THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, February 9, 2024 Page 15 Meet the 2024 Malden, Revere and Everett High School Wrestling Co-Op Team Greater Boston League Team, shown from left to right: Front row: Thomas Cau, Maria Luiza Medeiros, Kevin Prada Araujo, Nora Hounain, Kenny Wong, Katelyn Vo, Eduardo Landaverde Lemus, Chris Seccareccio, Hayden Butler, Matt Chan, Audrey Nguyen and Declan Chaisson; back row: Co-Head Coach Kevin Isaza, James Montello, Peter Noel, Obert Jean Louis, Stanley Davitoria, Angel Chinchilla, Radley Lekuku, Kevin Argueta, Jason Wang, Carlos Jimenez, Hakim Malik, Gaetano Foster, David Prada Araujo, Sean Cochran, Jason Vasquez Tevez, Elijah Miranda, Mark Sylvain and Co-Head Coach Nick Erban. By Tara Vocino T he Malden High Golden Tornadoes, Revere High Patriots and Everett High Crimson Tide Wrestling Co-Op team were honored during their Senior Night against the Saugus-Peabody High School Sachems/Tanners at Malden High School last Wednesday. Their banquet is Tuesday, March 12 at Anthony’s of Malden at 6 p.m. Shown from left to right: Co-Head Coach Kevin Isaza, CoCaptains Maria Luiza Medeiros, David Prada Araujo and Kevin Argueta and Co-Head Coach Nick Erban. Wrestlers hailing from Malden, shown from left to right: Front row: Kenny Wong, Kevin Prada Araujo, Nora Hounain, Katelyn Vo, Eduardo Landaverde Lemus, Thomas Cau, Matt Chan, and Audrey Nguyen; back row: Co-Head Coach Kevin Isaza (MHS), Obert Jean Louis, Stanley Davitoria, Jason Wang, David Prada Araujo, Sean Cochran, Declan Chaisson and Co-Head Coach Nick Erban (EHS). Wrestlers hailing from Revere, shown from left to right: CoHead Coach Kevin Isaza (MHS); Carlos Jimenez (Sr., 190 lbs.); Radley Lekuku (Soph. 144 lbs.); Hakim Malik (Sr., 175 lbs.) and Co-Head Coach Nick Erban (EHS). (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Wrestlers hailing from Everett, shown from left to right: Co-Head Coach Kevin Isaza (MHS); Maria Luisa Madeiros (Sr., 113 lbs.); Kevin Argueta (Jr., HVY); Angel Chinchilla (Soph., 157 lbs.); Gaetano Foster (Soph., HVY); Mark Silvain (Jr., HVY); Jason Vasquez Tevez (Soph., 138 lbs.) and Co-Head Coach Nick Erban. Shown from left to right: Co-Head Coach Kevin Isaza, GBL team players James Montello, Peter Noel, Hayden Butler, Elijah Miranda and Chris Seccareccio and Co-Head Coach Nick Erban.

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