Maldden alld a Vol. 31, No. 15 den AADD -FREESpecial to Th e Advocate M etro Credit Union is meeting with city offi cials to discuss benefi ts of its new 40-year mortgage. Metro recently added the 40-year mortgage to its product lineup, which includes options for jumbo loans and biweekly payments. The 40-year mortgage will make becoming a homeowner a reality for more individuals, including fi rst-time homebuyers who are having diffi culty getting into the market. Metro CEO Robert Cashman recently met with Mayor Gary Christenson to discuss the new off ering. “The 40-year mortgage is a great resource for Malden residents,” said Cashman. “I hope the new mortgage term allows MAYOR | SEE PAGE 20 Mayor Gary Christenson and Metro Credit Union President/CEO Robert Cashman (Photo Courtesy of Metro Credit Union) Malden resident clowns around for Shriners Circus T he Shriners Circus is back with an “all new” show. Presented by the Aleppo Shriners at the Shriners Auditorium in Wilmington, the circus will be held for the fi rst time since 2019 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Malden resident Ernest “Rollo” Pearlstein will also be back. Many Malden residents have seen Pearlstein – as Rollo T. Clown – roller-skating in parades and festivals over the years. Pearlstein has been a Shriner (and a clown) for 43 years and has been part of the circus planning committee for over a decade. “Many years ago I watched the Shriners clowns at a parade and saw how much joy they brought to the faces of the children that were in the crowd,” said Pearlstein, who has lived with his wife, Marjorie, in Malden for 38 years. “Almost immediately I became a Mason, which is required to become a Shriner, and then as soon as I was eligible, I became a Shriner.” Pearlstein’s involvement as a member of the circus planning committee prevents him from performing as Rollo as much as he would like, but the father of six and grandfather of 10 said he hopes to put on the face paint, red nose and possibly even his roller skates for at least one of the performances at this year’s Shriners Circus. The Shriners Circus will off er 12 performances during school vacation week from Wednesday, April 20 to Sunday, April 24. Highlights of the 2022 Shriners Circus: aerialists, dancers, acrobats, death defying stuntmen riding four motorcycles at the same time in the Globe of Death, and a man being shot out of a cannon. Of course, the famous Aleppo clowns will spread laughter and silliness throughout the arena. No exotic animals will be performing at the circus. Tickets can be purchased Ernest “Rollo” Pearlstein at www.AleppoCircus2022. Eventbrite.com. Parking is free. Have a Safe & Happy Easter and Passover er CATOCAT www.advocatenews.net Published Every Friday Mayor meets with Metro Credit Union CEO to discuss affordable housing 617-387-2200 By Steve Freker he City of Malden collectively took a giant step on a number of fronts in improving its infrastructure with a series of votes by the City Council Tuesday which commits just over $15 million toward a variety of major projects. In a series of fi ve consecutive, unanimous 9-0 votes, the City Council authorized significant spending on major infrastructure improvements including replacing lead water service lines; reconstructing and new construction of water mains; and citywide roadT TE Friday, April 15, 2022 Malden City Council commits just over $15M in municipal funding for infrastructure improvement projects City authorized to borrow over $14M to replace lead water service lines; Replace, repair water mains; Improve roadways; Rehab Devir Park Craig Spadafora City Council President IMPROVEMENT | SEE PAGE 11 Eight members of MVRCS’ Class of 2023 to receive National Merit recognition ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE: Pictured front row, from left to right: Isabella Chu and Audrey Wherry. Middle row, same order: Regina Wierzbowski, Hailey Ho, and Dukens Maurin. Back row, same order: Huyen Le, Eric Wang, and Caroline Crowley.(Courtesy of MVRCS) M ystic Valley Regional Charter School has received notice that eight current juniors will receive recognition from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC). The following Mystic Valley students are among the three percent of students selected out of more than 1.5 million eligible students across the country based upon their outstanding PSAT RECOGNITION| SEE PAGE 8

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