Maldden alld a Vol. 32, No. 16 den AADD -FREEYour Local News Online: www.advocatenews.net CTE OCAT AT www.advocatenews.net Mayor and Malden are recipients of SCI Connect for Community Impact Award T Published Every Friday 617-387-2200 Advocate Staff Report he City of Malden Cemetery Board of Trustees has voted to presell 25 niches in the cremation wall located at the Forest Dale Cemetery through a lottery system. Applicants must be CONGRATULATIONS, MR. MAYOR: Pictured from left to right: Police Chief Glenn Cronin, Malden resident Alyssa Adai, business owner Ralph Long, Malden Career Services Coordinator Kashawna Harling, Health & Human Services Dept. Community Communication & Outreach Specialist Tamerlie Roc, Eastern Bank Chair/CEO Robert Rivers, Mayor Gary Christenson, Asian Community Development Corporation Executive Director Angie Liou, Mayor’s Offi ce Language Access Coordinator Elena Martinez, State Representative Kate Lipper Garabedian, Berkeley Investments Senior VP Dan McGrath, Director of Strategic Planning and Community Development Deborah Burke and Jeff erson Apartment Group Senior VP Sandi Silk. Special to Th e Advocate M ayor Gary Christenson was the recipient of the 2023 “SCI Connect for Community Impact Award” on behalf of the Malden community. The award is presented annually by Eastern Bank as part of the SCI Social Capital Inc. Connect & Inspire Series. It is presented to recognize a community that is eff ectively collaborating across sectors to create a vibrant and healthy community for all its residents. Eastern Bank CEO Bob Rivers nominated Malden to receive this community award as part of the 2023 SCI Connect & Inspire series. “Since becoming Mayor in 2012, Gary Christenson has established Malden as a viMAYOR | SEE PAGE 4 Officials celebrate new Early College program at Malden High School Special to Th e Advocate S tate Senator Jason Lewis, State Representatives Steven Ultrino, Kate Lipper-Garabedian and Paul Donato, and the City of Malden are excited to announce a new Early College program partnership between Malden High School and Bunker Hill Community College. This program was approved by the Healey-Driscoll administration in March along with eight other high schools across the state. The Massachusetts Early College program gives students the opportunity to take college courses and earn credits at no cost before they graduate from high school. Early College allows students to get a head start on their higher education and contributes to signifi cantly higher college enrollment and completion rates, particularly for low-income, minority and fi rst-generation college students. In 2019, approximately 76 percent of Early College students enrolled in college after high school graduation compared to 55 percent of their peers who did not participate in Early College. “I’m very excited for this new opportunity that students in Malden will have to benefi t from Malden High’s Early College program partnership with Bunker Hill Community College,” said Senator Lewis. “The benefi ts of this program – especially for English learners, low-income stuPROGRAM | SEE PAGE 4 E Friday, April 21, 2023 Forest Dale Cemetery Niche Wall Pre-Sale Lottery 150 Forest St., Monday through Thursday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. The drawing will be limited to 25 niches. For any questions concerning eligibility and compliance with presale requirements, please call the offi ce at 781-322-2360. Forest Dale Cemetery Malden residents for the past 10 or more consecutive years and will be limited to one entry per household. Deadline to enter will be April 30, 2023, and the drawing will be held on Monday, June 12, 2023, at 5 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 1st fl oor, Malden City Hall (attendance at drawing not mandatory). Interested parties may submit their name, address and contact information to crosa@ cityofmalden.org or mconnolly@cityofmalden.org. Entrants may also apply in person at the Forest Dale Cemetery office, $3.29 GALLON We accept: MasterCard * Visa * & Discover Price Subject to Change without notice 100 Gal. Min. 24 Hr. Service 781-286-2602

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