bruen fi nished off his incredible Malden High School track career by fi nishing 2nd to the great Jim Ryun in the National High School Track & Field Championship meet in Sacramento, California with an amazing time of 4:08.” Postscript: Speaking of the living legend Peter Caso (not Bruno Sammartino) – I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge somebody who I feel has been forgotten during Pistol’s meteoric rise to fame (if not fortune): one David Milliken, whose presence as a “social media influencer” has been overshadowed these past few years by the Pistol. David and Pete started their journey together years ago as “partners in crime,” so to speak. Walking, talking and posting together all things to do with the celebrated streets of Malden – mostly on the “Malden, back in the day” Facebook page. Pete followed his gut and went solo about three years ago, creating his own destiny, but Dave stayed behind to carry on what they had started together. Since Pete’s departure Dave’s posts on MBITD have entertained as well as informed Maldonians who yearn for a look at yesterday Malden and the simpler lives we led. Pistol’s vision was moving forward, informing Maldonians on present day issues near and dear to those trying to navigate these complex times we live in. They both do a stellar job. Thank you, David, thank you, Pete, for your devotion to the good and welfare of the city we all love. —Peter is a longtime Malden resident and a regular contributor to the Malden Advocate. He can be reached at PeteL39@ aol.com for comments, compliments or complaints. Advocate Call now! 617-387-2200 advertise on the web at www.advocatenews.net Mackey & Brown Attorneys at Law * PERSONAL INJURY * REAL ESTATE * FAMILY LAW * GENERAL PRACTICE * PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY * CIVIL LITIGATION 14 Norwood St., Everett, MA 02149 Phone: (617) 387-4900 Fax: (617) 381-1755 WWW.MACKEYBROWNLAW.COM John Mackey, Esq. * Katherine M. Brown, Esq. Patricia Ridge, Esq. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING

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