MUSINGS | FROM PAGE 6 them it was a focal point of excitement and adventure. A marvelous mixture of the free American spirit coupled with the character-building traditions of, ‘The Old Country.’ “Whereas: As years have passed, interest and anxiety will be of the utmost concern seeing how the ‘Old Gang’ has fared over the years in this trying and turbulent world. “Whereas: This being the fi rst reunion of the citizens of Edgeworth, Malden, everyone will celebrate this happy occasion in a cheerful and blessed manner. “Whereas: I, James S. Conway, Mayor of Malden, do hereby declare Saturday, November 12, 1977, as ‘Edgeworth Reunion Day,’ to be celebrated at the Malden Armory, Mountain Avenue, Malden.” As Peter Falk’s iconic TV character Columbo would say, “Just one more thing sir” – this night was a once-in-a-lifetime event. The Edgeworth community showed up – en masse. Such an unmitigated success that a second event took place only a few short years later. Residents started discussing the inaugural event at J. Amicone’s Jelly Factory on Pearl Street (yes, there was a jelly factory on Pearl Street). It was there that the Edgeworth Reunion Committee was formed. Familiar neighborhood names, such as Dom Fermano, Paul Callahan, Gus and Frankie Disano, Joe Fontana (who recently passed away – my condolences to the Fontana family) and Marge Vogel were Committee Offi cers. Arthur Cuscuna, Gerri Belknap, John Colangeli, John and Joey Amicone and Sal “Butchie” Gennetti were on the Board of Directors. Tickets went fast at $17.50 a pop and could be purchased at Gabby’s Barber Shop on Highland Avenue or Amicone’s Jelly Factory on Pearl. Four generations of Edgeworthians – over a thousand people – attended. You read that THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, March 3, 2023 Postscript 1: Most of the committee members in the photo are no longer with us. Joe Bogan, Butchie Gennetti, Dom Fermano and Joan Goodwin may be the “last men standing” – so to speak. But the memories remain. Butchie remembers the night vividly and recalls it as a right: 1,000 showed up to the “elaborately decorated” Malden Armory! The fun got under way at 4 that long ago Saturday with a “get acquainted happy hour” featuring “The Satinaires.” My thoughts – how many gallons of homemade vino were consumed in that hour (in that night?!). At 7 sharp, dinner was served. Our elders danced and made merry until 1 in the morning to the sounds of “The Big Band” before staggering home. I was told services at Saint Peter’s Church were cut short the next morning due to poor attendance. Urban myth? You be the judge. “very emotional evening.” He called it a “happy emotional” gathering (my note: especially with an open bar all evening!) with names and faces not heard or seen in Malden in decades. Paraphrasing Butchie: Time was marching on, carrying friends and (some) family members further and further apart, but the emotional connection between this community survives outside of time. It was a “night for the ages,” he concluded. Postscript 2: In my mind’s eye, all roads lead back to Edgeworth, to that time and place where our/my life journey started. Life stretched out in front of us – exciting, mysterious – to that first at bat on Devir Park’s Bruce Field. To that very fi rst Saint Rocco Feast. To that fi rst stolen kiss on the Bandstand. To that fi rst gym class at Beebe with Mac Singleton. To that fi rst Italian sub with everything (including hots) at the Big A. To that fi rst pizza at the Highland (or DiPietro’s). To that fi rst buckPage 7 et of fried clams at King Neptune. To that fi rst draft beer at Mike’s Cafe. To that fi rst lime rickey at O’Neill’s Drug Store. To the very fi rst time being chased by Malden Peace Offi cers off the corner of Highland & Whitman and the Bandstand. To the very fi rst Joe Levine organized “Chill Out” at the ITAMS. To the fi rst time meeting our brandnew park instructor at Devir, Cliff Cioffi . To meeting (the one and only King of Edgeworth) Albert Spadafora for the fi rst time. All roads – seemingly – leading back to Edgeworth, in my mind’s eye, anyway. Postscript 3: Disclaimer: But you can easily replace Edgeworth with Maplewood, or Lincoln Park, or Linden, or Oak Grove, or Newland Street or Green Street or Amerige. Have a go at it. Don’t cost nothing. And it’s fun! Postscript 4: Congrats, by the way, to Butchie and his daughter Lisa who are just crushing it in bocce tournaments this winter down in Florida. Looking forward to seeing that handsome kisser of yours once again in person, Butchie! Stay well, my friend. —Peter is a longtime Malden resident and a regular contributor to The Malden Advocate. He can be reached at PeteL39@ aol.com for comments, compliments or criticisms. Mackey & Brown Attorneys at Law * PERSONAL INJURY * REAL ESTATE * FAMILY LAW * GENERAL PRACTICE * PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY * CIVIL LITIGATION 14 Norwood St., Everett, MA 02149 Phone: (617) 387-4900 Fax: (617) 381-1755 WWW.MACKEYBROWNLAW.COM John Mackey, Esq. * Katherine M. Brown, Esq. Patricia Ridge, Esq.

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